Campus Resources

Counseling & Psychological Services (CPS), 406-994-4531

CPS provides free and confidential counseling to MSU students. Students use CPS for support for a variety of concerns: depression, anxiety, substance use, eating disorders, academic concerns, stress, relationship/family issues, and identity concerns, to name just a few. CPS is located in the Swingle Building above Student Health Services and next to the SUB. To schedule an appointment, call 406-994-4531 or stop into the office. Learn more at

Members of the MSU community may also call CPS to consult about a student they may be concerned about. CPS staff can always take information and provide guidance for how to assist a student, but please be aware that laws around confidentiality may limit the information CPS can provide.

Student Health Services, 406-994-2311

The Student Health Service occupies the east wing of the Strand Union Building, opposite Cobleigh Hall. Counseling and Psychological Services is located in the north end of the upper level of the Health Service.

Office of Health Advancement, 406-994-4380

The Office of Health Advancement educates, empowers, and energizes the MSU community to thrive through a balanced lifestyle.

OHA promotes generalized well-being by educating on topics such as sexual health, nutrition, physical activity, stress management, as well as the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. We address primary health and safety risks specific to the college population by applying evidence informed and collaborative prevention strategies. 

Nutrition Services, 406-994-4380

Nutrition Services is available to help students in their efforts to make healthy lifestyle choices and seek whole health, and works together for student empowerment and to facilitate healthy outcomes.

Insight Alcohol and Drug Assistance Center, 406-994-4380

The Insight office provides referral, pre-assessment support, which promotes the legal, healthy and low-risk use of alcohol and the non-use of illicit drugs.

Dean of Students Office, 406-994-2826

The Dean of Students Office is available to assist students with academic concerns during times of illness, trauma, or personal difficulty. They can communicate with professors to help students stay on track academically, as well as facilitate time away from school or withdrawals. They can also help link students with other campus and community resources. The Dean of Students Office is located in the basement of the SUB in room 174 and can be reached at 406-994-2826.

The staff in the Dean of Students office also works to ensure the safety and welfare of students. If parents, students, faculty, or staff have concerns about a student, they may call the Dean of Students Office to consult or to report issues of concern. Issues of concern may also be reported online.

Office of Student Success, 406-994-7627

The Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success provides multiple services to support student success. Tutoring, group study sessions, and academic success seminars are all available there, as well as success coaching and financial planning and education. They are located next to the Bobcat Grill in SUB 177 and can be reached at 406-994-7627. Learn more at

Community Resources

Bozeman Help Center, 406-586-3333

The Bozeman Help Center staffs the 24-Hour Crisis Hotline and Referral Service. They accept calls from those who need support at all hours of the day or night for suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, or other personal problems. They also provide community referrals and answer local calls to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

National Resources