Yes, enrollment is required per MSU security standards and practices.

Watch the How-To Enroll video here for instructions.

No. Jamf is used to provide security and operating systems updates and has a remote support control feature.

Jamf should not impact the performance of your system. If you think the performance of your machine is impacted after installing Jamf, please contact your Departmental IT or the Service Desk.

Yes. Jamf enrollment and other features will work off campus.

Operating system updates, application updates for third parties and security updates.

Self-service installs will be used so you will be prompted to do the updates. After a certain period, the updates will install automatically.
Yes. A reboot or application restart is often needed. A restart exemption request can be made through the Service Desk.
Remote assistance allows an IT administrator to connect to your computer for troubleshooting purposes. There is a prompt on the system which allows the user to grant remote access permission.
You can enroll your iPad, but the device will be erased and set back to factory settings. Please contact the Service Desk if you want to enroll your iPad.

Jamf allows UIT to manage Apple products by providing security updates, operating system updates, application delivery and a remote administration tool. This will greatly simplify support and maintenance of these devices across campus and improve their integration into our environment.

Please contact your Departmental IT or the UIT Service Desk at or 406-994-1777 with any issues you may have with installation.

If your question is not answered from the list above, please email the Service Desk with your question and an agent will contact you. 

Email UIT Service Desk