Space Management Committee
Name | Position | Represents | Term# | Ends |
Terry Leist | Chair/ Ex Officio | VP Administration & Finance | - | Perm. |
Robert Mokwa | Vice Chair / Ex Officio | Provost | -- | Perm. |
Alison Harmon | Member | VP Research & Economic Development | -- | Perm. |
Dean Adams | Member / Ex Officio | UFPB Chair - Ex Officio | -- | Perm. |
Doralyn Rossmann | Member | Deans Council Representative | -- | |
Steve Swinford | Member / Ex Officio | VP Student Success | -- | Perm. |
Lisa Brown | Member | Faculty Senate, Gallatin College | -- | |
TBD | Ex Officio | Director of Disability Services | -- | Perm |
Rob Maher | Member | Faculty Senate | -- | |
Ian Godwin | Ex Officio | University Data & Analysis | -- | Perm. |
Charlynn Malcolm | Member | All Staff Council Representative | -- | |
Jacob Zink | Member | ASMSU President | -- | Perm. |
Duane Morris | Member | Director of Auxiliary Services | -- | |
Sandra Sward | Ex Officio | Office of Sponsored Programs | -- | Perm. |
Durward Sobek | Ex Officio | Vice Provost | -- | Perm. |
Grant Petersen | Staff Support | Director of Planning, Design & Construction | -- | ---- |
Richard Rudnicki | Staff Support | PDC-Planning Manager | -- | ---- |
Alisha Downs | Staff Support | PDC-Space Planning & Management | -- | ---- |
John How | Staff Support | AVP University Facilities Management | -- | ---- |
Agendas and Active Space Requests
Please visit Space Planning and Management (SPM) for monthly agendas and space requests.
If you are looking for a space, please fill out our Space Request Form.
Develop policies and plans in alignment with the University Strategic Plan and institutional priorities for allocations, conversions and growth; report on assignments and utilization of spaces; make recommendations to the President regarding university space.
- Link to the Space Management Policy (March 2021)
- Link to the Space Management Principles and Procedures (March 2021)
- Link to the Guidelines for Allocation and Management of Research Space (March 2021)
- Link to Space Management Space Standards and Target Utilization Rates
Scheduled the first Friday of each month, from 10:30 AM to Noon, in the Presidents Conference Room in Montana Hall room 10 unless otherwise noted.
All members and ex officios are voting; all staff support are non-voting.
Length of Term
Varies; for professional and faculty, 3 years.
Appointed By
Dean's Council, Faculty Senate, and All Staff Council shall nominate candidates for the respective SMC representatives and forward them to the President for appointment. The ASMSU President shall appoint an ASMSU representative.
Chair | Vice Chair |
Current--Terry Leist Title--Vice President for Administration & Finance Appointed By--Position Length of Term--Term of office |
Current--Robert Mokwa Title--Provost Appointed By--Position Length of Term--Term of office |
Advisory To
University President
Reports Due
As requested