Fall 2024


Nick Ross, Bozeman's transportation and engineering director, will discuss current transportation projects and future challenges as Bozeman continues to grow. Ross will discuss the many factors considered in designing, constructing and managing a safe and efficient transportation system, including speed limits, engineering standards and public comment.

"Traffic management is a timely local issue as the city experiences continued growth of all housing types in its core and periphery," he said.

About the Speaker

Nick Ross

Director of Transportation and Engineering, City of Bozeman.


What are Gallatin County's primary health concerns, and how are they evaluated and addressed? Kami Kirchberg, System Manager of Community Health Improvement and Partnerships at Bozeman Health, and Kate Batchelder, Accreditation and Health Equity Coordinator at the Gallatin City-County Health Department, will explore the county's health issues, discuss how the county and Bozeman Health prioritize these conditions, and outline strategies to mitigate their impact.

About the Speakers

Kate Batchelder

Kate Batchelder is the Accreditation and Health Equity Coordinator at the Gallatin City-County Health Department. Her work in this role includes a range of projects, including the Community Health Assessment. Before joining the health department, Kate worked in other social sciences, such as international education research and international development program evaluation. She has lived in Bozeman for over a decade, and outside of work, she explores the area through trail running, works in her garden of native plants, attends Bozeman Symphony concerts with her husband, and is always up for a good book recommendation.

Kami Kirchberg

Kami Kirchberg is the System Manager of Community Health Improvement and Partnerships at Bozeman Health. In this role, Kami builds partnerships across the community to collectively work on addressing the health priorities of our communities. Bozeman Health relies on powerful partnerships with organizations such as the health department, HRDC, and Community Health Partners to accomplish this. Kami has been in Montana for over nine years, and outside work, you can find her bagging a new mountain peak, exploring Montana's ski resorts, or being the team cheerleader at weekly trivia.

Spring 2024


Scott Humphrey will present the current state of the Bozeman Yellowstone Airport and changes anticipated in the future. This presentation and discussion will provide a window into the role that the airport plays as a national gateway to the Greater Bozeman area.

About the Speaker

Scott Humphrey

Scott joined Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport on September 1, 2009 as Deputy Airport Director. Prior to joining the Bozeman team, Scott was part of the Virgin America Airlines start-up team based in San Francisco, CA where he developed staff, IT infrastructure and policy/procedures for Virgin America's Operations Control Center and led the department through FAA certification. Additionally, Scott spent 23 years with Delta Air Lines in management roles within Airports and Flight Operations. 


The Montana Constitution requires local governments to ask their citizens to review local government structures every 10 years to decide if the existing form of government meets that community's needs. Ballots will be mailed to Gallatin County residents in May for election day on June 4.

At the Friday Forum, Ashley Kent, Associate Director at the Local Government Center at MSU, will discuss a brief history of this feature in the Montana Constitution. Forum participants are encouraged to submit questions and comments in advance via Zoom registration.

About the Speaker

Ashley Kent

Ashley Kent joined the Local Government Center (LGC) in July 2014. She currently manages the certified education programs the LGC offers for local government officials, provides governance and leadership workshops, and is developing new educational tools to enhance the LGC training offerings. Ashley earned her bachelor's degree in Business Management from Montana State University in 2012 and her Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Montana in 2017. Prior to the Local Government Center, Ashley worked in other departments at MSU including Human Resources and Institutional Equity.


Jason Stuart, vice-chair of the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority (BSPRA), and Dan Bucks, chairman of BSPRA's Development & Strategic Engagement Committee, will discuss the history of passenger rail service in Montana and current efforts to re-establish passenger rail service across southern Montana.

In December 2023, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) announced that BSPRA successfully applied to include the former North Coast Hiawatha route in the FRA's Corridor ID program. Of the 69 routes FRA selected for inclusion in Corridor ID, this is the only national, long-distance route chosen for the program. The FRA awarded BSPRA an initial grant of $500,000 to prepare a Scope of Work, the first step in Corridor ID. Millions more in federal funding will follow to create a Service Development Plan in Step 2 and for environmental reviews and technical engineering in Step 3. As part of its ongoing Long-Distance Rail Study, FRA also recently revealed that the former North Coast Hiawatha route is one of 15 long-distance rail routes FRA has identified as preferred for restoration.

Regional rail authorities in Montana aim to preserve and improve abandoned rail services for agriculture, industry, or passenger traffic and to preserve the abandoned railroad right-of-way for future transportation uses when determined to be practicable and necessary for the public welfare. The Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority's mission is to provide for the reestablishment of safe, reliable and sustainable passenger rail service across southern Montana that increases opportunity and contributes to the health and well-being of people across the state and beyond.

About the Speakers

Dan Bucks

Chairman of the authority's Development and Strategic Engagement Committee.

Jason Stuart

Vice-chair of the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority.


Parking availability and management affect downtown homeowners, businesses and visitors alike. Paul Reichert, executive director of the Prospera Business Network and a city parking advisory committee member, and Ellie Staley, director of the Downtown Bozeman Association, will discuss the issues and strategies to address problems. An additional panelist may be announced at the event.

About the Speakers

Paul Reichert

Paul Reichert has over 25 years of nonprofit and community development experience. He served as executive director for both the Helena and Bozeman Downtown Business Districts and as the agency director for the Montana Heritage Commission. His accomplishments in downtown redevelopment, project funding and various local economic development efforts give him the background to assist the business clients, entrepreneurs and local governments that Prospera serves in our part of Montana.

Ellie Staley

Ellie Staley has been the executive director of the Downtown Bozeman Association for three years. Before that, she served as the assistant director since 2006. She moved to Bozeman in 2000 after earning a bachelor's in biology and environmental science at the University of Nebraska. She has over 20 years of event coordinating, sales and management experience at several established local businesses in addition to her work managing the membership, events and marketing for the Downtown Bozeman Association.


Gallatin County taxpayers will pay the first half of their property tax bills in early January, with many line items increasing. In May 2020, Bozeman residents approved the creation of a citywide Parks and Trails District that provides a dedicated funding source for maintaining and improving city parks and trails. In the November 2022 election, Gallatin County residents voted to support a levy of up to nine mills to fund operations and capital expenses for the Gallatin County Rest Home. In addition, a significant portion of funding for the Bozeman School District comes from mill levies that voters must approve.

Mitch Overton, Bozeman Parks and Recreation director, Darcel Vaughn, the Gallatin Rest Home administrator, and Michael Waterman, Executive Director Business and Operations for Bozeman School District #7, will provide updates and perspectives on their taxpayer-supported programs and services. They will also discuss what special needs have been or need to be met in the future.

About the Speakers

Mitch Overton

Bozeman Parks and Recreation director

Darcel Vaughn

Gallatin Rest Home administrator

Michael Waterman

Executive Director Business and Operations for Bozeman School District #7

Fall 2023


U.S. Census data shows that Bozeman and Gallatin County are rapidly growing communities. With this growth come challenges and opportunities. Bozeman's mayor-elect, Terry Cunningham, Bozeman's deputy mayor-elect, Joey Morrison, and County commissioner, Jennifer Boyer, will discuss their vision for our community in 2024 and beyond.

About the Speakers

Jennifer Boyer

Jennifer Boyer serves on the Gallatin County Commission. She has a background in water resources, community planning and public land management. She has served on numerous boards and community initiatives, including HRDC Streamline, Gallatin Watershed, CASA, Seat at the Table and Montana Freshwater Partners.

Terry Cunningham

Terry Cunningham currently serves as the Deputy Mayor of Bozeman. He owns the marketing agency Cottonwood Enterprises, Inc. and is the executive director of Run Dog Run, a non-profit that builds dog parks. He is also a writer whose works have appeared in Montana Quarterly, CARVE, the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, The Tributary and Explore!

Joey Morrison

Joey Morrison is Bozeman's deputy mayor-elect. A Montana native, he has a background in social work and served on Bozeman's Economic Vitality Board. He is also a founding member of Bozeman Tenant's United, which was formed in 2022 and describes itself as a multiracial, intergenerational group of tenants fighting for housing for all.


Data from the 2020 U.S. Census showed that Bozeman was one of the fastest-growing small cities in America. With that growth comes challenges related to environmental and climate impacts, open space, adequate transportation infrastructure and housing affordability. Years of studies and plans led to the recently proposed update to the city's development code, promoting compact growth while creating more housing units and options.

Bozeman-based planning consultant Mark Egge will discuss the theory behind the recently postponed revisions to Bozeman's development code. The city's community development manager and project lead planner, Chris Saunders, will answer questions about where the proposal stands now that the city commission has postponed adoption.

About the Speakers

Mark Egge

Mark Egge, Bozeman-based planning consultant

Chris Saunders

Chris Saunders, community development manager, City of Bozeman


HRDC President and CEO Heather Grenier and Bozeman City Manager Jeff Mihelich will discuss the history and challenges regarding urban camping in Bozeman. It is influenced by several issues facing the city: affordable housing, the worker shortage, and the high cost of living in Bozeman. Understanding and managing local urban camping also informs the need and planning for local services and housing.

Grenier and Mihelich will also address the recent city ordinance intended to manage the use of city streets and other public spaces for urban camping and answer questions on this important and timely local issue.

About the Speakers

Heather Grenier

Heather Grenier graduated from MSU in 2000. She's been working at HRDC ever since. She assumed leadership of HRDC in 2016.
Jeff Mihelich

Jeff Mihelich began as Bozeman's city manager on May 26, 2020. He is a credentialed city manager with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). He has 28 years of experience in large cities, small towns, and counties, including his most recent term as deputy city manager and chief operating officer of Fort Collins, Colorado. 


Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Statewide Fisheries Management Plan was recently released for public comment. The Plan provides management direction for all state waters under the jurisdiction of MT FWP.

Mike Duncan, the fisheries manager for Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Region 3, will discuss the extensive scientific research that went into the plan, the development process, which included many state officials and employees, and the role of the public in the public comment process. A public question and answer period will follow the presentation.

About the Speaker

Mike Duncan

Mike Duncan earned a Ph.D. in Fish and Wildlife Biology from Montana State University and is the author of numerous publications in various professional journals. He has extensive training as a fisheries biologist. His recent work in the Madison and Gallatin drainages, home to some of the country's most popular and contentious trout fisheries, showcases his ability to handle complex challenges effectively. He has extensive experience collaborating with state and federal agencies, private landowners and consulting firms. Mike has been involved in successfully restoring fish and wildlife habitats for numerous game and nongame species, including threatened and endangered species, in diverse landscapes across Montana.

Spring 2023


The Montana Legislature’s 68th session ends May 5. Three reporters from the Montana Free Press who cover the Legislature will speak on significant results in the fields they report on. The panelists include Amanda Eggert (energy and environment) and Alex Sakariassen (voter access and education).

In addition, Susan Dana, emerita professor of law at Montana State University, will address legislation most vulnerable to Constitutional challenge.

OLLI will reserve 30 minutes for your questions. OLLI intends for this session to be informative and non-partisan reporting, not commentary on the legislators or wisdom (or not) of individual legislation. Therefore, please frame your questions accordingly.

About the Speakers

Susan Dana

Susan Dana is Professor Emerita of Business Law at MSU. During her 25-year career at MSU she taught a variety of law related courses in the Honors College and the Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship where she also served as Associate Dean and Interim Dean. She has recently taught OLLI courses on both the First Amendment and the law of privacy and is also currently the Chair of the Board of the Gallatin Valley Land Trust. She holds a B.A. in Classics from Brown University and a J.D. from Stanford Law School.

Amanda Eggert

Amanda Eggert is an environmental reporter with Montana Free Press. Prior to becoming a full-time journalist, Amanda spent four years working with the Forest Service as a wildland firefighter. In addition to Montana Free Press, her work has appeared in Outside, High Country News, Mountain Outlaw, Montana Public Radio, Edible Bozeman and newspapers around the state. A native of Billings, she lives in Bozeman with her husband and two young sons.

Alex Sakariassen

Alex Sakariassen is a reporter with Montana Free Press focused on education and election administration. He's a 2008 graduate of the University of Montana's School of Journalism and spent nearly a decade covering politics and the environment for the alt-weekly Missoula Independent prior to the paper's closing in 2018. His work has appeared in High Country News, the LA Times, the Huffington Post, the Pacific Northwest Inlander and Mountain Outlaw Magazine. A Bismarck native, Alex lives, works, skis and fly-fishes out of Missoula.


 Jessica Ahlstrom, the City of Bozeman's water conservation manager, and Kerri Strasheim, regional manager for the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation's Water Resources Division, will discuss the City of Bozeman and Gallatin Watershed water supplies, water use trends, and current and future water use and supply management efforts.

Bozeman and Gallatin County are fast-growing, drought-prone communities. They face numerous water supply constraints due to their location at the headwaters of the Upper Missouri River Watershed, the impacts of climate change on water supply yields and a challenging legal framework regarding new water rights appropriations. The city is prioritizing water conservation to ensure Bozeman has a reliable water supply in the future. On a larger level, the Gallatin Watershed basin faces similar water supply challenges. 

About the Speakers

Jessica Ahlstrom

Jessica Ahlstrom's work focuses on strategic program planning and community outreach to educate residents about Bozeman's water supply, drought risk, and the importance of water conservation to ensure a reliable water supply for the future. Ahlstrom graduated from Montana State University with a B.S. in land rehabilitation. She went on to work at the University of Arizona's Water Resources Research Center. In addition, she earned a graduate certificate in "Connecting Environmental Science and Decision Making," where she studied social and institutional barriers to data-driven decision-making and stakeholder involvement in environmental policy decisions.

Kerri Strasheim

Kerri Strasheim has been with the DNRC since 2005 and currently works in Gallatin, Park and Madison counties. She received her B.S. and M.S. in earth sciences from Montana State University, with an emphasis in geohydrology, microbiology, surface and ground water systems. Strasheim was raised on a flood-irrigated farm in Eastern Montana near Terry and learned to appreciate water from a young age.


As Bozeman and surrounding communities grow at breakneck speed, we depend upon HRDC (Human Resource Development Council) to help residents gain and maintain economic stability amid the high cost of living across the valley.

HRDC's CEO Heather Grenier and development director Kristin Hamburg will provide an update on their Community Commons Development. This new campus in northwest Bozeman will provide the community with a one-stop shop for access to food, housing, energy and other support. In addition, the campus will eventually be home to this community's first year-round emergency shelter facility.

In addition, Sunshine Ross, HRDC's transportation director, will discuss the ballot issue for the May election to form an Urban Transportation District and what's at stake for area residents. 


Kirsten Smith, coordinator for the Gallatin Behavioral Health Coalition, will discuss the coalition's goals and successes in addressing our community's behavioral health issues. She will also describe what the coalition hopes to achieve moving forward.

The Gallatin Behavioral Health Coalition works to address the Gallatin Valley's ongoing behavioral health needs and concerns for families, healthcare workers and emergency response professionals. The coalition's mission is to enhance and implement an appropriate system of prevention, intervention, treatment and rehabilitation for community members so that every person receives the right service in the right place every time.

About the Speaker

Kirsten Smith is the principal at Bloom Consulting, where she conducts research, policy, planning, facilitation and project management work across the lifespan, from pre-natal through the end of life, with projects that impact health, human services, economic and quality of life. 


Nicholas Ross, Director of Transportation and Engineering for the City of Bozeman, will discuss new initiatives to promote pedestrian and bicycle safety on the streets of Bozeman. He will also describe some of the challenges facing these efforts, including enforcing existing laws.

Fall 2022


The Bozeman area offers many trails for winter enthusiasts traveling on skis, snowshoes and snow bikes. However, keeping this important winter recreation resource available to all ages has many challenges. Do you ever wonder how these trails are developed, maintained and supported? Join us for this informative and festive discussion on winter trails in the greater Bozeman area to get answers to these questions and more. The panelists will share updates for this winter, discuss exciting future plans and answer questions from the audience.

About the Speakers

Jen Beaston

Jen Beaston is the chief executive officer of Crosscut Mountain Sports Center.

Evan Weiss

Evan Weiss is the executive director of the Bridger Ski Foundation.


On the state level, the composition of the 2023 Legislature could have a lasting effect on Montana's remarkable state constitution. The composition of the U.S Congress will also affect many aspects of life in our community. What can we expect? State Senator Gordon Vance (R-Belgrade) and State Senator Diane Sands (D-Missoula) will discuss the election results and respond to questions from the audience. Sally Maison, vice president of the League of Women Voters Bozeman Area, will moderate the discussion. 

About the Speakers

Sally Maison

Sally Maison is a member of the board for the League of Women Voters of the Bozeman Area. She has long served as the League of Women Voters Candidate Forum Moderator and is the founder of Wonderlust, now known as Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Montana State University. 

Diane Sands

Diane Sands (Democratic Party) is a member of the Montana State Senate, representing District 49. She assumed office on January 5, 2015. Her current term ends on January 2, 2023. Sands ran for re-election to the Montana State Senate to represent District 49. She won in the general election on November 6, 2018. Sands served in the Montana House of Representatives, representing District 95 from 2007 to 2013. She previously served from 1997 through 1998. Sands earned her B.A. from the University of Montana. Her professional experience includes working as a political consultant. 

Gordon Vance

Gordon Vance (Republican Party) is a member of the Montana State Senate, representing District 34. He assumed office on January 5, 2015. His current term ends on January 2, 2023. He also served in the Montana House of Representatives, representing District 67 from 2009 to 2015. In the 2013-2014 session, Vance served as Majority Leader. Vance earned his B.A. in political science from Montana State University in 1975. His professional experience includes working as general manager at Power Play Motorsports, sales manager at Team Bozeman, owner of a car dealership and sales manager at Bozeman Ford. 


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Bozeman was one of the top five fastest growing micropolitan statistical areas in the country between 2010 and 2020, with the population increasing from 37,280 to 53,293. Bozeman was one of just six micropolitan areas to gain at least 15,000 people during that period.

The growth has contributed to substantial increases in housing prices, according to forum presenters. They say the rising costs have prevented some from purchasing a home in Bozeman while limiting affordable rental options for many citizens, impacting the availability of employees.

The October 14 event featuree interviews with peer communities struggling with housing affordability, including Missoula; Bend, Oregon; and Boise, Idaho. In addition, Bozeman City Commissioner Christopher Coburn highlighted Bozeman and Gallatin County's responses, solutions and additional ideas to help address the rental situation.


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Bozeman was one of the top five fastest growing micropolitan statistical areas in the country between 2010 and 2020 with the population increasing from 37,280 to 53,293. Bozeman was also one of six micro areas to gain at least 15,000 people.

Rapid population growth in recent years has contributed to housing prices rising to unprecedented levels, preventing many in the community from purchasing a home. What may not be as evident is that rental options are also limited and expensive and are pricing out a significant portion of our citizenry and impacting the availability of employees.

The impact on Bozeman and Gallatin County is enormous and affects nearly all aspects of our lives, from having restaurants closing to not having enough nurses at our hospitals, fewer teachers to educate our children, or no one to deliver the newspaper.

Because the rental crisis impacts almost everyone in the community, OLLI at MSU is dedicating a two-part Friday Forum series to the topic in September and October. Part 1 in September will feature stories from local renters and business owners struggling to hire employees. City commissioner Terry Cunningham and County Commissioner Zach Brown will follow, addressing the financial and societal impacts that the rental crisis has on our community.

Spring 2022


Join OLLI at MSU for the May Friday Forum to learn about opioid use and abuse. According to the American Medical Association, 35 states have had spikes in opioid-related mortality since the beginning of the pandemic. The CDC reports that in 2017 (most recent estimate), the economic impact of the U.S. opioid epidemic included $471 billion for costs associated with opioid use disorder and another $550 billion for costs related to fatal opioid overdoses.

In Montana, the Department of Health and Human Services reported that ground transporting EMS agencies responded to 836 opioid overdose-related 911 calls in 2021. Of all opioid-related 911 calls, 47.6% occurred in Small Metro Counties (NCHS Urban-Rural classification), including Gallatin County. In Gallatin County, 911 dispatch received 62 calls for overdose in 2019.

Panelists will describe ongoing efforts by local law enforcement to understand better and crackdown on opioid use in our community, the costs and impacts associated with the opioid epidemic, and the public health approach to this growing concern. They will also discuss access to and the effectiveness of available treatments for opioid addiction. Finally, participants will learn what community members can do to help reduce this widespread issue.

About the Speakers

Panelists included Brandn Green, principal researcher and co-owner of JG Research and Evaluation in Bozeman; Nate Kamerman, commander for the Missouri River Drug Task Force; Rowen Schuler, clinic manager for Community Medical Services in Montana; and Maureen Ward, injury prevention program manager for the Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Bureau, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. 


The Greater Yellowstone area’s outdoor recreational opportunities are a significant attraction for visitors and new, prospective, and longtime residents. Pandemic cabin fever and restrictions on indoor gatherings have added even greater user pressure on the lakes, rivers, parks and trails that make our community so attractive. Are area trails and backcountry being loved to death?   

A panel will discuss what happens when trails and backcountry areas become too popular. Some problems like trail degradation are obvious. However, other issues are harder to control and enforce, such as overflowing parking, trash, dog waste, and the inappropriate burial or removal of human waste. The panel will address the immediate and long-term impacts of the overuse of trails and other recreation areas, including environmental impacts, management strategies, and the burdens on government and private stewards. They will also discuss what the public can do to help.

About the Speakers

Panelists include Patrick Cross, executive director of the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness Foundation, Pat Doyle, marketing director at Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, and Alex Sienkiewicz, district ranger for the Yellowstone District of the U.S. Forest Service. 


Ellie Staley, executive director of the Downtown Bozeman Partnership, will discuss the impacts of rapid growth in the Gallatin Valley on historic Downtown Bozeman. For decades, Bozeman's thriving historic business district has been an anomaly in a landscape of dying downtowns throughout the West. But now, with big hotels and luxury condos moving into Downtown Bozeman at the same time long-time businesses such as Cactus Records are leaving, is the character of Downtown Bozeman changing forever? Staley will describe efforts by the Downtown Bozeman Partnership to ensure that - as the banners say - "Life is Downtown."

About the Speaker

Ellie Staley

Ellie Staley has worked for the Downtown Bozeman Partnership since 2006, first as the assistant director and now as the executive director. She has over 20 years of event coordination, sales and management experience at several established local businesses in addition to her work managing the membership, events and marketing for the Downtown Bozeman Association, the 501c6 non-profit arm of the Partnership. Staley has a deep love for the Downtown Bozeman community. Through her passion and hard work, she continues to play an important leadership role in our community through creative collaborations with small businesses, property owners, the City of Bozeman, and beyond. She is also committed to supporting social infrastructure and advocating for accessibility to the arts and culture.


From snow to water to trails, Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue (SAR) experienced the busiest year in its history in 2021. SAR responded to 34 searches and 69 rescues, using helicopters in 17 of those calls. Collectively, 161 volunteers spent 4,472 hours responding to 134 missions and dedicated almost twice those hours on volunteer training alone. SAR staff and volunteers drop everything to search for the lost and missing and rescue the injured and stranded.

Last year was the first year SAR had a full-time staff to lead the charge due to positive community support for a mill levy passed in 2020. The demand for SAR continues to rise as does their ability and capability to respond to more technical terrain as our growing populations recreates throughout the county.

Who calls on SAR? What does SAR do? How is SAR supported? Join Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue commander Scott Secor, training coordinator Jason Revisky, and administrative assistant Erin Metzger as they answer these questions and discuss SAR services, trends, challenges and inner workings in Gallatin County.


Join Jeff Mihelich, city manager for the City of Bozeman, for an overview and discussion of the challenges faced by the City in managing rapid growth and minimizing the impact of worker shortages. Mihelich will discuss strategies for reducing the adverse effects currently being experienced. He will also describe the many opportunities the City can realize with the support of an expanded workforce and citizenry in the future.

About the Speakers

Jeff Mihelich

Jeff Mihelich began as Bozeman's city manager on May 26, 2020. He is a credentialed city manager with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). He has 28 years of experience in large cities, small towns, and counties, including his most recent term as deputy city manager and chief operating officer of Fort Collins, Colorado. 

Fall 2021


Bridget Wilkinson, executive director for the One Valley Community Foundation, and Liz Moore, executive director of the Montana Nonprofit Association, will discuss the impact and value of nonprofits in the Gallatin Valley. They will also address the role nonprofits play in the prosperity and vitality of Montana as a whole. According to the National Council of Nonprofits, nonprofit organizations foster civic engagement and leadership, drive economic growth, and strengthen the fabric of our communities. Learn about how residents across Gallatin County, Montana, and the United States benefit every day from the work of nonprofits in one way or another. 

About the Speakers

Liz Moore

Liz Moore became the executive director of the Montana Nonprofit Association (MNA) in 2011 after 20 years in various roles in the nonprofit sector. MNA's mission is to provide leadership for Montana's nonprofit sector and partner with charitable nonprofits to promote a sustainable, networked, and influential sector. MNA's work is celebratory, holds meaning, depth and intellectual interest, and has a connection with every corner of Montana.

Bridget Wilkinson

Bridget Wilkinson became the first executive director for the One Valley Community Foundation in 2013, bringing with her over 12 years of experience in the nonprofit and philanthropic sector. The One Valley Community Foundation is a place-based funder that has galvanized more than $6 million for 200+ local nonprofit organizations and regional initiatives in and around the Gallatin Valley.


Scott Ellner, Chief Executive Officer of the Billings Clinic, Darci Bentson, Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel at Bozeman Health, and Lander Cooney, Chief Executive Officer at Community Health Partners, will participate in a panel discussion about rapid population growth in the Bozeman area and impacts on the provision of medical services. The medical community is responding to growth through expansion with greater diversity in services and providers. The panel will also discuss the unique challenges created by the pandemic and why understanding these challenges from the perspective of healthcare providers is important for community support.

Friday Forum offers presentations and lively discussions on timely topics. Friday Forum is free and open to the public.

About the Speakers

Scott Ellner

Chief Exectuive Officer of Billings Clinic

Darci Bentson

Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel at Bozeman Health

Lander Cooney

Chief Executive Officer at Community Health Partners


People are moving to Gallatin County and Bozeman for the many amenities the area has to offer, especially recreation opportunities. How can these amenities be preserved?

The Triangle area of Gallatin County, namely the area between Bozeman, Four Corners, and
Belgrade, is experiencing change as a direct result of significant population growth. Gallatin County, the City of Belgrade, and the City of Bozeman all play a role in the area's development. In 2016, these three jurisdictions created the Planning Coordination Committee (PCC) to focus on issues and opportunities within the Triangle.

The Gallatin Valley Land Trust (GVLT) also plays an important role in the development of this area, emphasizing planning and expanding the trail network. The Triangle Trails Plan was made available for public comment this year and represents an important step forward. Chet Work, executive director of GVLT, will discuss the status of the plan and the next steps. In addition, Work will also discuss trail access through Peet's Hill. This issue has been in the news, and GVLT is taking the lead in purchasing land to keep the trails intact. 

About the Speakers

Addi Jadin

Parks and Recreation Manager, City of Bozeman

Garrett McAllister

Senior Planner, Gallatin County

Chet Work

Executive Director, Gallatin Valley Land Trust


Deputy City Mayor Terry Cunningham, Gallatin County Commissioner Scott MacFarlane, and community planning specialist Randy Carpenter of Future West will present a "state of the city and county." The panel will provide insights, examples, and recommendations for how the City of Bozeman and Gallatin County currently work together to meet the needs of our rapidly growing community. Amongst our numerous international accolades, growing pains challenge our bustling community. The panel will address the ramifications of such rapid growth on water resources, infrastructure, housing, transportation, and open space. The need for ongoing regional cooperation, and examples of how local governments can coordinate, will also be discussed.

About the Speakers

Randy Carpenter

Community Planning Specialist, Future West

Terry Cunningham

Deputy Mayor, City of Bozeman

Scott MacFarlane

County Commissioner, Gallatin County

Spring 2021

Natalie Meyer, the City of Bozeman's Sustainability Program Manager, and Taylor Lonsdale, the city's Transportation Engineer, present and discuss key components of the 2020 Bozeman Climate Plan. This Friday Forum is moderated by Duke Elliot who shares a sustainable architecture and energy efficiency perspective. Elliott is an instructor in MSU's Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and School of Architecture, as well as a resource conservation specialist for University Services. Panelists share information and initiatives from the Climate Plan, including examples and actionable steps the city and citizens are and can take to curb human climate impacts.

About the Speaker

Natalie Meyer, the City of Bozeman's Sustainability Program Manager, and Taylor Lonsdale, the city's Transportation Engineer, will present and discuss key components of the 2020 Bozeman Climate Plan. This Friday Forum will be moderated by Duke Elliot, a resource conservation specialist with MSU Engineering and Utilities, who will share a sustainable architecture and energy efficiency perspective. Panelists will share information and initiatives from the Climate Plan, including examples and actionable steps the city and citizens are and can take to curb human climate impacts.

Taylor Lonsdale has been with the City of Bozeman as a transportation engineer since 2019. Before joining the city, he was a research engineer at the Western Transportation Institute from 2009 to 2019 where he worked on policies and programs that improve transportation choices for people in small urban and rural communities. From 2009 to 2013, he served as Montana's Safe Routes to Schools Coordinator providing statewide support for pedestrian and bicycle safety programs for students throughout Montana. He earned a bachelor's in civil engineering from the University of Vermont.


Mark Anderson, an associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics at Montana State University, discusses the public health-related outcomes associated with legalized marijuana. Topics to be covered include teen marijuana use, the use of other substances such as alcohol and opioids, traffic fatalities and mental health.

About the Speaker

Mark Anderson is an applied microeconomist with research interests in health economics and economic history. His research has appeared in leading economics journals such as the "Journal of Political Economy," "American Economic Journal: Applied Economics" and "Review of Economics and Statistics," as well as leading medical and public health journals such as the "American Journal of Public Health," "American Journal of Preventative Medicine" and "JAMA Pediatrics." Anderson's work has been discussed in popular press outlets such as TIME, the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes, CNN, NBC, ABC and the BBC.

In addition to his work on marijuana legalization, Anderson is currently studying the effects of hospital desegregation during the Civil Rights era on the black-white infant mortality gap and the effectiveness of public health interventions at the turn of the 20th century.

The Bozeman City Commission has identified affordable housing as one of its strategic goals. Community organizations and private sector partners are making strides toward sustainable and innovative solutions. This Friday Forum will highlight a collaborative project to develop a sustainable and affordable housing project with related family services in Bozeman. Please join us to learn more about partnerships and innovative funding strategies used to help meet our growing community needs for affordable housing.
Unanimously approved by the Bozeman City Commission in August 2020, Arrowleaf Park provides one-, two- or three-bedroom apartments and townhomes for individuals and families, and Perennial Park provides a new senior community for people 55 years and older. Together, Arrowleaf Park and Perennial Park will provide over 200 new affordable apartment units that are conveniently located near shopping, restaurants and services. Arrowleaf Park and Perennial Park were spearheaded by the Human Resources Development Council District IX and Seattle-based developer GMD Development. Family Promise of Gallatin Valley, a Bozeman-based organization that provides services to the homeless, and Community Health Partners, a Bozeman-based clinic providing affordable health services, are also project partners. 
All apartments will be geared toward people making 60 percent or less of the area median income, with roughly one-third of the units being specifically for seniors. The development includes an on-site health care center and early childhood development center with the goal of providing much needed services to residents and other community members. 

About the Speaker

Panelists will include Steve Dymoke of GDM Development, Buck Taylor of Community Health Partners, Kevin Thane of Family Promise of Gallatin Valley and a representative from HRDC. The panel will be moderated by Terry Cunningham, deputy mayor of the City of Bozeman.

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Montana State University collaborated with the Bozeman Public Library's One Book One Bozeman program to present a talk on "A History and Future of Native Sovereignty: Controversies and Perspectives."

Alex Harmon, an assistant professor of English and American Studies at Montana State University, explores issues of federal Indian law, including the policy of termination, the Native communities it has affected and the erosion of tribal sovereignty. She also addresses the current crisis surrounding missing and murdered Indigenous women.

Harmon offers perspectives on the "The Night Watchman," its National Book Award-winning author Louise Erdrich and Erdrich's place in contemporary American Literature. "The Night Watchman" is the 2021 One Book One Bozeman selection. Published in 2020, the novel is based on the extraordinary life of Erdrich's grandfather who worked as a night watchman and carried the fight against Native dispossession from rural North Dakota all the way to Washington, D.C.

Friday Forums are presented by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Montana State University, formerly MSU Wonderlust, in partnership with the Bozeman Public Library Foundation. These presentations and lively discussions on timely topics are free and open to the public.

About the Speaker

Harmon's scholarly and teaching interests include contemporary Native American literature and film, federal Indian law, and ethnic and critical race theory.

Montana Senator Jon Tester discusses some of the challenges for the 117th Congress in a time of social division and media mistrust, as well as opportunities to move America forward with respect and common purpose. He also talks about his recently published book, Grounded: A Senator's Lessons on Winning Back Rural America, and shares his perspective on issues important to rural and working class Americans.

About the Speaker

Jon Tester is a third generation farmer from Big Sandy, Montana. He is a Democrat, serving his third term as a U.S. Senator from Montana.

Fall 2020

On November 3, Republicans won election to every statewide office and increased their majorities in both houses of the Montana state legislature. Montana State Senator JP Pomnichowski (D-33), who has served in the legislature since 2007, will discuss the 2021 legislative agenda-setting priorities, addressing COVID 19 protocols, dealing with recently approved ballot measures, hammering out a budget, and more-along with providing an insider's insights about changes sure to come.

About the Speaker

JP Pomnichowski served in the Montana House of Representatives from 2007-2013. In 2014, she was elected to the Montana Senate where she currently serves as Democratic Party Whip. She lives in Bozeman.