denotes required fields.

Thank you for your interest in teaching for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Montana State University (formerly MSU Wonderlust).

Please submit one form for each proposed program. Your proposal will be shared with and reviewed by an OLLI at MSU committee. We will reach out to you to discuss your proposal further. If you have questions, please call 406-994-6550 or email

Please note:
 You cannot save your answers in the form. For the best experience, please answer the questions below in Microsoft Word or another text editor.  Save your work and then paste the answers into the form fields. 
Contact Information
Instructor Information
Provide a short professional biography in 70 words or less, including topic-related experience and qualifications.
Proposal Information
No more than 8 words in length
Describe the proposed program in 70 words or less for use in catalog.
Describe 3-4 points participants will walk away with after participating in your proposed program (70 words or less).
Check all that apply.
Other comments about the program format.
Program Materials and Supplies (Only Complete for Courses)
A list of optional readings for participants.
Please list all recommended supplies.
If materials are provided by the instructor and students will need to reimburse you.
Program Scheduling for Courses (Only Complete for Courses)
Daytime programs are generally preferred by our members. However, occasional evening programs will appeal to members who work and/or volunteer during the day. Common program start times:
Monday: 10 am, 11 am, 12 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9:30 am, 10 am, 11 am, 12 pm, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm
Friday: 10 am
Evening: 6 pm (except during snowy, short daylight months)
How long will each program session last?
How many weeks will the program run?
How often will will there be program sessions?
Check all that apply.
List all preferred start times.
Program Scheduling for Speaker Series (Only Complete for Speaker Series)
Please list dates (Mondays) that you are available for your Speaker Series lecture.
Presenter Honorarium
OLLI at MSU offers a modest honorarium for presenters at $100/course hour or $150/speaker for a one-time event. We have a variety of options to make presenter payments through the MSU payroll/human resources system. Please choose an option below below to help us best understand how to prepare the MSU payment process.
If you are a current, former or retired MSU employee, please enter the last four numbers of your GID.
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Would you be interested in attending the semester kick-off reception to meet members and share information about your program?