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Recognizing & Referring Students with Mental Health Needs

Tuesday, September 13th || 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm || SUB 168 || REGISTER HERE


This training from Counseling & Psychological Services will provide an overview of college mental health and suicide, provide basic referral skills, and discuss campus resources for referral and support.

Improve Your Path to Success by Joining a Writing Group

Thursday, September 15th || 10:30 am to 11:30 am || Webex


Join us for an information session on daily writing, record keeping, revision, positive accountability and writing group opportunities. To obtain the Webex link, email Nika Stoop at nikastoop@montana.edu.

Early Career FLC: Navigating the University and Expectations of an Academic Career

Wednesday, September 21st || 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM || ABB 138 and WebEx option only for those at off-campus locations || REGISTER HERE


Early Career Success Faculty Learning Community, we will talk about Montana State University and how to navigate your academic career.

Formative Assessment Workshop: Checking for Students' Understanding and Gathering Feedback

Thursday, September 22nd || 10:00 am to 11:00 am || SUB 233 and WebEx option only for those at off-campus locations || REGISTER HERE


In this workshop, explore formative assessments and see how they can benefit your students' learning and success. 

Inclusive Pedagogy Series Workshop: Inclusive Teaching

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 || 1:00pm - 2:30pm|| Reid124|| REGISTER HERE 


Learn about evidence-based inclusive teaching strategies. Together, we will discuss and implement specific strategies for creating inclusive learning environments that will support all learners.  Ifyou have questions, please contact Dr. Brazill in advance at: shihuabrazill@montana.edu


Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Training

Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) offers many types of training that teach facts about suicide, how to recognize or respond to someone who may have suicidal thoughts, and how to refer them for help– fromone-hour to 6-hour in-depth sessions,online or in-person. Learn more about the suicide prevention programming. 

Mental Health First Aid will teach you how to support someone with a mental health problem or someone in a mental health crisis.  Learn more about the Mental Health First Aid course. 

994-Calling! Series - Andrew Hansen

Thursday, September 15th || 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM || Strand Union Building 235 and WebEx

Our first 994-Calling speaker for 2022-2023 is Andrew Hansen, Professor of Ecology and director of the Institute on Ecosystems. During these sessions, we ask our speakers to "tell their story" - including background, training, research and scholarship.

Broader Impacts Opportunity: MSU researchers can share STEM stories and research with K-12 teachers

Researchers are invited to share details about their research along with their own personal pathways to STEM. The workshop series, which begins in September, will engage K-12 teachers in considering how they support their students' experience within STEM.  Show your interest via this form or contact Jeannie Chipps at jeanette.chipps@montana.edu for more information. 

Invite to Overnight Visit to Crow Reservation 

Friday, September 23rd - Saturday, September 24th

Dr. Vanessa Simonds and Christine Martin (LBHC) have a collaborative MSU-LBHC USDA grant which supports Native students in STEM disciplines.  The goal is to provide opportunity for MSU faculty, research scientists, post-docs, staff and others who mentor Native STEM students or who are particularly interested in doing so, to learn more about Apsáalooke (Crow) students’ lives, community and lands. Learn more about the visit to Crow Reservation.


Creating a Culture of Support for All Faculty

September 20, 2022 at 2:00 PM ET || Sign-up here

This session will focus on ways NTTF roles can be enhanced through support that allow them to optimally perform to their potential.



You will need to log into your National Center for Faculty Diversity and Development (NCFDD) account and then click the link above to access the event. This online resource is available to the MSU community free of charge. Learn more about how to register.


MSU Center for Faculty Excellence
114/116 Montana Hall Montana Hall | Bozeman, MT 59717
http://www.montana.edu/facultyexcellence/ | cfe@montana.edu  | 406-994-4555