4-H Enrollment Information

If you are new to 4-H or you are re-enrolling, please view the 2023-24 Clover Selection Guide at https://store.msuextension.org/Publications/4HDownloads/4-H%20Clover%202022-2023.pdf.  The Clover has a list of the 4-H projects available, as well as the materials needed for each project.  We have copies of the Clover available at the Glacier County MSU Extension Office.  Please contact our office or stop by if you are interested in signing up for 4-H.

Montana 4-H is using ZSuites for enrollment

Zsuite also provides a record book platform where members can work on books via a mobile device and leaders can check books remotely.  More information can be found on the Montana 4-H website or check out the quickstart guide.  To access your records and set up your family's Zsuite account on or after October 1, 2023, please follow the steps below: (This can be done on a computer or mobile device.)

  1. Go to https://4h.zsuite.org/
  2. Click on 'Sign Up'
  3. Fill in all of the fields to set up FAMILY account.
  4. Adult email should match the Family email loaded from 4Honline.
  5. Adult email and password will also be used for anyone in the family to login to ZSuite in the future.
  6. The Adult/Family email can be changed by the parent once the account is set up the first time.
  7. The pin is used by parents and is needed for enrollment of family members.
  8. Click 'Let's Go!'
  9. Each family member previously enrolled in 4Honline should appear on the main screen in a colored box.
  10. There is also an option to add a new family member.
  11. Click on each family member to go to their dashboard and begin enrollment.
  12. If at any point a family has trouble they can click the "CHAT" box at the bottom of their screen and chat with a ZSuite support person.

Project Age Requirements

You must meet the minimum required age by October 1, 2023 in order to enroll in each project.

  • Cloverbuds - 5 years old
  • Regular 4-H - 8 years old
  • Shooting Sports - 9 years old
  • Market Beef & Beef Breeding - 10 years old
  • Teen Leadership - 13 years old
  • Ambassador - 14 years old
  • Colt to Maturity - 11 years old and have completed Horsemanship Levels 1, 2, and 3

Reminder - Check your project level

As you re-enroll, be sure to check that you are enrolled in the appropriate level (example: Swine, Level 1 vs. Level 2 vs. Level 3.) Each level should take a maximum of three years. Remember, you need to be able to complete 7 activities in the project book each year, so if there are less than 7 activities left in the project book, the member should move up to the next level. If you are unsure, please ask a leader or Kari.

4-H Clover 4-H Calendar of Events


  • September 30 - October 29 - Butter Braid Sales, see details in this newsletter
  • October 1 - New 4-H year begins
  • October 6 - Clever Clovers 4-H meeting, 5 p.m., location To Be Announced
  • October 6 - 12 - National 4-H Week - Theme: “Beyond Ready”
  • October 17 - 18 - Kid’s Kitchen Day, Medieval Meat Pies, H.S. FACS room, 10:00 a.m.
  • October 13 - Open Range 4-H Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Glacier County Annex
  • October 13 - Longview 4-H Club Meeting, 7 p.m., Location To Be Announced
  • October 14 - Office closed, Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day
  • October 14 - First Cloverbud meeting of the year, 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, HC Davis Cafeteria
  • October 18 - Deadline to register for Fall Leadership training
  • October 21 - 24 - Office closed for Extension Annual Conference in Bozeman
  • October 30 - Livestock Committee meeting, 7 p.m., MRE in Shelby


      • November 1 - 3 - Fall Leadership Training, Billings, MT
      • November 2 - Cheesecake Bakeoff, Holiday Bazaar, Cut Bank High School
      • November 4 - 4-H Leader’s Council meeting, 7:00 p.m. Glacier County Annex
      • November 15 - Kid’s Kitchen Cookies! High School FACS room 10.00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
      • November 16 - Golden Triangle 4-H Volunteer Summit, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Shelby

4-H Clover Opportunities/Resources

Items available for check-out by 4-H members:

  • Cake decorating kits
  • Scrapbooking magazines
  • Robotics kit
  • Leathercrafting kits
  • Cooking/baking supplies

Glacier County 4-H Council Event Scholarship

The Glacier County 4-H Council may contribute up to 50% of the cost of attending 4-H teen leadership trainings, workshops, and conferences.  Funds can be paid directly to the event, or can be reimbursed to the 4-H Member.  Download this fillable PDF form and return it to the Extension Office to request funds.

Bret Wanken Memorial Fund

This fund was established to help 4-H Youth from the five 4-H programs (Glacier, Liberty, Pondera, and Toole Counties and the Blackfeet Reservation) to attend 4-H teen leadership trainings.  Funds may be paid directly to the event or can be reimbursed to the member. Download this fillable PDF form and return it to the Extension Office to request funds.

Montana 4-H Resources

The Montana 4-H Resource webpage offers support for 4-H Members, Clubs, Leaders, and Volunteers.  You will find helpful information about Montana 4-H and the page has several forms available for download.  If you are interested in learning more about 4-H, or if you are looking for a specific form, this page is a great resource!

4-H Clover4-H Program Principles
4-H pledge poster with photos of kids

4-H Pledge

I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger service,
And my health to better living
For my club, my community, my country,
and my world.

4-H Motto

"To make the best better"

4-H Philosophy

"Learn by doing"


4-H Clover Record Books

Learning to set goals, reflect on what has been learned, and keep records is a critical component of the 4-H record book process.  The 4-H record book also becomes extremely helpful when youth begin applying for scholarships and awards. 

Each of the forms listed below are available free from the Extension Office or your club leader, or you can click on the link to use the form on your computer.  If using the online form, BE SURE to first download and save the form to your computer.  If you type directly onto the form without first saving it, the changes will not be saved!

Each year, each 4-H youth must have the following in their record book:

1.)  ‘My 4-H Year’ record form – One of these must be completed by each member.

2.)  ‘My Non-Animal Project Journal & Financial Record – One of these must be completed for each non-animal project (ex. Archery, Sewing, Photography, Rifle, Teen Leadership, etc.) that the member enrolls in.

3.)  ‘My 4-H Animal Project Journal & Financial Record’ – One of these must be completed for each animal project (ex. Swine, Dog, Poultry, Rabbit, Sheep, Goat, etc.) that the member enrolls in.

Please note that these record book forms are separate from completing activities in the project books.  Please contact the Extension Office or your club leader if you have questions. 

For additional guidance, For the Record’ outlines completing a record book.   Please see these completed record book forms for an example:  
My 4-H Year Example
Non – Animal Journal Example (Archery)
Non - Animal Journal Example (Cooking)
Animal Journal Example (Market Beef)

The Criteria for a Complete Record Book form has a checklist for the member, parent, and leader to use when checking books prior to the fair and before turning in for completion.  Record books must be up to date by June 30 to exhibit at the fair and completed by September 30 to re-enroll in a market livestock project and be eligible for Council scholarship funds in the following year.

Livestock Records

It is critical that livestock feed be weighed and tracked daily. 

Livestock Daily Feed Record - This PDF can be printed and is meant to be kept in the barn (on a clipboard, in a folder) and the feed amounts recorded each day as feed is fed and weighed.  At the end of the month, the totals should be transferred to the Animal Journal in the record book.

Livestock Daily Feed Record (Excel) - This is the Excel spreadsheet of the Livestock Daily Feed Record.  This can be downloaded and saved to your computer and daily weights added to the spreadsheet.  There is a tab for each month which will then calculate the monthly total automatically.  The monthly total should then be transferred to the Animal Journal in the record book.  

If you have questions, please reach out to Kari Lewis at kari.lewis@montana.edu or (406) 873-2239. 


4-H Clover 4-H Awards Applications

Member Recognition Awards will recognize members who attend at least 50% of their meetings, give a communications presentation, attend a countywide event, etc.  The 4-H Council will give the following prizes for these awards: rosettes will be awarded for Clover and Emerald winners, a medal for Bronze winners, and trophies for Silver and Gold winners.  The purpose of these awards is to provide an incentive for members to go above and beyond the minimum requirements of the Glacier County 4-H Program.

Glacier County 4-H Awards will recognize members at Achievement Day for Community Service, Leadership, or 4-H Achievement (not project specific).  4-H members, leaders, parents/family members, or community members may nominate current Glacier County 4-H members based on their participation in community service or leadership.  Nominations should represent someone who has gone above and beyond the typical member expectations and has done exceptional work.-