Cascade County 4-H Clover Connection September Newsletter
Alternatively, download a printable version of the September 2024 Cascade County 4-H Clover Connection
Thank You! We could not have had such a successful summer of events without you.
Our State Fair Judges included:
Samaria Kirby Fran Gossack
Sheryl Knowles Rose Ballard
Ashley Powell Kim Woodring
Ginger Murphy Elaine Wood
Byron Faulkner Ashley Belanger
Dave and Annette Chandler
Horse Show Sponsors
Sarah Graft Wendy Newman
Charla Merja Sandy Harshaw
Vicki Johnson Nora Seekins
Darci Nelson Lisa Jassen
Vonnie Brown Nora Seekins
Livestock Show Sponsors
Cascade 4-H Foundation Fort Mountain Plumbing
Cascade County Farm Bureau Hemptana and North 40
Bolt Electric Four Mile Creek Angus
Celtic Cowboy and Hotel Arvon Pinion
Western Feed Coral Stockman Bank
Pomp’s Tire Service, Inc. Peacock Livestock Club Lambs and Goats
Hoven Equipment Co. Hoglunds Western Wear
Associated Vet Services
7 Bar Heart Registered Angus Circle S 4-H Club
LeVeque Ranch Stockman Bank
Tiger Butte 4-H Club Ulm Pishkun 4-H Club
Ag West 4N Farms, LLC
Cascade Farmers Mutual Insurance
Russell Country Federal Credit Union
The MSU Extension – Cascade County office will be closed Monday, September 4 in observance of Labor Day.
Cascade County Farm Bureau
Montana Farmers Union
William Kessler
Merril McKamey
Ag West Farm Credit
Bolt Electric
Fort Mountain Plumbing
Western Feed Corral
The Green Clover - Please support
Cascade 4-H Leaders Council is holding a fundraiser for Cascade County 4-H called, “The Green Clover.” 4-H Clubs are asked to provide 1 raffle basket for every 15 club members. The basket value should be a minimum of $100. Themed baskets are encouraged with a main item and supporting items in the basket. Tickets will be 1 for $5 or 5 for $20 and each 4-H member is strongly encouraged to sell at least one book of tickets. Tickets will be available from the Extension office to sell throughout the summer at 4-H events like the livestock show, Montana State fair, horse shows, and other 4-H events. Money and tickets will need to be returned to the Extension office by October 1. Daily drawings will be held during National 4-H week which is from October 6-12. If you still have a basket, please get to the Extension office ASAP.
Summer Events That Took Place
4-H Congress the week of the 8th of July
The Livestock show July 11 through the 14th
County Horse show July 18 through the 20th
Static Fair Judging July 25th
State Fair July 26th –August 3rd
Rabbit and Poultry shows – July 29th and August 1st
Information on the Upcoming 4-H Year
Project Day
Project Days will be scheduled for the second Saturday of the month November-May. We need Project Day workshop leaders. If you are interested in leading a workshop or workshop series, email Jenn at
Achievement Night
Achievement night will be held October 27th at the Family Living Center (our new building for fair). More information to follow of times and agenda.
Meeting Notices
Horse Leaders
Tuesday, September 3rd 5:30pm at the Extension office and through WebEx.
Livestock Leaders
Tuesday, September 3rd 7:00 pm at the Extension office and through WebEx.
Shooting Sports
Thursday, September 5th 6:00 pm at the Extension office and through WebEx.
Leaders Council
September 17th at 6:00 pm Extension office and through WebEx.
September 17th 6:00 pm at the Extension office and through WebEx.
Upcoming Events
The Golden Triangle 4-H Volunteer Summit will be Saturday, November 16 at the First Baptist Church in Shelby from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Lunch will be provided, and childcare is pending. Anyone involved in a 4-H volunteer or leadership role is welcome and encouraged to participate. Please ‘Save the Date’ and watch for upcoming registration information.
Western Ranch Horse Finals Sept 13-15 at the 406 Arena in Vaughn.
Montana State 4-H Horse Show is Sept 20-22 at the 406 Arena in Vaughn
There are many volunteer opportunities available for the upcoming 4-H year. Please reach out to Jenn at with any questions about volunteer opportunities.
- Livestock Leader
- Horse Leader
- Crochet Project Leader
- Ambassador Team Advisor
- Livestock Judging Team
- Gavel Games (Parliamentary Procedure) Team Advisor
- Woodworking Team Advisor
- Project Day Workshop Leader
- Event Judges
- Shooting Sports Leaders
- Shooting Sports Instructors
- Cake Decorating Project Leader
- Communications Contest Chair
- Cooking Project Leaders
- Cat Project Leaders
Community, Alumni, and Volunteer Leader Awards
September 16th – Narratives and Award Nominated Record Books due to Extension Office for Memorial, 25-Year Leader, and Special Achievement Awards
Awards open for nominations are the Friend of 4-H, Outstanding 4-H Alumni, Outstanding First Year Leader, Project Leader of the Year, and Distinguished Leader of the Year. Please send your nomination and short paragraph of “why” you are nominating and feel that person is deserving of the award to
Friend of 4-H Awards
Two Friends of 4-H Awards are given each year, one for an individual and the other for a local business. Award recipients have gone above and beyond to support Cascade County 4-H. This award is a symbol of gratitude and commitment to a long-standing relationship with Cascade County community members and businesses to make the best better.
Outstanding Alumni Award
The Outstanding Alumni Award is given to a 4-H alum that is currently active in supporting Cascade County 4-H. This person is passionate about helping youth succeed and commits to finding ways to better the program. The award winner does not have to be an alumni of Cascade County 4-H.
Outstanding First Year Leader Award
The Outstanding First Year Leader Award is presented to a leader in their first year that has shown promise as an active, passionate, and dedicated volunteer with a “go-getter” attitude to bring innovativeness, creativity, and all-around enriched opportunities for the youth of Cascade County 4-H.
Project Leader of the Year Award
The Project Leader of the Year Award is presented to a leader that has picked up the torch for at least one project area and has made significant contributions to the opportunities and education for a specific project area. Leaders nominated for this award must have a team mindset, set goals, be inclusive to all members interested in the project, and care deeply about the success and sustainability of the project and members’ personal achievements in that project.
Distinguished Leader of the Year Award
The Distinguished Leader of the Year Award is presented to a leader enrolled for two or more years in Cascade County 4-H as a volunteer. This leader is not only active in multiple areas of 4-H, but encourages and mentors' other volunteers, supports 4-H members’ educational ambitions, and is an invaluable asset for Cascade County’s 4-H Program. They truly embody the “we” mentality and understand the value of working together for the betterment of the 4-H program.
NEW: Did you know
4‑H programs are grounded in the belief that kids learn best by doing. Kids and teens complete hands-on projects in areas like science, health, agriculture and civic engagement, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids can concentrate on one focus area or they can try a variety of programs throughout their 4‑H experience.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status.