Cascade County 4-H Clover Connection March Newsletter
Alternatively, download a printable version of the March 2025 Cascade County 4-H Clover Connection
Thank You!
Thank you to the following people and businesses that donated to the Cascade County 4-H program over the last month!
Cascade Farmers Mutual Insurance Co.
William and Holly Kessler
Antelope Butte
Calvert Family
Hagen Construction
Hastings Family
Magic Attendant
Stockman Bank
Ag West Farm Credit
Pomps Tire
Great Falls Russell Country Federal Credit Union
Fish Wildlife and Parks
Montana State Fair 4-H Building Theme
The 4-H Building at the Montana State Fair is in need of a theme for the 2025 Montana State Fair! Please send your ideas to Jenn at A list of ideas will then be generated, and a vote will be sent out.
Don Greytak Calendars
Calendars featuring drawings by artist Don Greytak are available at the Extension office for $15.00. They make a great gift.
Project Day
Registration is now open on ZSuite for the March 8th Project Day and closes at 11:59pm on Wednesday, March 5th. Some workshops have limited availability, so be sure to sign up early.
Workshops include:
- Sewing: Baby Blanket Service Project
- Horse
- Livestock - Goat
- Baking
- CakeDecorating
- Communication Contest Tips & Tricks
Baby Blanket Service Project: This county wide service project tradition is back! Join us for one time block or more to sew flannel baby blankets that will be given out to multiple agencies in our county. This project will extend to 2:00pm
4-H Volunteers
Do you know someone that would like to help with project areas of 4-H? Our county is always looking for new volunteers. Please have them contact Jenn at
Cascade County 4-H Shooting Sports Invitational
A BIG thank you to the Cascade 4-H Shooting Sports Leaders, members and volunteers who put on a great event for 4-H members from around the state! The Cascade 4-H Shooting Sports Leaders hosted a shooting sports invitational in Great Falls on February 15th at the Montana ExpoPark. Cascade 4-H was very well represented and awards given. Below are the results of those Cascade 4-H members who completed.
Target Archery
Ethan Baum 3rd place
Jordynn Buehner 6th place
Foster Humble 6th place
Isis Baumgartner 3rd place
Isis Baumgartner 2nd place
Dayton Stanford 2nd place
Aurora Mindrup 5th place
Chilo Imlay 7th place
Dayton Stanford 8th place
Joslynn DeShaw 3rd place
Jacob Ayers 5th place
Will Ayers 5th place
3D Archery
Isis Baumgartner 1st place
Isis Baumgartner 1st place
Chilo Imlay 2nd place
Dayton Stanford 7th place
Joslyn DeShaw 4th place
Will Ayers 3rd place
Air Gun (Rifle & Pistol)
Air Pistol
Basic (11-12)
Drew Skinner 4th place
Air Rifle -Prone
Adley Emrich 3rd place
Abgail Phillips 5th place
Avery Emrich 5th place
Rebecca Phillips 6th place
Foster Humble 7th place
Air Rifle -3P
Adley Emrich 2nd place
Avery Emrich 4th place
Tournament T-shirts
Missed out on your tournament T-shirt? No worries-we've got you covered! The office still has some available for just $20.00. The design is bold and printed on the back, with a clean front for a sleek look. Grab yours before they’re gone!
Montana 4-H Congress
Mark your calendars! 2025 Montana 4-H Congress will be held July 8th-11th in Bozeman.
Montana 4-H invites all members 4-H age 13 and older from across the state an opportunity to come together on the Montana State University campus in Bozeman for four days and participate in an event like no other. Congress offers both youth avenue in which to learn, be challenged, and most of all, have a great time with their peers.
Cascade County Communications Contest
Sign up during the March 8th Project Day to Practice before the competition. The Session will go over: Demonstration Do's and Don'ts- Putting words into action! We will cover how to build a presentation with some interactive practice along the way. There will be tips and tricks on selecting a topic, gathering information, choosing a title, developing an outline, choosing equipment and visuals, and practicing delivery. This is a great starting point for the demonstration/ illustrated talks for the communication contests or important for even project judging at the state fair!
The County Communication Contest will be held Saturday April 12th following project day beginning at 1:00 pm. Signups will be on Zsuite and go out after the March project day practice. Additional times will be scheduled for Sunday April 13th in the afternoon if needed.
Around the State
Carbon County will be hosting a Livestock Judging Camp open to the whole state from May 23-25th in Red Lodge. Open to all members and coaches so keep your eyes out for registration coming soon!
The Intermountain Livestock Judging School will be May 8, 9, and 10 in Spanish Fork, Utah. There will be a youth track and contest and an Adult /Coach track. Registration is open now.
The following events serve as the qualifier to participate in the National 4-H Shooting Sports Invitational in June. Age Requirements - Participants must have passed their 14th birthday by January 1 of the current year and may not have passed their 19th birthday before January 1 of the current year in which the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships are held.
- Archery Practicum - Sunday, April 6th, 2025
- Archery Qualifier - Sunday, May 18th, 2025
- Muzzleloader Qualifier - Sunday, April 27th, 2025
Collective Leadership
Presented by Morgan Sites from Park County
The last in the series of state teen leaders' online workshops. This leadership academy will focus on leadership within a group. Attendees will learn about common problems that occur within committees, why they arise, and how to solve them. Registrar online at Leadership Academy - Montana 4H - Montana State University Extension | Montana State University
Montana 4-H Recreation (Rec) Lab
Recreation (Rec) Lab Registration Open
2025 REC LAB March 28-30, 2025 White Sulphur Springs, MT
What is Rec Lab? It sounds like a funny name for a 4-H event.
Rec Lab stands for Recreation Lab and means that everything is hands-on and fun!
This event is a 4-H member favorite: It provides an opportunity for youth and adults to enhance their leadership, communication, and team building skills in an action-packed and interactive setting.
Rec Lab programming provides participants with tips and tricks for being a better club, camp, and community leader.
This event is ideal for younger senior members to attend as a first-time state event. It allows them to form relationships with 4-H peers from across the state, broaden their skills, and widen their network.
Youth participants must be 13+ as of October 1.
Adult chaperones must be as least 21 years of age.
4-H Camp Information
4-H Camp Registration opens April 1st
Registration will open April 1st through ZSuite Events and end May 16th at 11:59 PM This year’s theme is Hawaiian. Camp is a four-day event, held at Camp Rotary in Neihart, MT, provides a variety of workshops such as crafts, dance, games, shooting sports, and activities such as recreation, hiking, and campfires. Campers sleep in cabins with an adult chaperone and teen director. Camp dates are June 8-11th. Cloverbuds are not allowed to attend camp.
Camp Chaperones Needed Registration will open on April 1st
Cascade 4-H is looking for active Cascade 4-H adult volunteers in good standing to be camp chaperones. Camp is from June 8-11 at Camp Rotary in Monarch. Chaperones support the efforts of the camp director, Junior Directors (JDs), and the Extension Agent(s) throughout camp. You will be a role model and mentor for campers and JDs. You will share your cabin with 6-8 campers and 1-3 JDs. Cascade 4-H would love for you to attend all camp workshops, activities, and dance. Cost is free to attend camp, all meals and drinks are provided. Register by May 16th through Z Suite Events.
Intent to Enter for Market Swine, Sheep, Goat, Rabbit, and Poultry
4-H members wishing to intent their market swine, sheep, goat, rabbit, and poultry will be able to do so through ZSuite events. There will not be paper forms this year. Ear tags (goats, sheep, and swine), a tattoo kit (rabbit), and leg bands (poultry) are also available at the Extension office. Animals must have a form of identification (ear tag, tattoo, or leg band). FULL BODY PHOTO(S) showing the ear tag for goat, sheep, and swine in the animal is required with the Intent to Enter form. Intent to Enter does not automatically enter your market animal in the Cascade 4-H Show and Sale. You must enter the Cascade 4-H Livestock Show separately.
Intent to Enter Dates:
Market Swine is April 21. No forms accepted after April 28th.
Market Sheep and Market Goat are May 12. No forms accepted after May 19th
Meat Pen Intent to Enter for turkey, rabbit, chicken, and duck due May 2. No forms accepted after May 9.
Late Intent to Enter will be charged $25 per animal fee
Poultry Members:
Thank you to those that attended the western feed corral additional poultry day, we had a great time-sharing knowledge and creating a list for more days! The next one is March 15, 10am-12pm, I will share on market birds- specifically Cornish, raising and processing. April 26, 10am-12pm, will be on brooding and poultry management for chickens, ducks and hopefully turkeys. As always please no birds yet and RSVP to Marie Powell at cell 254-258-0622.
Hayes Show Lambs
Hays Show Lambs (out of Yellowstone County) will hold their online sale on Wednesday, April 2, 2025, at Willoughby Sales ( Watch for photos and update on their social media Facebook: Hays Show Lambs. Questions can be directed to Trish Hays at 406-671-7493.
Summer Opportunities
Chatcolab in Bloom
If you're interested in leadership training, community building, escaping routine, exploring new self-expression, and trying exciting activities in a summer camp setting... The 2025 program is designed with two groups in mind - a formal camp will include tracks that will inspire, educate, and re-charge adult-sized needs and is open to ages 14 and older, and a less formal, half-day experience for children that will encompass STEAM and recreation activities for children 8 and up. All ages, however, are invited to join us with familial supervision. 2024 CHATCOLAB PROGRAM -CHATCOLAB Please check out the link if you think you want to learn more.
Montana Natural Resource Youth Camp
Save the Date: July 13-18, 2025 Lubrecht Experimental Forest, Greenough, Montana Questions? Please call (406) 243-2773 or send an email to Application and $150 deposit is due July 1st (deadline). The balance is due by start of camp. Core Program: $300 Program costs are all inclusive. Please inquire about educational and travel scholarships. dex.html If there is any unforeseen circumstances involving the ability to run camp, a written notice and full refund will be issued.
Scholarships and Other Financial Opportunities
Cascade 4-H Foundation Scholarship
Scholarships are available to those continuing their education beyond high school. Applicants must have been an active member of the Cascade County 4-H program at the time of their high school graduation to apply. Application can be found on ZSuite and on the Cascade County MSU Extension website. Applications and supplemental materials are due by 11:59 pm on March 31.
Montana 4-H Foundation Grants
The Montana 4-H Foundation supports 4-H initiatives that focus on healthy living, citizenship, leadership, science, engineering, and technology. The mission of the Montana 4-H Foundation is to "help 4-H youth by raising private funds, managing financial resources and partnering with the MSU Extension Service to fund educational opportunities for Montana 4-H youth, volunteer leaders, and staff."
Montana 4-H grants provide opportunities for youth and adults to strengthen their skills and maximize their positive impacts on the communities in which they live. Grants - MONTANA 4-H FOUNDATION
Russell Country Federal Credit Union
Russell Country Federal Credit has developed a program to assist youth and young adults from 8-19 years of age, who are actively participating in 4-H to learn financial responsibility and good saving habits. Visit for more information.
Montana Department of Agriculture Junior Agriculture Loans
The Montana Junior Agriculture Loan Program was developed to assist and encourage members of agricultural youth organizations in financing agricultural projects. Projects can involve crop and livestock production, custom farming, marketing and distribution, processing, and other financially feasible activities. Loans are made from the assets of the Agricultural Finance Program. Program support and technical assistance are provided by the MSU Extension Service, Montana agricultural educators, and private financial institutions. Visit for more information.
Farm Service Agency (FSA) Youth Loans
FSA makes loans to individual young persons to start and operate income-producing projects of modest size in connection with their participation in 4-H, FFA, tribal youth group, or similar agricultural youth organization. The project being financed with an FSA Youth Loan needs to provide an opportunity for the young person to acquire experience and education in agriculture-related skills. Call the Great Falls FSA office at (406) 727-7580 for more information.
Montana Farmers Union 4-H Sentence Grant
Montana Farmers Union is awarding $100 grants to 4-H clubs to further their project work. All you need to do is submit one sentence on how you would use the funds! Apply at
2025 Georgia Boot Trailblazer Contest
Apply now for the 2025 Georgia Boot Trailblazer Contest. They are looking for five dedicated 4-Her's who are #BeyondReady to share their 2025 project journey with the Georgia Boot audience, plus win a prize package valued at $800.00.
4-H Trailblazers Application | Georgia
Keely Drummond-Schearer Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is to provide financial assistance to a Cascade County 4-H member to honor Keely Drummond-Schearer.
- Applicant must be a Cascade County 4-H member at the time of his/her high school graduation.
- Applicant must have been active for a minimum of two years in either the Horse or Lamb Projects OR a Grand Champion Intermediate or Senior Round Robin Showman at any time in his/her 4-H career with any 4-H animal species.
- Applicant must be enrolled in a post-secondary education program or trade/vocational school program at time of application.
Meetings & Important Notices
Horse Leaders Meeting
The next meeting of the Cascade County 4-H Horse Leaders will be on Tuesday, March 4th at 5:30 pm at the Extension Office. The meeting will also be virtual via WebEx.
Leaders’ Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Cascade County 4-H Leaders’ Council will be on Tuesday, March 11th at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office.
Foundation Meeting
The next meeting of the Cascade County 4-H Foundation will be on Tuesday, April 15th at 6:00pm at the Extension office.
Shooting Sports Leaders Meeting
The next meeting of the Cascade County 4-H Shooting Sports Leaders Committee will be held on Thursday, March 6th at 6:00pm at the Extension Office.
Livestock Leaders Meeting
The next meeting of the Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leaders will be on Tuesday, March 25th. at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office.
Junior Leader Camp Planning Meeting
Camp Junior Directors will be meeting on March 18th at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office
Looking ahead to April and Project Day the Cascade Ambassadors are sending this message out:
Hello 4-H attendees,
Join us for a Q&A session during Project Day on April 12th from 9:00 –10:30 am. Bring your questions about 4-H, the ambassador role, junior leader, project books, and more. We look forward to getting to know you.
Important Dates
4 - Horse Leaders Meeting
6 - Shooting Sports Leaders Meeting
7-9 - State 4-H Shoot - Bozeman
8 - Project Day
11 - Leaders’ Council Meeting
18 - Junior Leader Camp Planning Meeting
25 - Livestock Leaders Meeting
31 - Cascade 4-H Foundation Scholarship Applications Due
1 - Horse Leaders Meeting
3 - Shooting Sports Leaders Meeting
15 - Foundation Meeting
28 - Livestock Leaders Meeting
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status.