Principal Endorsement

Educators who have completed their principal preparation coursework in other states and are seeking Administrative Licensure with a Principal Endorsement in Montana must complete a course in Montana School Law.  An additional requirement for K-12 principal endorsement in Montana, is the completion of EDLD 565 Instructional Leadership. The following courses are recommended for K-12 MT Administrative Licensure and are offered every summer semester:

Course ID
Course Title

K-12 Instructional Leadership

MT Legal & Policy Studies

Note: EDLD 532 School Law is only available to students accepted into the MEd program in Educational Leadership.

School Superintendent Endorsement

Educators who have completed their School Superintendent preparation coursework and licensure in other states and are seeking Administrative Licensure with a School Superintendent Endorsement in Montana must complete both a course in Montana School Law and a course in Montana School Finance. The following courses are required and are offered every summer:

Course ID Course Title Credits
EDLD 655

MT Legal & Policy Studies

EDLD 650 MT Finance & Facilities 3
EDLD 645  Personnel and Collective Bargaining in MT 3


It is recommended that individuals consult with The Office of Public Instruction at 406-444-3680 or to determine what courses are needed for their individual licensure in Montana. 


How to Apply

Complete the Graduate School application as a non-degree seeking student available online at the Graduate School website.

Contact Information

Graduate Program Assistant
PO Box 172880, Reid Hall 215, 
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717-2880
406-994-6786 Email: