MSU CARE Program

Resources for Faculty, Staff and Parents

Depressed Suicidal Overanxious Grieving Self-Injury
Disruptive Aggressive Threatening Eating Problems Bipolar
Irrational Under the Influence Stalking Relationship Violence Sexual Assault
*All linked information from the Reaching Out Handbook: Resources for Responding to Students in Distress used with permission from Boise State University's Health Services.




Stalking is any behavior that would make a reasonable person feel threatened, intimidated, annoyed, or afraid.  A stalker is much more likely to be someone the student knows than not.  A stalker may start with small, annoying, persistent actions and progress to criminal behavior.  Some example of stalking behavior are:

  • trying to start or keep a relationship that the person does not want
  • threatening the person or the safety of someone close to the person
  • becoming physically aggressive with the person
  • unwanted repeated calls, emails, or letters
  • following the person


*Faculty, instructors, and staff at MSU are required reporters for any potential instances of sexual violence, sexual harassment, dating/relationship violence, stalking, and sexual assault, regardless of when or where the incident occurred. They are to report this information to the Office of Institutional Equity.  Students, Family Members and Friends are not required but are welcome to make a report. To report a concern to the Office of Institutional Equity, please visit:




  • Encourage the student to not deal with this potentially dangerous situation by her/himself and validate their confiding in you about the situation.  Encourage the student to tell her or his parents or another trusted adult immediately.
  •  Minimizing the potential danger of the situation.
  •  Advise the student to stay alert- pay attention, to the stalker- and to yourself.  Never ignore the first signs of stalking.  You have a creepy feeling about someone?  Sit up and take notice.  Always trust your instincts.  It beats someday saying, "I knew there was something wrong... I wish I'd paid attention."
  •  Discounting the student's concerns and anxiety.
  •  Suggest the student consider talking to University Police (406-994-2121) who can assist you with documentation and confronting a stalker.
  •  Ignoring the problem.
  •  Impress upon the student the importance to document thoroughly.  Write down all of the stalker's behavior in detail.  Keeping voice mail messages, letters, emails, text messages, gifts, photos, etc.
  •  Advise the student to consider applying for a restraining order.


If there is immediate risk to life or property, call 911.