Sept 26, 2024 - Module 5

We are now less than two weeks away from our accreditation site visit!  Your participation is important for our reviewers to see the full picture of our institutional effectiveness.  In addition to the faculty, staff, and student forums, invitations have been sent to you if your expertise is required in one of the committee or council sessions.  Please respond to the Outlook calendar invites so we have appropriate representation at each of the sessions. 

The accreditation review team wants to hear your experiences and perspectives!  Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions about your participation in particular sessions. 

This week’s Accreditation 101, Module 5, focuses on student support.  Continuous self-study and evaluation are important for all aspects of our campus to address the needs of the whole student.  For Module 5, see the figure below or our accreditation website with more details:

Module 5 - Supporting Students in a Holistic Way

Thank you,

Dr. Tracy A.O. Dougher

Vice Provost for Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation

Accreditation Liaison Officer


Sept 19, 2024 - Module 4

Why is attending or working at an accredited university valuable?  My challenge to you this week is to do a little advising with your students and share your thoughts on why they should participate in the Accreditation Student Forum.  Students will have received an email with the details on Tuesday, Sept 16 and some large student groups will receive a presentation from our office.  This is just one example of how important your advising is to students; you individually are more likely to reach the students than our email. 

The student forum is on Oct 10 from 10-11am in the SUB Alumni Legacy Lounge.  Please help us spread the word about the accreditation visit.  Invitation emails for student, faculty, and staff forums can be found here:

This week’s Accreditation 101, Module 4, focuses on our advising system.  For Module 4, see the figure below or our accreditation website with more details:

As always, I am more than willing to visit your department or college upon invitation to discuss the crucial role of faculty, staff, and departments in the accreditation process. Please hold Oct 9-11, 2024 on your calendar for NWCCUs on-site visit and meetings with the review team.

Module 4 - Who advises MSU undergraduate students?

Thank you,

Dr. Tracy A.O. Dougher

Vice Provost for Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation

Accreditation Liaison Officer


Sept 12, 2024 - Module 3

The Year-7 self-study accreditation report is in the hands of our reviewers and our accreditation visit draws near!   You should have received an invitation to the faculty and/or staff forums.  Those emails can be found here: if our listservs are not reaching you. 

To help you prepare for your visit with the accreditation review team, we have designed Accreditation 101 modules.   Modules 1 & 2 were emailed last spring and can be found on our accreditation website:

This week’s Accreditation 101, Module 3, focuses on our Core Curriculum. For Module 3, see the figure below or our accreditation website with more details:

As always, I am more than willing to visit your department or college upon invitation to discuss the crucial role of faculty, staff, and departments in the accreditation process. Please hold Oct 9-11, 2024 on your calendar for NWCCUs on-site visit and meetings with the review team.

Module 3 – What’s at the Core (Curriculum) of MSU?

Thank you,

Dr. Tracy A.O. Dougher

Vice Provost for Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation

Accreditation Liaison Officer


March 26, 2024 - Module 2

Dear Colleagues,

The initial draft of our Year-7 self-study accreditation report is nearly complete.  We were able to answer most of the accreditation standards from the evidence on our MSU websites.  Because transparency to the public and to our external and internal stakeholders is a requirement of accreditation, being able to direct our accreditors to our websites for this evidence is critical. 

Likewise, the departmental websites that share a program’s assessment processes and outcomes are critical evidence of meeting our accreditation standard of transparency to our students and stakeholders.  Most importantly, key information and expectations are available and helpful to students.  To be sure the evidence is apparent to our accreditors, please review your department’s website for clarity and transparency of your programs, program assessments, and departmental advising processes for your students.

This month’s Accreditation 101, Module 2 focuses on how program assessment ‘ties-in’ to MSU’s strategic priorities. For Module 2, see the figure below or our accreditation website:  We ask for the same transparency of information on administrative webpages as we do departmental webpages. Can you answer the question in Module 2 from the information on our Choosing Promise website?

As always, I am more than willing to visit your department or college upon invitation to discuss the crucial role of faculty and departments in the accreditation process.

Thank you,

Dr. Tracy A.O. Dougher

Vice Provost for Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation

Accreditation Liaison Officer

MODULE 2 – The ties between Program Assessment and our Strategic Plan.


December 8, 2023 - Module 1

As we embark on a significant year within Montana State University's accreditation cycle by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), I am reaching out to highlight a crucial milestone in the journey of our 7-year accreditation cycle.

This milestone marks the culmination of our Year-7 magnus opus self-study accreditation report and an on-site review by an external accreditation team that will visit our campus on Oct. 9-11, 2024. It is imperative that we all recognize the importance of this process as we collectively contribute to showcasing the strength and excellence of Montana State University to the accreditors.

Over the next ten months, I will regularly share brief summary updates with you, featuring concise info-modules and diagrams designed to reinforce our commitment to continuous improvement, particularly in academic areas. These modules will serve as valuable resources to help prepare us for the accreditation site visit in October. You can access these modules, along with other pertinent information and updates on the accreditation process, on our website:

I encourage you to review each accreditation module when it arrives in your email, to explore the website, and to please reach out to me with any questions you have about accreditation and assessment. Additionally, if you wish, I am more than willing to visit your department or college upon invitation to discuss the crucial role of faculty and departments in the accreditation process.

The effort you invest in preparing for this visit is invaluable, and together, we can ensure the continued success and recognition of Montana State University.

Thank you.

MODULE 1 – The difference between Program Assessment and Program Review; two key pillars of the accreditation process.  

Dr. Tracy A.O. Dougher

Vice Provost for Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation

Accreditation Liaison Officer