Cultivating a culture where our students can develop and practice scholarly, civic, and professional writing requires committed collaboration amongst those creating and supporting meaningful writing experiences for students. In 2016, Ann Jackson and Ken Wilson gifted a generous donation to the Writing Center to support the integration of writing into STEM students' college experiences. In 2020, they endowed the programming for Writing Across MSU, allowing us to continue to grow the support we offer our students and faculty. 

Our primary focus in the Writing Center is supporting our students. We know, however, that collaboration with other faculty to create environments where students can develop as writers provides better holistic support. We look forward to partnering with you!

In the 2023/2024 academic year, we collaborated directly with faculty teaching the following courses:

  • Chemical Engineering Mass Transfer Operations (ECHM 323)
  • Chemical Engineering Lab I (ECHM 442)
  • Chemical Engineering Lab II (ECHM 443)
  • Ecological Physiology of Aquatic Organisms (BIOO 418)
  • Introduction to Creative Writing (CRWR 240)
  • Introduction to Writing Studies (WRIT 205)
  • Methods of Proof (MATH 242)

Past Programs