Students may appeal decisions concerning the accommodation process or the denial of requested accommodations by filing a request for informal resolution or formal appeal, as outlined below. If a student believes that a decision to deny an accommodation was based on unlawful discrimination, then the student may exercise any rights available under the University’s Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation policy (

The University has the discretion to extend the deadlines identified below when determined necessary or appropriate.

All appeals should be submitted in writing (via email is acceptable) within (7) calendar days from the date on your decision letter and should meet one or both of the criteria listed below.


Criteria for submitting an appeal of the accommodation decision:

Disagreement with a determination is not sufficient grounds for a formal appeal. The review by the Vice President for Student Success will be limited to the following grounds for appeal:

  1. New evidence has been discovered that could substantially impact the original decision. A summary of this new evidence and its potential impact must be included in the letter of appeal.
  2. The student’s rights were violated (i.e., a violation of law or there was a material error in the request for accommodation procedure which substantially affected the student’s ability to receive a fair review).


Appeals Instructions

  1. Email a cover letter requesting an appeal:
    1. The letter of appeal must include: i) the issue on appeal; ii) a detailed summary of the pertinent facts fulfilling the above criteria for a formal appeal; iii) the substantive reason(s) the student disagrees with the decision; and iv) the student’s desired outcome.

  2. Include any relevant documentation pertaining to the new information or procedural error listed in your cover letter.

Next Steps:

  1. If the appeal is accepted, the Vice President of Student Success shall have discretion to request additional documents and information from the student, ODS, or other relevant University officials. If the appeal is not accepted because it does not fulfill one of the criteria identified above or for any other valid reason, the student will be notified in writing within ten (10) days of receipt of the request for appeal.

  2. Upon acceptance of the formal appeal, the Vice President of Student Success shall render a written decision within fifteen (15) days from acceptance of the appeal. The written decision shall identify the issue on appeal and the basis for any determination. The Vice President of Student Success may remand the case to ODS with directions for further clarification or processing, overturn the decision, or render an alternative decision.
  3. A copy of the decision shall be sent to the student, ODS, and any relevant University officials.


The decision of the Vice President of Student Success shall be based solely on the record and relevant documentary evidence and is the final decision of the University in this matter.


Contact Information

Jennifer Joyce
Office of the Vice President for Student Success
PO Box 174220
Bozeman, MT 59171-4220
Phone: 406-994-2828