FY 2023 Call for Proposals

The Center for Science, Technology, Ethics & Society (C-STES) at MSU supports interdisciplinary research that involves the ethical, social, and policy dimensions of science, technology, and medicine.  Research Incubation Awards (RIAs) support activities that will lead to the development or submission of a competitive external grant proposal aligned with MSU grand challenges (research that will have significant social benefit, particularly for underserved populations).  RIAs will be awarded up to $15,000 to support activities including:

  • A faculty course-buyout or a month of summer salary for proposal collaboration and development.
  • Travel or other expenses that would facilitate collaboration or grant planning with non-MSU research partners.
  • Pilot research or engagement projects.
  • Participation in workshops that would provide skills or knowledge necessary for enhancing a research project.
  • Additional activities that might strengthen the development of a competitive research proposal (including activities that might enhance broader impacts of the proposal).

 In addition, C-STES will provide recipients of RIAs with:

  • Assistance in helping you build a team with the expertise you need for your project.
  • Grant leadership support and skill-building.
  • Assistance in helping you find creative ways to enhance the broader impacts of your proposal.
  • Soliciting reviews of a draft of your proposal.


Eligibility & Evaluation Criteria

Full-time faculty (including research faculty) in any department or college at MSU are eligible to apply.  Projects that are likely to involve multiple disciplines or involve stakeholder engagement or education and outreach are particularly encouraged, as are projects from any discipline.  Applicants should identify a particular external funding call that their RIA will target, and should intend to serve as a PI, Co-PI or significant sub-awardee for that targeted opportunity.  Proposals will be evaluated by:

  • The potential intellectual significance of the project to the field(s) and to science and technology studies.
  • The potential broader impacts for society (which might include social benefits of the research, promotion of equity in research benefits, broadening participation of underrepresented groups, or cultivating inclusivity, equity, and accessibility in research)
  • The extent to which the project promotes MSU’s strategic focus on improving lives and society through research, creativity, and scholarship and the Grand Challenges (caring for our environment, promoting wellness in our communities, food & fuel security, and securing the future of Montana).
  • The expertise of the applicant in relation to the project goals and the stage of the applicant’s career.
  • The likelihood that the requested funds and activities will increase proposal success.


To apply: Applicants should submit their RIA proposal electronically to InfoReady (https://montana.infoready4.com/) by 5pm on February 1, 2023. Click "Log in" in the top right-hand corner of the InfoReady homepage and log in with your MSU NetID and password.  From this page, find the Table that lists funding opportunities. Click the down arrow under the column labeled “Category” and select “Internal Opportunity.” From there, select “C-STES Research Incubator Award” in the “Title” column and click “Apply." You will follow the prompts to upload required documents separately.  An application may be saved as a draft before submission. You will receive a system notification when your application has been received. New InfoReady users can contact ord@montana.edu for assistance.


RIA proposals should include: 

  • A summary of the project that you want to submit for external funding, a list of any other team members likely to be involved in this project, description and timeline of the planning or “incubator” activities that you want to accomplish with the RIA, along with a justification of how these activities will increase your chances of a successful external funding proposal (3 pages maximum).
  • Itemized budget and budget justification, including a 6% administrative fee (max $15k). For example, the maximum direct cost would be $14,151 + $849 in in administrative fees = $15k. Keep in mind that in budgeting course-buyouts and summer salary also requires budgeting fringe benefits (which are typically calculated at 37% of the salary budgeted for a buy-out and 19% for summer salary).  
  • Short (2-page max) CV of the proposer highlighting prior grants/awards, most important publications or products relevant to the project, and any other relevant activities or accomplishments relevant to the project.
  • If requesting a course buy-out, attach a letter from your Unit Head (department head, dean, or school director) indicating approval and confirming the cost of the buy-out proposed in the budget (these can vary so best to check with your college’s budget administrator).


Notifications will be made via InfoReady by February 15th, 2023.  Funds must be spent within one year of the RIA start date.

Questions?  Contact C-STES Director, Kristen Intemann, at stes@montana.edu or kristen.intemann@montana.edu