Off‐campus is defined as activities performed at sites not owned or centrally leased by the university, or activities occurring at sites for which costs are directly allocated and charged to the project. Sites centrally leased by the university means the lease costs are paid by the Vice President for Research or other non‐OSP funding sources and do not warrant using the off‐campus rate.
Criteria for using the off‐campus designation for the project are as follows:

  • Performance at the off‐campus project site is typically for the majority of
    the period of performance, must be on a continuous basis and of sufficient
    duration, to justify use of the off‐campus rate.
  • Intermittent off campus performance or effort including seasonal
    fieldwork, is not sufficient to qualify for the off‐campus rate.
  • If the project is to be considered off‐campus for F&A purposes, facility
    rental lease costs will need to be included as a direct cost in the project
  • The university personnel and students working or engaged on the project
    must be physically located at the off‐campus project site and not utilizing
    on campus labs, buildings, libraries, or other facilities.
  • Travel to and from an off‐campus project site is considered a transportation
    cost and does not qualify a project for use of the off‐campus rate.
  • Travel to and from other locations, such as meetings with federal sponsors,
    data collection in the field, or conference expenses are considered travel
    costs and do not qualify for use of the off‐campus rate.
  • Subaward and other third‐party costs such as contracted services are
    excluded and not a determinant in classifying costs as on‐campus or offcampus.
  • If the PI and staff elect to work remotely, the project will not qualify for use
    of the off‐campus rate.