
In recognition of the importance of graduate research/creativity, Montana State University-Bozeman has established the Provost’s Award for Graduate Research/Creativity Mentoring. Sponsored by the Provost, this award will be given annually to a faculty member who engages graduate students in this valuable learning process. 


All faculty.


Office of Academic Affairs

Award Amount


The following guidelines apply to the nomination and selection process:

Each Dean may nominate one faculty member from the College. The Dean of Letters and Science may nominate two candidates: one from Letters and one from Science. Nomination materials should include a current curriculum vitae
and a letter of endorsement (not to exceed two pages) from the Dean which highlights the nominee’s contribution to graduate research/creativity mentoring.

All faculty who have held a faculty appointment at MSU for at least 5 years are eligible.

Selection criteria will include:

  • Number of graduate students mentored as major professor, and their success.
  • Number of research or creative collaborations with graduate students at MSU.
  • Record of excellence and effectiveness in activities such as:
    • Onboarding new graduate students
    • Guiding graduate students toward intellectual and professional independence
    • Helping graduate students overcome academic or personal obstacles
    • Job placement / career advising of graduating students
  • Innovation in graduate student mentoring.
  • Each Dean may nominate one faculty member.  The Dean of Letters and Science may nominate two candidates: one from Letters and one from Science.  
  • One award may be given.


Craig Ogilvie, Graduate School, or 994-4145