
Created in 1986, the award recognizes faculty who demonstrate outstanding achievement in incorporating women’s perspectives in the curriculum or developing programs that contribute to the elimination of persistent barriers to the success of women on campus. The award also honors the memory of Betty Coffey, a faculty member in Computer Science from 1977 to 1984, for her considerable contribution to faculty development, teaching excellence, and women’s equity at MSU.


All faculty


Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Committee Award



Selection Criteria

• Research and scholarship leading to the creation of a new course or the substantial alteration of an existing course in order to provide a focus on women’s issues and/or feminist theory. It is expected that the new or revised course will reflect new insights gleaned from feminist scholarship that challenge the ways in which knowledge has been presented in the past. Highest priority in selecting a recipient will be given to courses that include material on previously invisible women, such as minority women, disadvantaged women, or simply women of all races and classes whose lives have been erased from history.

• The development of a program that results in the elimination of barriers to the success of women on campus. Research leading to programs designed to enhance the participation of women in a discipline or field should reach a significant number of students or show potential for continuing impact.

Nomination Materials Required

Please submit a letter detailing the ways in which the candidate’s work incorporates gender and feminist issues. Individuals who are nominated for the award will be contacted later for more information.


Maggie Greene, or 994-5203