It is time for the Women's Center to be thinking about our 2021 Student of Achievement Awards.   We hope that you can help us identify those students who have worked hard on our campus to promote diversity, equality, activism, inclusion, and leadership. 

Once again, we are looking for graduating seniors (graduating in 2021-- May or December) who have not only been successful in their academic careers, but who have demonstrated leadership, been involved in extracurricular activities, promoted diversity, inclusion,  equality and social justice issues on campus, and have a breadth of interests and involvement.   Students of Achievement should be strong role models for other students as well as people in the community. 

See the 2020 awardees

If you have nominations for this award, please send us a letter or an e-mail stating their names, a paragraph or more about their qualifications for this award, contact information (preferably an email address) and class standing, along with any other information you might have that you think would be useful by Wednesday, February 3rd .  You can send a letter to the Women’s Center, SUB 372 or e-mail me at  We will then send the nominees an application form to fill out to complete the selection process. 

All Students of Achievement will be honored (virtually) in March.  We will send you more details as the date gets closer.  Thank you in advance for your help, and please feel free to contact me with questions at