Executive Committee Meetings:

Executive Committee Meeting minutes are available upon request by emailing pcosuw@montana.edu

  • August 27, 2019, 3:00 p.m.
  • September 17th, 3:00 p.m.
  • October 15th, 3:00 p.m.
  • November 19th, 2:00 p.m.
  • December 17th, 3:00 p.m.
  • January 21st, 3:30 p.m.
  • February 18th, 2:00 p.m.
  • March 10th, 2:00 p.m.
  • April 21st, 2:00 p.m. CANCELED
  • May 19, 2:00 p.m.

Full Commission Meetings:

Fall - October 10, 2019, 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. in the President's Conference Room in Montana Hall - See minutes below.


PCOSUW Full Commission Meeting MINUTES October 10, 2019

Download a PDF of the minutes

  • Welcome
    • Betsy welcomed the President’s Commission on the Status of University Women to today’s full commission meeting.
  • Introductions - Around-the-table introductions were made.
  • President Cruzado’s remarks
    • President Cruzado welcomed the Commission and shared her thanks for the amazing work that has been done. She encouraged everyone to wear pink the week of Oct. 28 to signify our solidarity to breast cancer survivors and Pack the Place in Pink support.  Vicki Carle is an alumna who founded Pack the Place in Pink.  She encouraged the Commission to share updates to be incorporated into her Board of Regents welcoming remarks.  She asked that the Commission please review the Relationships policy as the committee is currently seeking feedback.
  • Colin Shaw from Undergraduate Scholars Program with updates on the National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) for the Year of Undergraduate Research (YOUR) Any Questions?
    • Colin shared information for over 4,000 undergraduate students attending NCUR 2020 next March 26-28, 2020 here in Bozeman. He shared the most up-to-date information and where need is to contribute to the success of NCUR at MSU.


  • Vote to approve Nika as new Communications Chair
    • Becca Belou sought approval from the Commission and Nika Stoop was unanimously approved.
  • Vote to approve Sara Rushing and Micah McFeely as new Recognitions Co-Chairs
    • Sara Rushing and Micah McFeely were approved unanimously.
  • Announcement of Victoria Garrick event
    • Athletics has sponsored this event and Leon said she is an inspirational speaker and encouraged attendance.  Posters were passed out. The PCOSUW will sponsor a public event on October 16th and we encourage PCOSUW members to attend!
  • Committee Reports/ Other MSU Campus Reports
    • Assessment: Ian Handley, Chair
      • Nika Stoop provided a brief update provided by Ian in his absence highlighting the 2018-2019 accomplishments:
        • The Assessment Committee reviewed the Annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Self-Studies from 2017, and coded the reports of each department/unit for themes regarding successes, barriers, and plans. Nika Stoop created a summary synthesizing those themes to help guide brainstorming for future activities of the Assessment Committee and assist in discussions between members of committee and Deans pertaining to their departments’ efforts on diversity and equity.
        • In early 2019, the Assessment Committee updated the content and website for the Self-Study Supportive Feedback, found here: http://www.montana.edu/president/universitywomen/self-study-feedback.php. This supportive feedback was intended to assist departments in completing the next round of Self-Studies. We also uploaded the 2018 Self-Study form to give departments/units a preview of the questions they would address in the forthcoming Self-Study (addressed below).
        • In early 2019, members of the Assessment Committee met to consider minor modifications and updates to the 2018 version of the Annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Self-Study form. Based on discussions from this meeting, we chose to slightly edit and add to the form used for the previous year. Members of the Assessment Committee then reviewed each department/unit’s Self-Study from 2017 and tailored the updated 2018 form to each department/unit, making inquiries to specific challenges and plans noted in the previous year. On behalf of the Assessment Committee, the Provost’s Office sent out in an electronic format (Qualtrics) the Academic Department and Unit Self-Study on February 6th. The Assessment Committee Chair then emailed the Chair/Head of each academic department, attaching the individualized Self-Study form tailored to that department (CC-ed to the respective Dean). These Self-Studies were due to each Dean and the Assessment Committee by March 15th, although the studies continued to trickle in over the next month.
        • In late October 2019, the Assessment Committee will meet to assess the 2018 round of Self-Studies to determine any progress, analyze and disseminate other diversity and equity metrics, and work to identify issues and barriers in place on campus that thwart success. The feedback document will be updated with any new issues that may arise, and the Assessment Committee will brainstorm other ways that the PCOSUW can help address any needs around campus. Ideally, members of the Assessment Committee and the Senior Diversity and Inclusion Officer will meet with Deans in mid/late November 2019 to discuss summaries of the 2017 & 2018 Self-Studies from departments within the respective college and the assessments as they might apply to the college as a whole.
  • Communications: Nika Stoop, Chair
    • Nika provided an overview on communications. They revised the PCOSUW website to meet accessibility guidelines and continues to advertise relevant events through the website and Facebook page. They helped communicate about the upcoming workshop by Victoria Garrick on October 16th.  She is seeking others interested to join the communications committee.
  • Nominations/Membership: Becca Belou/Brett Gunnink, Co-Chairs
    • Becca provided a brief update:
      • Ann Ewbanks will now be the Women’s Faculty Council representative.
      • The representative from the newly formed All Staff Council person will be Julia Tietz.
  • Policy: Emily Stark, Chair
    • Emily Stark said they are working on providing gender neutral language to policies, policies are being reviewed by legal counsel, and they are currently working on modifying the breastfeeding policy.
  • Recognitions: Micah McFeely and Sara Rushing, Co-Chairs
    • Micah made a call for award nominations for spring convocation 2020.  Micah requested the commission to complete online form if you are currently serving on a subcommittee or if you are interested in joining.
  • Jennifer Lynn with report from MSU Billings
    •  Jennifer was unable to attend due to weather but she sent a report of variety of progress at MSUB.  They are conducting monthly meetings of the Women’s Faculty Caucus (focusing on themes of teaching, grant writing, work/life balance, and service) Co-Chaired by Dr. Jen Lynn and Dr. Melissa Boehm.
    • MSUB Women’s Studies Minor is growing!  Women’s Studies Minor – now housed in the Department of History.  They are in the initial stages of a name change - to become “Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies”. Women’s and Gender Studies Center
    • Ongoing programming and events. Focus on community outreach and partnerships (YWCA, AAUW, Zonta, Global Village, Angela’s Piazza)
    • In Spring 2019: advocated for free Period Products on Campus (YAY)!! We have had excellent feedback from students, faculty, and staff! 
  • Follow-up on Dr. Kirkland’s visit on NASEM Sexual Harassment Study
    • trainings in Athletics are ongoing, Emily Stark shared they are having training at units request.
  • Strategic Plan Ad-Hoc Committee: Volunteers needed, Leon Costello
    • Leon will Chair Ad-Hoc committee-- volunteers needed!   6-8 folks willing to work on this very short-term project…Volunteer now!
    • Leon is looking for volunteers for the ad hoc committee. He would like to work towards how best to align to the university strategic plan.
  • Thoughts, questions?
    • Schedule April or May 2020 meeting.