OHRP Investigator FAQs

  • The IRB Office reviews 600 - 700 applications and protocol related requests annually, in addition to other duties. The easiest way to reduce the review back and forth is to submit a thorough application. Be sure to answer all questions completely. With the exception of the consent (which should adequately summarize the entire project for your subjects), all information should be entered only once in the section it belongs.
  • Expect longer wait times early to mid-semester as application volume increases significantly during these times.
  • Typical minimum turnaround times are as follows: Exemptions: 1 week - Submit anytime; Expedited: 2 weeks - Submit anytime; Full Committee Review: Submit Full Committee Review application by the deadline. Applicants will receive a response no more than 10 business days after the date of the IRB meeting. 

Out of fairness to all applicants, applications are reviewed in the order they are received.

  • Students may serve as PIs at the Exempt level only.
  • Only faculty may serve as the responsible PI on Expedited and Full Committee Review protocols. raduate students should work with their Faculty Advisors on thesis or dissertation application at this level.
  • Faculty PI's must submit the first version of the Expedited or FCR application and agree to all PI responsibilities. Students can be added as protocol personnel. 
  • After the this first submission, lab managers or other personnel designated by the primary PI may put in subsequent submissions and respond to revision requests. 

Yes, it is the PI's responsibility to keep the protocol current and up to date, including submitting all changes prior to implementation.

  • Check in your unsubmitted folder. Go to Protocols - Open Unsubmitted Protocols - Click on your protocol. If you start anything on a protocol, and do not finish it, it will automatically be placed in unsubmitted.
  • Check your retuned protocols. Go to Protocols - Open Returned Protocols - Click on your protocol. Make sure to submit after making changes or it will sit in returned status. 

Call the IRB Program Manager at 994-4706 during business hours for the fastest response. You can also email irb@montana.edu. For inquiries requiring more than 15 minutes, please request a meeting time via the Outlook calendar.