Missoula Student Resources
Faculty and Staff Directory
- It is difficult to survive without an automobile given the variety of clinical sites. The Mountain Line Public Bus System operates from 6:00am to 10:00pm, which isn't satisfactory for shift work. The UM bus systems and Mountain Line are both free of charge.
- Automobiles are required for Community Health Nursing and community-based experiences in other courses.
- Parking permits on campus are available from the UM Police Department, (406) 243-6132. You must purchase your permit in-person and identify yourself as an MSU College of Nursing Student.
- ASUM Day Care, (406) 243-2542, provides on-site child care, but slots are limited and it's first come first serve.
Counseling Services
- Students in Missoula can access telehealthservicesthrough MSU Bozeman Counseling and Psychological Services may contact CPS for an intake appointment. MSU Counseling & Psychological Services Webpage or (406) 994-4531
MSU students in Missoula can access mental health services at the U of M Curry Health Center.Curry Health Center Webpage or (406) 243-4711
- Additional Missoula Mental Health Resources
- University of Montana Residence halls on campus may have space available if you apply early. There is a $25.00 non-refundable application fee. *You will need a 790 number to apply, please contact Louis Johnston, Business Operations Manager to get a 790 number.*
- You are an MSU student on the campus of UM. Since we are a part of the same university system some resources are shared.