While the student leadership is largely responsible for enforcing the policies of the band and may be called on to assist with assessment, the directors ultimately assign all grades and scholarships.

  1. All members of the SotW must be active students of Montana State University and be enrolled in MUSI 155 for the semester they are participating in the marching band.
  2. As long as a student upholds the policies of the SotW, he/she can expect to receive full credit for the course and 100% of his or her scholarship.
  3. Students will be assessed on performance, attendance, and decorum by the director, staff, and student leadership throughout the season.


Band members will demonstrate their knowledge of music, choreography, and marching by performing part checks throughout the semester. Part checks are conducted by the captains and the drum majors. 
  1. Performing is more enjoyable if you are prepared. Part checks encourage accountability from our members in the form of individual practice time This is necessary because there is simply too much information to be learned during rehearsal. 
  2. Our goal is for band members to become stronger musicians through their experience in the SotW. Part checks allow students the opportunity to grow musically by receiving regular feedback. Students have multiple opportunities to pass their part checks.
  3. In our efforts to develop a culture of prepared musical performing from the marching band, we must balance our desires against the reality of our students' capacity to learn material (a.k.a. the bigger picture). Part checks allow us the opportunity to gage how prepared the band is for our performances. 

Grading scale

# of failed part checks Grade Reduction Scholarship Reduction
0 failed part checks 0% 0%
1 failed part check 2% 0%
2 failed part checks 8% 0%
3 failed part checks 14% 5%
4 failed part checks 20% 10%



Attendance requirements are detailed in the band's attendance policy. The Drum Majors offer optional rehearsal makeup sessions on the Fridays before gamedays to help offeset absences. 

Grading Scale for Rehearsal Absences WITH Makeups
# of Rehearsal Absences

Grade Reduction

Scholarship Reduction
1st absence 0% 0%
2nd absence 1% 0%
3rd absence 3% 0%
4th absence 6% 0%
5th absence 10% 0%

All Additional Absences or any missed reheasals without attending a makeup

-5% each -5% each


  • All students in the marching band must attend or makeup 80% of rehearsals (including band camp) to pass the class.
  • Two late arrivals to rehearsal count as as single absence.
  • In the case of course conflicts or MSU-affiliated academic absences, students are expected to attend makeup rehearsals in good faith and to the best of their ability.
  • The directors may excuse absences for exteneded periods, absences related to disability or injury, or other extenuating cirumstances. Students may be required to demonstrate their ability to perform music, choreography, and/or drill prior to being allowed to perform.
  • All band members are required to attend 2 of the 3 rehearsals prior to a field performance. Failure to do so may require a performance check on music, choreography, and/or drill prior to being allowed to perform.


Because of the co-curricular nature of the marching band, and the fact that students receive at most 2 credits for 6.5 hours of class time per week, the grading of MUSI 155 is largely participation-based. In general, students can expect to receive a "A" for the course as long as they meet all of the requirements as explained in the band policies.

The SotW has three levels of decorum-elated scenarios that may impact a band members final grade for the semester. 

1. Instances when a band member falls short of our expectations. These are reflected by a small reduction in his/her final grade. Such instances are cumulative, each resulting in the lowering of a final grade by one deviation (A, A-, B+, B, B-, etc.). These instances all not result in a scholarship reduction. Reoccurring instances of the following:

  • Absence from rehearsal/sectional without prior notification
  • Tardy to rehearsal/leaving early
  • Missing uniform component(s)
  • Failure to maintain instrument/equipment
  • Lack of attention to chain of command/disregarding student leadership
  • Arriving to rehearsal without music/drill/instrument 
  • Arriving to rehearsal in inappropriate clothing (especially shoes)
  • Talking during rehearsal
  • Low energy/lack of enthusiasm
  • Off-task activities (using phone, "snarky" comments, etc.)
  • Generally unprepared for rehearsal or performances

2. Instances of misconduct unbecoming of band members and representatives of the MSU student body. These are reflected by a large reduction in a student's final grade. Such instances are also cumulative with each resulting in the lowering of a final grade by one full letter (A, B, C, D). These instances are subject to a 10% scholarship reduction.

  • Unexplained absence from a "pep" performance
  • Failure to attend sectionals
  • Undermining student leadership
  • Deliberate mishandling of uniform, instrument, or equipment
  • Overt rudeness/minor bullying
  • Disrespect of instructors or intentionally misplaying/mismarching 

3. Instances of severe misconduct. We hold a special classification for behaviors that may warrant full dismissal from the band. Such an occurrence will result in an immediate F for the semester and the reduction of 100% of a student's scholarship.

  • Unexplained absence from a field performance
  • Arriving to rehearsal/performance under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Shameful display of conduct in uniform or as a representative of the band
  • Theft of band property or while representing the band
  • Hazing/bullying