(Past) Spring 2024: January 13 - May 9, 2023

NOTE: This schedule is for planning purposes, and is subject to change. CRN's will be updated as they are available. CRNs are from Online Liberal Studies 802 sections.

Course Descriptions

Spring 2024 Liberal Studies Online Course Offerings
Rubric # CORE CRN Course Title Instructor Credit Liberal Studies Requirement
ANTY 375   35453 Anthropology of Humans and the Environment Scott Dersam 3 Social Science
ENSC 272 CS 34562 Water Resources Sam Carlson 3 Natural Science
ERTH 101  IN 32677 Earth Science Systems Robyn Gotz  4 Natural Science
ERTH 303   35507 Weather and Climate Robyn Gotz 3 Natural Science
GH 327   34037 Translating Global Cinema Liana McKelvy  3  Humanities
GRMN 101   33191 Elementary German I Kate Kithil  3  Language 
HSTA 322   33673 Modern America, WWII to Present Timothy LeCain  3 Humanities 
LS 101  US 32679 Interdisciplinary Ways of Knowing: Curiosity Killed the Cat Jennifer Hill  3 Humanities
LS 301   32803 Parks, People, & Places: Stories of Our Public Lands James Pritchard   3 Humanities
LS 301   33709 Big Ideas in Comics John Townsend-Mehler 1  
LS 301   35492 Food, War & Migration Jennifer Hill 3 Humanities
LS 350   32802 Literature Review Theory/Practice Star Bradley  3  Wild Card
LS 411   35493 Sustainable Cities Nina Mondré Schweppe 3 Humanities
LS 451   32485 Film, Photos, and Culture Heather Hardester 3 Humanities/Fine Arts
LS 490  R contact Jaclyn Denny Research Capstone Jennifer Hill 4  Research
MUSI 307  IA 32255 World Music David Charles   3  Fine Arts
NUTR 221  CS 32253 Human Nutrition Janet Gamble  3 Natural Science 
NUTR 351   32822 Nutrition and Society Janet Gamble   3 Natural Science 
PSCI 348   35247 Multicultural Politics in US Jessi Bennion  3   Social Science
RLST 223  IH 34536 Sacrifice, Rite, Ritual Holly Grether   3   Humanities
RLST 321   32805 Religion and Gender Holly Grether  3  Humanities
SOCI 359   35355 Crime, Justice and Media Johnson-Palomaki, Sarah Robin  3  Social Science
SPNS 102  D 34659 Elementary Spanish II Veronica Garcia Moreno  3 Language 

(Past) Fall 2023: August 23 - December 14, 2023

NOTE: This schedule is for planning purposes, and is subject to change. CRN's will be updated as they are available.

**CRN's are for sections restricted to Liberal Studies Online Students

Rubric # CORE CRN  Course Instructor Credit Liberal
Studies Requirement
AMST 202 RA 22348 The Arts in America David Charles 3 Fine Arts
BIOO 262 IN 24407 Introduction to Entomology kevin O'Neill 3 Natural Science
CHTH 435   22344 Human Response to Stress Katie Heiser 3 Natural Science
ERTH 101 IN 22643 Earth System Sciences Robyn Gotz 4 Natural Science
GH 353   25571 Mexican Borderlands Latrelle Scherffius 3 Humanities
GRMN 102 D 23330 Elementary German II Liana McKelvy 3



HSTA 334   24462 Myth, Memory & Monuments Jennifer Hill 3


HSTR 346   23108 Modern India Holly Grether 3


LS 301   25578 Science in Cinema John Townsend-Mehler 1

Humanities or Natural Science

LS 305   24405 Ways of Seeing Nina Mondre Schweppe 3

Humanities or

Fine Arts

LS 402   23690 From the Closet to the Courts: Contraception in America Jennifer Hill 3

Wild Card - Nat Sci, Soc Sci, Fine Arts, or Hum

LS 452   22717 This is Your Brain on Art and Music Heather Hardester 3

Wild Card - Nat Sci, Soc Sci, Fine Arts, or Hum

LS 490   contact Jaclyn to register Senior Project Jennifer Hill 4 Senior Project
M 105 Q 24403 Contemporary Mathematics Bonnie Eichenberger 3 Natural Science
NRSM 421   24410 Holistic Thought and Management Anthony Slominski 4 Natural Science
NUTR 221 CS 22346 Human Nutrition Janet Gamble 3 Natural Science
NUTR 321   22715 Nutrition in the Life Cycle

Cailyn Gillis

3 Natural Science
PHL 103  D 23945 Philosophy and Popular Culture

Jeffrey Stephenson

3 Humanities
PSCI 302   24361 Media and Politics

Jessi Bennion


Social Science

RLST 207 IH 23106 Myth and Belief Holly Grether 3 Humanities
SOCI 359   25616 Crime, Justice, Media Johnson-Palomaki, Sarah 3 Social Science
SPNS 101   22345 Elementary Spanish I Veronica Garcia Moreno 3



(Past) Summer 2023

First 6-week Session: May 15- June 23

*note that both courses are offered the first summer session. There are no courses in second session.

Summer 2023 Liberal Studies Online Course Offerings
Session Rubric # CORE CRN Course Title Instructor Credit

Liberal Studies Requirement

First Session                
  LS 402   11071
Contraception Through the Ages
Jennifer Hill 3  
  CHTH 414   11037 Health and Culture: A Global Perspective Michelle Grocke 3  

(Past) Spring 2022: January 19 - May 13, 2022

Spring 2023: January 18 - May 12, 2023

NOTE: This schedule is for planning purposes, and is subject to change. CRN's will be updated as they are available.

Course Descriptions

Spring 2023 Liberal Studies Online Course Offerings
Rubric # CORE CRN Course Title Instructor Credit Liberal Studies Requirement
ANTY 375   35453 Anthropology of Humans and the Environment Scott Dersam 3 Social Science
AS 403D   33572 Monsoon Asian Civilization Philip Williams 3 Humanities
ENSC 272 CS 34562 Water Resources Sam Carlson 3 Natural Science
ERTH 101  IN 32677 Earth Science Systems Robyn Gotz  4 Natural Science
ERTH 303   35507 Weather and Climate Robyn Gotz 3 Natural Science
GH 327   34037 Translating Global Cinema Liana McKelvy  3  Humanities
GRMN 101   33191 Elementary German I Kate Kithil  3  Language 
HSTA 322   33673 Modern America, WWII to Present Timothy LeCain  3 Humanities 
LS 101  US 32679 Interdisciplinary Ways of Knowing: Curiosity Killed the Cat Jennifer Hill  3 Humanities
LS 301   32803 Parks, People, & Places: Stories of Our Public Lands James Pritchard   3 Humanities
LS 301   35492 Food, War & Migration Jennifer Hill 3 Humanities
LS 350   32802 Literature Review Theory/Practice Star Bradley  3  Wild Card
LS 411   35493 Sustainable Cities Nina Mondré Schweppe 3 Humanities
LS 490  R contact Jaclyn Denny Research Capstone Jennifer Hill 4  Research
MUSI 307  IA 32255 World Music David Charles   3  Fine Arts
NUTR 221  CS 32253 Human Nutrition Janet Gamble  3 Natural Science 
NUTR 351   32822 Nutrition and Society Janet Gamble   3 Natural Science 
PSCI 470   35290 Rural Politics Jessi Bennion  3   Social Science
RLST 223  IH 34536 Sacrifice, Rite, Ritual Holly Grether   3   Humanities
RLST 321   32805 Religion and Gender Holly Grether  3  Humanities
SOCI 359   35355 Crime, Justice and Media Johnson-Palomaki, Sarah Robin  3  Social Science
SPNS 102  D 34659 Elementary Spanish II Veronica Garcia Moreno  3 Language 

(Past) Fall 2022: August 24 - December 16, 2022

NOTE: This schedule is for planning purposes, and is subject to change. CRN's will be updated as they are available.

**CRN's are for sections restricted to Liberal Studies Online Students

Rubric # CORE CRN  Course Instructor Credit Liberal
Studies Requirement
AMST 202 RA 22509 The Arts in America David Charles 3 Fine Arts
CHTH 435   22505 Human Response to Stress Katie Heiser 3 Natural Science
ERTH 101 IN 22826 Earth System Sciences Robyn Gotz 4 Natural Science
GRMN 102 D 23589 Elementary German II Liana McKelvy 3



HSTR 346   23333 Modern India Holly Grether 3


LS 305   24952 Ways of Seeing Sarah Coletta-Flynn 3

Humanities or

Fine Arts

LS 402   24006 From the Closet to the Courts: Contraception in America Jennifer Hill 3

Wild Card - Nat Sci, Soc Sci, Fine Arts, or Hum

LS 452   22905 This is Your Brain on Art and Music Heather Hardester 3

Wild card - Nat Sci, Soc Sci, Fine Arts, or Hum

LS 490   contact Jaclyn to register Senior Project Jennifer Hill 4 Senior Project
M 105 Q 24950 Contemporary Mathematics Hildee Fike 3 Natural Science
NRSM 421   24957 Holistic Thought and Management Lora Soderquist 4 Natural Science
NUTR 221 CS 22507 Human Nutrition Janet Gamble 3 Natural Science
NUTR 321   22903 Nutrition in the Life Cycle

Melody Anacker

3 Natural Science
PHL 103  D 24324 Philosophy and Popular Culture

Jeffrey Stephenson

3 Humanities
PSCI 302   24879 Media and Politics

Jessi Bennion


Social Science

RLST 207 IH 23331 Myth and Belief Holly Grether 3 Humanities
SOCI 359   25607 Crime, Justice, Media David Eitle 3 Social Science
SOCI 420   24162 Violence in America David Eitle 3 Social Science
SPNS 101   22506 Elementary Spanish I Veronica Garcia Moreno 3



(Past) Summer 2022

First 6-week Session: May 16 - June 24

*note that both courses are offered the first summer session. There are no courses in second session.

Summer 2022 Liberal Studies Online Course Offerings
Session Rubric # CORE CRN Course Title Instructor Credit

Liberal Studies Requirement

First Session                
  LS 402   11270 Contraception in America Jennifer Hill 3  
  CHTH 414   11213 Health and Culture: A Global Perspective Michelle Grocke 3  

(Past) Spring 2022: January 19 - May 13, 2022

NOTE: This schedule is for planning purposes, and is subject to change. CRN's will be updated as they are available.

**CRN's are for sections restricted to Liberal Studies Online Students

Spring 2022 Liberal Studies Online Course Offerings
Rubric # CORE CRN Course Title Instructor Credit Liberal Studies Requirement
ERTH 101  IN 32877 Earth Science Systems Robyn Gotz  4  Natural Science
ENSC 272  CS 35334 Introduction to Water Resources John Townsend-Mehler  3  Natural Science
GH 327   34633 Translating Global Cinema Liana McKelvy  3  Humanities
GRMN 101   33461 Elementary German I Liana McKelvy   3  Language 
HSTA 322   33991 Modern America, WWII to Present Janet Ore  3 Humanities 
LS 101  US 32879 Interdisciplinary Ways of Knowing: Curiosity Killed the Cat Jennifer Hill  3  
LS 301   33011 Parks, People, & Places: Stories of Our Public Lands James Pritchard   3  Humanities
LS 301   34768 Heroes, Gender, & Identity John Townsend-Mehler 1 Humanities
LS 350   33010 Literature Review Star Bradley  3  Wild Card
LS 491   34580 Triple Bottom Line Sustainability

Heather Higinbotham Davies

LS 451   32869 Films, Photos, Culture Heather Hardester   3  Fine Arts/Humanities
LS 490  R contact Jaclyn Research Capstone Jennifer Hill 4  Research
MUSI 307  IA 32420 World Music David Charles   3  Fine Arts
NUTR 221  CS 32418 Human Nutrition Janet Gamble  3 Natural Science 
NUTR 351   33032 Nutrition and Society Janet Gamble   3 Natural Science 
PSCI 490   35241 Multicultural Politics in the U.S. Jessi Bennion  3   Social Science
RLST 223  IH 35308 Sacrifice, Rite, Ritual Holly Grether   3   Humanities
RLST 321   33013 Religion and Gender Holly Grether  3  Humanities
SOCI 357   35320 Occupational and Corporate Crime David Eitle  3  Social Science
SPNS 102  D TBA Elementary Spanish II Veronica Garcia Moreno  3 Language