1. Review basic health and safety information about your destination :
       a. CDC’s Yellow Book 2024 edition: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/yellowbook-home
       b. Shoreland TRAVAX : https://tripprep.com/
       c. Check specific destination information posted by the USDOS :         https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages.html. On the landing page for your destination, check these dropdown tabs for valuable information
                   1. Health
                   2. Safety and Security
                   3. Local Laws and Special Circumstances
                   4. Embassy Messages / Alerts
         d. Check any COVID-related requirements by visiting your destination’s US embassy website. Learn about any specific requirements for your unique destination / activity / air or other transportation carrier. Remain current on any changing COVID-related regulations at your destination and pertaining to your return.

2. Be prepared
       a. Know how to access medical care while abroad and in transit as needed for any health issues that may arise and for any emergencies. Address any physical and mental health concerns prior to travel as appropriate.
      b. Create and carry a document listing any physical and mental health conditions, medications, heathcare provider contact information and insurance information as appropriate.
       c. Have a plan for traveling with medications; IAMAT’s Guide for Traveling with Medications is an excellent free downloadable resource: https://www.iamat.org/travelling-with-medications
        d. If you anticipate needing any destination-based immunizations or medications prior to travel or if you have any health conditions which could put you at risk for severe illness from COVID / other illnesses, chronic conditions, severe allergies etc please make sure to discuss your travels with appropriate healthcare providers well prior to your departure to ensure adequate preparation for your travels.
       e. Consider bringing masks and hand sanitizer in your carry-on and utilizing throughout travel as needed.
       f. Seek additional information for more specialized destination considerations including but not limited to insect protection and related issues (including Malaria, Zika, Tick-Borne Diseases), food and water precautions, altitude travel, exposure to blood-borne pathogens, Rabies, etc

3. Excellent additional travel health resources may be found here: https://www.montana.edu/health/medicalservices/travelclinic/travelresources.html

4. Should you have any health- or safety-related questions or concerns regarding your upcoming international travel, please feel free to contact MSU Travel Clinic at travelclinic@montana.edu or 406-994-7287.