What you need for mask reuse

  1. Face mask.
  2. Paper storage bag.


  1. Wash hands 20 seconds or sanitize.
  2. Pinch loops of mask and pull them back and off your ears.
  3. Pull loops off without touching your face and remove the mask.
  4. Position mask face down.


  1. Place paper bag on flat surface.
  2. Place mask face down into the storage bag.
  3. Avoid touching inside or outside of bag.
  4. Wash hands 20 seconds or sanitize.


  1. Wash hands 20 seconds or sanitize.
  2. Remove mask from the storage bag.
  3. Avoid touching inside or outside of bag.
  4. Put on mask ensuring nose and mouth covered.
  5. Wash hands 20 seconds or sanitize.

 The graphic on this page is used via Creative Commons license from Emory University