LEAT Finding Coursework
New Endorsement Area Coursework
Coursework may be taken at another campus or online through another institution. All courses not taken at MSU-Bozeman must be pre-approved by FPLO, prior to registering. If you have questions, contact Jamie O’Callaghan.
Finding Coursework
- Go to Extended University at http://eu.montana.edu/ to research coursework offered at MSU- Bozeman.
- Family and Consumer Sciences Courses: Please discuss with department
- Check other Montana University Systems institutions:
University of Montana: http://www.umt.edu
University of Montana-Dillon: http://www.umwestern.edu
MSU-Great Falls: http://www.gfcmsu.edu
MSU-Northern: http://www.msun.edu
- Here is a list of other universities that have courses acceptable to MSU-Bozeman:
Arizona State: https://asuonline.asu.edu
Brigham Young University: http://is.byu.edu/site/
Columbus State University: https://online.columbusstate.edu
Dawson Community College: https://www.dawson.edu/academics/online/
Eastern Washington University: http://outreach.ewu.edu/
Liberty University: www.liberty.edu
Louisiana State University: http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/lsuonline/
Mississippi State University: http://distance.msstate.edu/
Oregon State: http://oregonstate.edu/
Ottawa University: http://www.ottawa.edu/
Penn State: http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/
Stanford University: http://online.stanford.edu/courses
SUNY Empire State College: https://www.suny.edu/
The Pennsylvania State University: https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=online
University of Arkansas: https://www.uark.edu/
University of California: http://online.cui.edu/
University of Idaho: http://dee.uidaho.edu/
University of Nebraska: http://online.unl.edu/
University of Oklahoma: http://www.ou.edu/
University of Phoenix: http://www.phoenix.edu/
University of Pittsburgh: http://www.online.pitt.edu/
University of Texas: http://www.utexas.edu/
University of Wisconsin: http://www.uwex.edu/
University of Wyoming: http://www.uwyo.edu/outreach/
Western Governors University: http://www.wgu.edu/
Western Washington University: http://www.wwu.edu/ee/westernonline
Contact Jamie O'Callaghan, for additional guidance.