Tuesday, December 12, 2023

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Course Evaluation Reports and Preparing for your Annual Review

Reminder: Reminder: Course evaluations close Thursday at 11:59 PM.

As you start to prepare for your annual review in January, this video might help with adding course evaluations to Faculty Success. Your reports will be available Tuesday, January 2.

Also, the course evaluations website has some templates and short articles that provide some strategies and tips for contextualizing and interpreting course evaluations.

Syllabus Resources for spring semester including AI in the classroom 

Syllabus imageIn partnership with numerous groups on campus, the CFE developed guidance around using  AI in the classroom and assignments. We also have many resources for creating your syllabus in general. 



If you are located outside of Bozeman and would like to attend a workshop via Webex, please request a link in the comments section and it will be sent to you before the session.

TOMORROW- Departmental Expectations for Non-Tenure Track and Tenure Track Faculty 

Wednesday, December 13|| 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM|| MSU Library 324 Teaching Space || Register|| Lunch will be provided|| iCalcal

In this session of the Early Career Faculty Success Learning Community, we will talk about your annual review, and department expectations in the Retention, Tenure and Promotion process.

Pre-work: How to align your time with your priorities     

Join the Accessibility Collaborative for Coffee and Donuts 

Thursday, December 14|| 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM|| MSU Library 324 Teaching Space || || iCal cal

The Accessibility Collaborative is a monthly meeting focusing on ADA issues on campus. It is a time for campus partners to come together to discuss how to make our campus and learning more accessible, create awareness of barriers, know of resources to address them, voice concerns, celebrate successes, and build community. They invite you to join them for coffee and donuts to thank you for all that you do to support accessibility on campus. Center for Faculty Excellence and Disability Services staff will be in attendance to answer any questions. 

Applications Due FRIDAY for Grant-Writing Bootcamp

Fridays every two weeks starting January 26, 2024 || 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

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Go through the proposal writing process from beginning to end while working on your own grant or fellowship application. With feedback from peers and experts, these 5 sessions over 10 weeks are designed to provide the time and support needed to help novice (or rusty) grant writers respond to requirements of a funding opportunity, collect and create the many parts of a proposal, connect with relevant MSU collaborators, resources, and staff, and ultimately submit a competitive extramural funding proposal.


MSU Library Open House 2024

Tuesday, January 16, 2024|| 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM|| MSU Library, Second Floor ||


If you haven’t visited the new space for the CFE and the Research Alliance, come check us out at the Library Open House!

There are many curiosities on the MSU campus, and MSU Library wants to be sure you have the tools to unearth these mysteries. Faculty, staff, graduate students, and community members are invited to the library’s annual Open House.

Contact MSU Library Events and Communications Manager, Ann Vinciguerra (406-994-6857; ann.vinciguerra@montana.edu), with questions or to find out more.


Faculty: Apply to become a Public Engagement Fellow in Spring 2024

Are you a faculty member interested in increasing your research impact and putting your scholarship in service of the public good? If so, apply for the new MSU Public Engagement Fellowship Program Learn More

The inaugural cohort will begin in Spring 2024.  

Fellows will receive training, connections within and beyond MSU, and the opportunity to develop or continue a publicly engaged project with support from a $2,000 stipend. 

Applications due by December 22, 2023. 

Recruiting Mentors for Undergraduate Research Fair

Monday, January 22, 2024|| 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM|| SUB Ballroom A ||

Resiger || iCalcal

We would love for faculty, departments and research groups, research centers, and core research facilities to be well represented, with a variety of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates staffing the booths.

If you have any questions, please reach out to undergradresearch@montana.edu.


TODAY- Guest Expert Webinar: Supporting Academic Parents: Recommended Policies and Practices 

Tuesday, December 12 at 12:00PM  MDT||  Register

Presenter: Cleopatra Abdou Kamperveen, PhD, Founder & CSO, The Fertility and Pregnancy Institute 

Core Curriculum Webinar: Every Semester Needs a Plan

Thursday, January 11 at 12:00 PM  MDT ||  Register

Presenter: Mindi Thompson, PhD, HSP, University of Wisconsin-Madison 

You will need to log into your National Center for Faculty Diversity and Development (NCFDD) account and then click the link above to access the event. This online resource is available to the MSU community free of charge. Learn more about how to register.

MSU Center for Faculty Excellence
114/116 Montana Hall Montana Hall | Bozeman, MT 59717
http://www.montana.edu/facultyexcellence/ | cfe@montana.edu  | 406-994-4555