Monday, January 10, 2022

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Upcoming Announcements Teaching TipsGraduate Student Corner NCFDD Online Faculty Development


Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I hope 2022 is off to a good start and that you are warm, happy and feeling well. In addition to welcoming a new year, we also optimistically greet the new semester. The cycles of academia, like the predictable changing of the seasons, provide us with opportunities to begin afresh, especially in the classroom, studio or lab. Reflection and iteration are our pathways to maintaining what is good and improving upon those aspects that are less effective or meaningful in our work. As we shed less successful elements of our practice, it is valuable to consider what we have learned from failure as well as success.
On the CFE website and below this message, you will find many resources and opportunities to for professional development. Additionally, please email us at if you would like to set up an appointment to discuss your syllabus, the new space or technology for your class, or any other topic you wish to discuss.
I hope you have an excellent spring semester and can make time to take care of yourselves as you balance all the aspects of your work at MSU. We look forward to engaging with you in this new year.



Record your Classroom Lectures with Panopto

Tuesday, January 11 || 10:00am to 10:30am || Barnard Hall, 126

Join us for an in-person workshop and learn how to use Panopto, our new institutionally supported lecture capture service, to record your classroom lectures! In this workshop you will learn how to: 
Add a Panopto folder to your D2L course.

Record a classroom lecture using the Panopto desktop app.
For more information about Panopto, please visit the Panopto page on the Academic Technology & Outreach website. 

Learn more about this Panopto training

Aligning Expectations for Independent Study or Directed Student Research

Tuesday, January 11 || 2:00 – 3:00 PM || Jabs 204
REGISTER HERE. Add a comment if you would like to join via Webex and we will send you the link.
One of the key things for a successful independent study or directed student research is establishing clear expectations from the beginning. In this session, we will explore different ways to align expectations with your student. 

Learn more about this aliging expectations with students session

Charting a course: learning outcomes to enhance student learning and success

Wednesday, January 12 || 12:00 (noon) to 1:30 pm || SUB 233 and via WebEx

Lunch will be provided for those attending in-person  

Register here and add a note if you would like to attend via WebEx so that we can send you the link 

Facilitated by Ken Silvestri, CFE Instructional Designer

Learning outcomes can be a vital tool when planning instruction and measuring progress towards learning for both the instructor and student.  In this workshop, you will learn about course design using effective learning outcomes that can:

  • move students to deeper learning and higher order thinking,
  • guide the process of identifying and creating appropriate assessment strategies,
  • encourage students to monitor their progress towards achieving the course learning outcomes, and
  • ensure alignment with program learning outcomes to maintain curriculum consistency.

Learn more about this learning outcomes session

Panopto Office Hours

Do you have any questions around Panopto, our new institutionally supported lecture capture service? Bring them to Teaching & Learning Technologies’ Panopto Office Hours. We are happy to answer questions about: 

  • How to use Panopto’s features. 
  • The transition process from TechSmith to Panopto. 
  • Best practices for recording lectures. 
  • Anything else you would like answered!

Learn more about this session and join here

Departmental Expectations for Career and Tenure Track Faculty

Thursday, January 27 || 12:00 - 1:30 PM || SUB235 or Webex
REGISTER HERE  Add a comment if you would like to join via Webex and we will send you the link.
Lunch will be provided.
In this session of the Early Career Faculty Success Learning Community, we will talk about your annual review, and department expectations in the Retention, Tenure and Promotion process. Before you join us, watch this webinar from the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, How to align your time with your priorities and review your role and scope documents and/or hiring letter to familiarize yourself with your specific expectations. The session is open to all tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty.

Learn more about this early career session 

Inclusive Course Design: Implementing Universal Design for Learning Principles 

Wednesday, February 9 || 1:00 pm – 2:30pm || WebEx 

REGISTER HERE We will send you the WebEx link after you register.

Facilitated by Shihua Brazill, Instructional Designer, Center for Faculty Excellence

Description: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a research-based framework for course instruction, materials, and content that engages students and removes barriers to learning. In this workshop, you will learn how to design inclusive courses and implement UDL principles. You will practice how to apply UDL principles when designing inclusive learning experiences.

Learn more about this inclusive course design session

Teaching Online Program (TOP) Advance Course

If you are interested in enhancing your online courses, please consider enrolling in the Teaching Online Program (TOP) Advanced course. This training opportunity focuses on creating engaging online learning experiences and takes place over 5 weeks from February 2nd to March 13th.

Each week takes about 4-7 hours per week to watch short videos, read short articles, participate in online discussion forums, create an instructional plan for engaging online learning experiences, peer review each other’s plans, and complete a group activity.

One of the goals of this course is to experience what it is like to be an online student and to learn from and share ideas with other online instructors.

This course is designed for those who have completed the Teaching Online Program Basic-Level course or has some basic experience with teaching online.

If you have any questions or would like to be added to the course, please contact Ken Silvestri at or 406-994-7835.

Visit the CFE website for the most up-to-date listing and links for registration. For a full archive of past workshops, visit the Recorded Workshop library


Introduction to OER: a textbook review workshop

Tuesday, January 11 || 10:00am to 12:00pm
Virtual workshop:

This workshop will provide an introduction and overview of open educational resources (OER), how to find them, understanding of open licenses, and answer questions you may have about this movement. Participants will receive an opportunity to review a textbook in the Open Textbook Library in their field.

Learn more about this OER workshop.

Spring New Faculty Orientation January 13th

Orientation of new faculty plays an essential role in establishing the culture of the university. CFE is offering new faculty orientation for faculty who are joining mid-academic year on

  • January 13th from 10 am to 11:30 am via Webex.

During this 1 ½ hour session, we will welcome new faculty to Montana State University and let them know of the resources available to them.

Email with the name of anyone who should receive an invitation.

Don't Cancel that Class!

Planning your syllabus or office programs for Spring 2022? Don't Cancel that Class is a program run by the VOICE Center, the advocacy center for survivors of interpersonal violence. The program allows professors to schedule a VOICE Center presentation for their classes. The program is perfect for professors who will be absent as they attend conferences and want their classes to meet during their absence. The VOICE Center can tailor the presentation to topics specific to each class such as climate change and interpersonal violence, trauma-informed care for medical professionals, or the presentation can focus on consent, bystander intervention, etc.

Learn more about this opportunity from the VOICE Center.

Call for Conference Proposals: MUS’s 2022 Extended Learning Institute (XLi) 

Conference proposals are due January 24th!

Thursday & Friday, April 7–8, 2022
Montana Tech University in Butte, MT (with virtual option)

Theme: Teaching the Whole Student through Intentional Design

Attendees will learn how to foster motivation, commitment, and personal development in all students by designing for engagement and interaction. Faculty and staff are invited to submit proposals for a wide array of teaching and learning topics relating to any teaching modality (F2F, hybrid, hyflex, videoconference, online, blended). Faculty development and student services proposals are welcome.

  • Proposal topics might include but are not limited to:
  • Strategies for humanizing the learning process
  • Culturally responsive teaching (e.g., as applicable to marginalized, low-income, first-generation, adult, GenZ, and international students)
  • Fostering community in online spaces
  • Universal design and accessibility
  • High impact practices in online or face-to-face settings
  • Strategies for increasing faculty engagement

Learn more about the XLi here

MSU Library Open House - In-Person & Interactive Virtual Activities

January 18, 2022 from 3-6 p.m

The tradition continues. We look forward to gathering with MSU faculty, staff, graduate students, and Bozeman community members to enjoy food and beverages, listen to music, and explore the services offered by MSU Library and our partners. Our theme this year will be a bit different. In the past, we’ve chosen themes centered on classic works of literature, but for 2022, we will broadly celebrate the theme of reading. We've asked partners to select a book and we'll celebrate the joy and importance of reading in our personal, intellectual, and professional lives.


Teaching Tips

In this section, we are posting some short articles with practical teaching tips:

If you have a teaching tip related to teaching in a blended or online format to share in this section, please send a description and any related resources or examples to

 Grad Student Corner

Find graduate student resources here that you can share with your students.  Visit The Graduate School resources for faculty and staff website.

Invite the Dean

Craig Ogilvie, Dean of the Graduate School, would like to get out and meet groups of graduate students in your labs, research, or study spaces. If you would like to host the dean for a ~30 min. informal chat, please contact


NCFDD ONline Faculty Development

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity members receive a weekly motivational email (the Monday Motivator) and access to the full NCFDD Core Curriculum, guest expert webinars, intensive multi-week courses facilitated by national experts, a private discussion forum, monthly writing challenges, and the opportunity to connect with a writing accountability partner. Learn more about how to register.

Core Curriculum Webinar: Every Semester Needs a Plan
Facilitator: Carlita Favero, PhD, Ursinus College
January 13, 2022 (Thursday) at 2:00 PM ET
Register Here

Guest Expert Webinar: Presumed Incompetent II: Lessons from the Struggles and Victories of Women of Color in Academia
Facilitator: Carmen Gonzales, JD, Loyola University Chicago School of Law
January 18, 2022 (Tuesday) at 2:00 PM ET
Register Here


MSU Center for Faculty Excellence
114/116 Montana Hall Montana Hall | Bozeman, MT 59717 |  | 406-994-4555