Preparation: Step-by-Step

Wash hands. Rinse grapes thoroughly by placing under running water with hand or in colander.

Remove grapes from stem to eat or for in recipes.

Hold on both sides to secure a grape for slicing. Slice in half or quarters for salads.

Enjoy in salads, yogurt, desserts, and preserves.
- Purchase grapes adapted for your area. Plant in spring in full sun on a south facing
slope. Immediately after planting, prune each cane back to 2-3 healthy, live buds.
Shoots will grow from these buds, creating the trunk of the grapes. For cold climates,
two or more trunks are recommended.
Visit for more information or contact your local MSU Extension office.
- Grape harvest in northern climates occurs in the fall. Allow fruit to ripen on the vine as it will not further ripen once picked. Harvest grapes when the seeds and cluster stems seem to turn brown and woody. The cluster should be cut from the vine with a small length of stem attached, taking care not to rub the “bloom” (gray or white powder) from the fruit. Bloom is a naturally-occurring substance which protects grapes from moisture loss and decay.
- Grapes come in different varieties. Green grape varieties should have a slightly yellowish, translucent hue rather than a true, opaque green. Red grape varieties should be mostly red and have a rich, reddish-purple hue. Blue-black grape varieties should have a deep, rich, dark hue. Choose plump, firm grapes that are firmly attached to stem.
- Store in the refrigerator, wrapped in a perforated plastic bag. Perforations in the bag allow excess moisture to escape. Avoid storing grapes next to strong-smelling food, such as green onions or leeks.
- Most fruits are rich in fiber and phytochemicals, but provide negligible amounts of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and sodium and are gluten-free. Grapes are rich in potassium and have only 52 calories per half-cup serving.
- Pierce the grape with a skewer to grill alone or with vegetables. Grapes are done when tender.
- Freeze a few grapes to use for snacks or add to drinks instead of ice cubes.
- Heat pan to high, add butter or oil to coat bottom of pan, and add grapes. Sauté until lightly brown, about 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat and add to sauces or pour over fish or meat dishes.
- Slice carrots into 1/4- to 1/2-inch coins and place in a microwaveable dish with three tablespoons of water. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave on high for 4-5 minutes or until tender.
- For information on preserving fruits, look for the MSU Extension MontGuides: Freezing Fruit; Drying Fruit; Processing Fruit and Tomato Products in a Pressure Canner; Making Jams, Jellies, and Syrups. Visit for more information or call your MSU Extension office.
For More Information:
Montana State University Extension:
MSU Extension Master Gardener:
MSU Extension Food and Nutrition:
MSU Extension Nutrition Education Programs:
Date of Publication: January 2014