Be a BreaksAway Site Leader
*2025 Site Leader applications are now closed.
BreaksAway Site Leaders oversee the entire break experience, from educating the participants, handling daily logistics, and managing conflict within the group. There are two student co-leaders on each trip.
BreaksAway Site Leader Resposibilites
Attend mandatory Site Leader orientation day and other trainings held during the fall/spring semester.
Organize and co-lead 2-3 pre-trip planning and educational meetings with trip participants that include trip logistics and education for the issue you will be working with.
Participate in a pre-trip team building experience with your group.
Attend meetings with OSE Community Engagement Program Manager and other site leaders leading up to the trips.
Work cooperatively with the co-leader to consistently address the needs and safety of the group throughout.
Help finalize and confirm trip logistics by working with the host site.
Delegate responsibilities to individuals in the group before, during and after the trip.
Take responsibility to handle emergencies and/or conflicts that may arise while on the trip.
If able, agree to be one of the trip van drivers.
Agree to enforce all MSU policies for student travel plus MSU BreaksAway Alcohol/Drug policy. (Reminder: these are substance free trips!)
Responsible to lead one educational activity and one daily reflection with your group.
Help organize, promote and lead a post trip celebration for all MSU BreaksAway participants, their friends, families and any interested parties on campus.
Assist in participant recruitment of BreaksAway participants at 1-2 tabling events.
Maintain consistent and positive communication with your co-leader, your participants and OSE.
BreaksAway Site Leader Benefits
Build group facilitation techniques and skills.
Enhance problem-solving skills.
- Opportunitiy for First Aid/CPR training.
- Leadership workshop opportunities with professionals.
Gain professional leadership experience to note on personal resumes.
Enjoy the satisfaction of giving.
Travel and experience a different community.
Receive a reduced cost BreaksAway trip!
- $500 Stipend awarded after trip compeltion.
BreaksAway Site Leader Time Committment
Pre-Trip: Expect to contribute about 15-20 hours during the summer/fall semester for trip planning and leader training. Time involved will increase as the trips come closer during the spring semester.
During the trip: you will be required to have March 14th at 5:00pm - March 23rd at 10:00pm dedicated for the trip.
Post-Trip: Expect to contribute about 3-5 more hours after the trips are over for wrap-up meetings, celebration preparation and attending the celebration.
What trip will I help lead?
Site Leaders will work with their co-leaders and OSE to plan a trip with a "theme" that both aligns with their passions as well as meets educational needs of a BreaksAway trip.
Potential trip themes (not an exhuasstive list- you can work with OSE to come up with something unique!):
- Climate Change & Justice
- Homelessness
- Hunger & Food Insecurity
- Immigration & Refugees
- Healthcare Inequality
- Education
- Conservation
- Historical Preservation
- And so much more!