Advisory Council

From left to right: Anne Shovic, Rob Watson, Levi Birky, Dean Tricia Seifert, Barb Nagengast (past member), Hans Williamson, Pam Sanderson, and Donnie Seibel (past member).

Not pictured: Eddie Davila, Jill Flores, Kelsey Gummer, Virginia Nollmeyer, Deb Redburn, and Jill Thorngren.

Mission of the Council 

The College of Education, Health & Human Development Advisory Council (EHHD AC) is an external advisory group that provides advocacy, mentoring, and guidance on philanthropy initiatives to the Dean for fulfilling the mission of the College of Education, Health & Human Development (EHHD).  The EHHD AC is comprised of leaders from the education, health, business, civic, and philanthropic communities with experience, expertise, and interests relevant to the mission and strategic objectives of the college.  


The EHHD AC shall serve as an advisory body to the Dean of Education, Health & Human Development on many aspects of the college, its mission and its programs. The specific purposes of EHHD AC are as follows: 

  • Provides the Dean with a community perspective and mentoring on the development and implementation of the college's strategic plan and initiatives; opportunities for EHHD students (before and after graduation); the evolving educational, health-related, economic and social needs of the local community and the state of Montana; and relevant national and international issues and trends that will impact on the mission of the college.
  • Reviews important documents on behalf of the college (e.g., strategic plan, annual report) and provides input.
  • Serves as an ambassador for the college and MSU.  
  • Advocates for the programs and graduates of the college.  
  • Assists the Dean in the solicitation, cultivation and stewardship of external support.  
  • Identifies and provides opportunities for EHHD students to interact with both public, private and nonprofit organizations, through internships, mentoring and experiential learning.