Graduate Committee & Program of Study Request
Graduate Committee Request
The Graduate Committee Request form in MyInfo is used to report your graduate committee and make any revisions to your committee membership.
- Log into MyInfo and navigate to the "Student Services" tab. Click the "Graduate Committee Request" link
- Complete the information in the top box and hit "Submit"
- Master's students: you will be prompted to indicate whether you will be completing a master's thesis (does not include professional paper). If you do not yet know, you can select "I don't know." Curriculum and Instruction Professional Educator and Educational Leadership M.Ed. are "No Thesis"
- All students will need to type in your department head's email address:
- Now you will be able to start adding members to your committee. Click "Add Member"
- Type in your first committee member's email address and select their role. Please note, you will only be able to select "chair" if the email address you enter matches a tenure track faculty member at MSU.
- If you are adding an off campus member, you will need to upload a pdf showing their approval to serve on your committee (e.g., an email from the off campus member stating agreement to serve on your committee.
- Once you have completed your committee, click "Submit Final Committee." Once your committee is submitted, all on-campus members will receive an email asking them to agree to serve on your committee. After all members agree, the request will be routed to your department head and then to the Graduate School for final review.
For more detailed directions please email
Graduate Program of Study Request
The Graduate Program of Study form in MyInfo is used to report your degree requirements and make any revisions to your requirements. A graduate committee must already be approved and on file for the program of study to be opened for you. You will meet with your advisor prior to completing the program of study and decide on your plan together.
Any emails from the program of study tool will be sent to your university student email address (not your graduate assistant email or personal email).
- Log into MyInfo and navigate to the "Student Services" tab. Click the "Graduate Program of Study" link
- At the top of the page, you will need to enter your department head email:
- Your committee will be listed. Add your departmental reviewer The "show instructions" box shown is clickable. It will open text that explains the form. Note that all policies are available on the Grad School's website and additional department requirements in your graduate program handbook.
- The sections included in the program of study are: Recommended Courses, Additional Graded Courses, Transfer/Non-Degree/Reserved Credits (total of nine credits), Estimated Exam and Defense Schedule, Research Credits, Considered and En route Credits (for doctoral only: Enter master's degree courses - limit 30 credits).
- Once you have completed all the sections, you will click the check boxes at the bottom and then click submit. You also have the option to "save and continue" if you are not ready to submit at that point. Once submitted, the form cannot be updated until it has been approved by your whole committee, department head and the Graduate School. You can contact and request decline. It will be sent back to you and corrections can be made and re-submitted.
- Once approved, you will receive a final email from that states "Your Program of Study request for (your degree) has received final approval from the Graduate School.
Special Sections:
- Transfer/Non-Degree/Reserved Credits: This section is for listing courses you wish to transfer from another institution or courses taken at MSU in the non-degree status or reserved for graduate use status. This section can be no more than nine credits total. You will need to have an official transcript on file with the Graduate School for courses to transfer.
- Estimated Exam and Defense Schedule: You will select the semester and type in the year of your estimated exam timeline. You are not held to these semester/years; it is for planning purposes. You should, however know what exams are required for your degree. Consult your advisor if you have questions.
- Research Credits: This section is for 590 and 690 credits
- Considered and En route Credits: Considered credits can be entered from an awarded master's degree course by course. These credits will be considered toward the 60 or 66 credits required for a doctoral degree. Thirty credits is the maximum allowed to count. There is no age limit on these courses. En route is not an option for the Department of Education graduate student.
To Make a Revision:
If you previously submitted a paper/pdf program of study form, you will need to enter your program of study into MyInfo's Graduate Program of Study (POS) for the first time. You can enter it with the revision taken into account. For example if your original POS listed STAT 511 and you never took it, just don't include it when you submit in MyInfo for the first time.
If you submitted a program of study in MyInfo and it was approved and you now need to make a revision, you will log back in and either add the course you need or drop the course you don't need. Remember, you cannot remove a graded course. You do not need to make a revision due to timing (you took the course sooner or later than you initially indicated on the form)
For more detailed directions please email