When putting external Webex Meeting Invitations to Webex meetings inside of Brightspace, it is advised that users make sure that when selected, the link to the meeting opens in a new page or tab to avoid conflicts between the Brightspace system display and Webex meeting display.

Create Webex Meeting Invitation as a link

Create a Webex invitation inside Brightspace as a link topic in a module or sub-module in the Content area of a course.

  1. go to the Content area of a course
  2. go into a module or sub-module and select "Create a Link" from the "Upload/Create" drop menu
  3. find and copy the HTTPS "Join Meeting" link that is associated with the Webex meeting
  4. paste the link into the newly created link's URL area
  5. select the link to "Open as External Resource" to make sure that Brightspace doesn't step on Webex
  6. after establishing the link, it is possible to select the "Bulk Edit" button to access a description area associated with the Webex link
  7. optionally: copy/paste information from the Webex invitation into the description to give additional information for your students concerning the Webex meeting
  8. add any additional detailed information in this area concerning the Webex meeting as well
  9. test

Create Webex Meeting Invitation using a file

Create a Webex invitation inside Brightspace as an HTML file topic in a module or sub-module in the Content area of a course.

  1. go to the Content area of a course
  2. go into a module and select "Create a File" from the "Upload/Create" drop menu
  3. name the file
  4. find and copy the Webex invitation verbiage and related linkages
  5. paste the Webex invitation verbiage and related linkages into the file via the Brightspace HTML Editor area
    • the HTML file will not open as an external resource BUT the Webex generated source code uses target="_blank" on the "Join Meeting" link so the Webex HTTPS link opens in an external tab/window
  6. add any additional detailed information in this area concerning the Webex meeting as well
  7. test

Create Webex Meeting Invitation using Announcements

Create a Webex invitation inside Brightspace as an Announcement.

  1. go to the Announcements area of a course
  2. create a new announcement and give it a headline
  3. find and copy the Webex invitation verbiage and related linkages
  4. paste the Webex invitation verbiage and related linkages into the announcement "Content" area via the Brightspace HTML Editor area
    • the announcement will not open as an external resource BUT the Webex generated source code uses target="_blank" on the "Join Meeting" link so the Webex HTTPS link opens in an external tab/window
    • make sure learners know announcements are being used - learners can collapse announcements and be unaware of any new information being posted
  5. add any additional detailed information in this area concerning the Webex meeting as well
  6. test


CD 202005