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67 member and friends, 15 new added this year, 36 people participated in the meetingsGender Equity Lead: Nika Stoop, Office of Diversity & Inclusion

Representative on the Diversity Council: Madison Herman, The VOICE Center


In it's second year, the Gender Equity Alliance had a booth at the fall Catapalooza and made buttons for students, faculty, staff and kids! For that event we made a handout and webpage of all the gender related groups on campus.

The fall meeting included bystander advocate training and the spring featured a panel talking about strategies for creating inclusive departments. We also came together for a “Belonging in Bozeman Community Chat” and reviewed the maternity and parental leave policy and breastfeeding policy to make the wording more inclusive and clearer. 



Image of the gender orgs listThank you to our volunteers who made about 30 buttons, cut out button templates, caught flying cover tents, and talked to many people – students, faculty and staff…and kids – who were interested in gender equity on campus. We also gave out a handout with all of the gender related groups on campus. It is also available on the web.

Tracy at the Catapalooza table


The President’s Awards for Gender Equity are designed to honor members of the MSU community who have worked to improve issues related to gender, equity, diversity and inclusion. These awards are given out a two times during the year – a faculty or staff member is recognized as part of Spring Convocation, and undergraduate and graduate student awards are given out as part of MSU's Day of Student Recognition.

See the 2024 award winners





Inclusive Departments Raising awareness of practices, training, and resources to promote gender equality and an inclusive culture at the department level.

We decided to create two guides:

  1. Suggestions for everyone on creating an inclusive culture.
  2. Suggestions for inclusive leadership.

We collected ideas and strategies to include in the guides.

Policy Review As part of our priority to review policies, procedures and practices that impact and are impacted by gender, we reviewed policies and made recommendations for changes.