MSU College of Business co-sponsoring free presentation - Anatomy of a License: Tips, Traps and Best Practices

June 18th, 2013

Montana State University (MSU)’s Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship (JJCBE) is co-sponsoring “Anatomy of a License: Tips, Traps and Best Practices” on Wednesday, June 26 from 4:00-5:30 p.m. in Reid Hall 108, on the MSU campus.

License terms for intellectual property are very important for companies and entrepreneurs , especially technology-focused companies , whether the technology is licensed out of the company or licensed into the company. Licenses offer important business opportunities but are technically demanding, often risky, and present an array of choices that must be negotiated and customized to fit the specifics of each situation. If the party you are negotiating with is outside the U.S., the international legal aspects of the situation make things even more complex. Mistakes in licensing can be very costly when you want to develop and monetize your rights, and later, when you want to sell your company.

Expert licensing and international law attorneys Michael McCormick and Kevin Maler of Dorsey & Whitney will walk you through key issues and point out potential traps for the unwary. A question and answer session will follow the presentation.

To RSVP for the free presentation or for more information, please contact Lena Viall at or Audrey Lee at