MSU SIFE club (Students in Free Enterprise) held a very successful event on Wednesday, February 27, on campus at the Procrastinator Theater with the showing of a Montana PBS film Montana s Water Problem - and guest speaker, filmmaker Diego Rivas. SIFE club members along with nearly 80 other attendees, enjoyed the film discussing water issues in our state.

This event was held as part of an overall club project relating to the promotion of environmentally conscious solutions within a community and culture that will help to develop an even more symbiotic relationship with its surroundings. SIFE is targeting "green" alternatives on a three pronged approach: energy conservation, transportation and renewable resources further summed up by the 5 "B"s: Bulbs, Bikes, Buses, Bottles and Bags.

SIFE invited all interested people to come and enjoy the film with a short talk bolstered by free pizza and soft drinks. SIFE club president, Desirae Barkan was pleased with the turnout on a wet, cold evening, and hopes to continue drumming up interest in the club with more ecology focused films and yes, perhaps even more free pizza.

For further information on SIFE and their projects, please contact Kelsey Griffith or Desirae Barkan at

SIFE is nonprofit organization that gives students the tools to learn the free enterprise system in a real working situation. Each year the organization challenges students on more than 800 college campuses across the nation to take what they're learning in the classroom and use their knowledge to better their communities.

SIFE club meets Monday evenings 5-6 PM in Reid Hall, Room 453. Please stop by and see what SIFE is all about and learn how you can make a difference on our campus and in the community.