Paul A. Stewart, manager of global business development for a division of Eli Lilly, will delver a David Orser lecture at the Montana State University College of Business at 4:10 pm Tuesday, Oct 4 in Ballroom A of the Strand Union Building.

Stewart is a seasoned executive with more than 20 year business experience. He currently manages Elanco Animal Health, Eli Lilly's animal health division, which markets animal care products worldwide.

Stewart graduated from Purdue University with a degree in agricultural business management. He later earned and MBA from Harvard University.

The lecture series is sponsored by David B. Orser, a 1966 MSU graduate and is a continuing part of a program begun in 1988 to bring to the College of Business leaders to inspire business students, so that they might enthusiastically pursue careers as innovative, responsible and ethical business leaders.

Stewart's lecture is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Dave Foster at 406.994.6188 or