Montana State University College of Business is looking for local and regional businesses that would be willing to offer MSU management students practical business experience this fall semester in return for research, issue analysis or operational advice.

During the three month course, students will help manage special consultative projects requested by area businesses, including such things as developing business or marketing plans, identifying business improvement opportunities, or providing possible solutions to specific problem areas, working with either a portion or the entire business. Areas of focus include the market, competition, organization, operations, and financials. The class will be taught and managed by College of Business faculty member Dr. Robert Means.

The students are enrolled in Management 475 Management Practicum. This senior level class has been a successful program for more than 13 years.

According to Angela Baumann, Assistant Athletic Director Corporate Relations & Marketing for the MSU Athletics, the program is a successful partner for students and businesses. "The marketing class did a demographic profile of our customers at Bobcat football, volleyball and men's and women's basketball," Baumann said. "This information was extremely useful and provided us hard data to sell corporate packages as well as to assist with developing our annual marketing campaign."

The MSU College of Business is currently taking applications of businesses that may want to participate in Management 475 during the fall semester. All types of businesses and service organizations are encouraged to be part of this class.

For more information or an application, contact Means at 994-2083, or e-mail him at