Non-Business/Non-Economics and Advisor Approved Electives (AAEs)

As a business major you are required to take 48-54 credits of non-business/non-economics electives. University core, math, stats, and some economics classes count in this category, but the average student still needs about 10-12 credits of non-business/non-economics coursework. If you are Management or Marketing student you also get to take advisor approved electives (AAE), which can be non-business classes. Yes, the two categories can double count!

These requirements are part of your Jabs business degree because we want to you to be well-rounded, thoughtful global citizens. We encourage you to use these electives to feed your passions, identify new interests, explore new disciplines, take risks, tailor your degree to YOU, and make YOUR degree even more valuable. This guide is not an exhaustive list of MSU courses (not even close!), but it’s designed to get you thinking about all the amazing courses available to you at MSU. (Check the FAQ for guidance on what constitutes a non-business/non-economics course for guidance on what constitutes a non-business/non-economics course).

>>>>>> Click here for the PDF version of the information below. <<<<<<

Check out some ideas below!

Non-Business/Non-Economics Elective Options

*course has pre-requisites. Check MSU online catalog for details

Learn More About the World

Having a strong understanding of the world and its people as well as world history and events is critical to the development of solutions to global problems in a global economy.

AMST 101D- Introduction to American Studies
AMST 201IH- American Identity, American Dreams
ANTY 101D- Anthropology & the Human Experience
ASTR 110IN- Intro to Astronomy: Mysteries of the Sky   
COA 205- Introduction to Coaching
GPHY 121D- Human Geography
GPHY 141D- Geography of World Regions
HSTA 101IH- American History I
HSTA 102IH- American History II
HSTR 101IH- Western Civilization I
HSTR 102IH- Western Civilization II
LIT 285D- Mythologies
LS 194D- Intro to Africana Studies
MUSI 101IA- Enjoyment of Music
MUSI 203IA- American Popular Music
NASX 105D- Introduction to Native American Studies
NASX 205D- Native Americans in Contemporary Society
NASX 232D- MT Indians: Cultures Histories, Current Issues
PSCI 210IS- Introduction to American Government
PSYX 100IS- Intro to Psychology
RLST 203D- Buddhist Traditions
SOCI 101IS- Introduction to Sociology


Communications/Public Relations/Media

Communications & Media play a fundamental role in business both externally and internally. These courses
can boost your understanding of why and how we communicate with others.

ANTY 225IS- Culture, Language, & Society
COMX 111US- Introduction to Public Speaking
CRWR 240RA- Introduction to Creative Writing*       
CS 145RA- Web Design
LIT 110IH- Introduction to Literature
PHL 101IH- Intro Philosophy: Reason and Reality
PHL 110IH- Intro Ethics: Good & Evil
PSCI 230D- Introduction to International Relations


Design Thinking & Creativity

Organizations today operate in a highly competitive, global environment, making these areas crucial for success. These are highly sought after skills for those looking to be employed in business.

ARCH 121IA- Introduction to Design
FILM 101IH- Understanding Film & Media                   
MART 145RA- Web Design
MUST 217- Entertainment Business
PHOT 113RA- Understanding Photography
PHOT 154IA- Exploring Digital Photography


These are key areas of industry in Montana and students who have more of an understanding of these areas will better position themselves for career opportunities and advancement in this industry.

HTR 107- Intro to Hospitality Mgmt
HTR 201- Hotel Management & Operations
HTR 220- Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry*  
HTR 230- Fundamentals of Tourism Management*
NUTR 221CS- Basic Human Nutrition
NUTR 226- Food Fundamentals*
NUTR 227- Food Fundamentals Lab*
SFBS 146- Intro to Sustainable Food & Bioenergy Systems



HSTA 102IH- American History II
PSCI 210IS- Introduction to American Government
SOCI 221IS- Criminal Justice System

Science/Data Science & Technology/IT

Science & technology play an increasing role in business and society. Learning more in these areas can
open doors to unique career opportunities. Technology has a large impact on business operations.

BIOB 105CS- Introduction to Biotechnology
EGEN 125CS- Technology, Innovation, & Society         
ERTH 101IN- Earth System Sciences
ERTH 212RN- Yellowstone: Scientific Lab
GEO 111IN- Dinosaurs
TE 250CS- Technology and Society
CSCI 107- Joy & Beauty of Computing
CSCI 127- Joy & Beauty of Data
CSCI 132- Basic Data Structures & Algorithms*
CSCI 232- Data Structures & Algorithms*
CSCI 246- Discrete Structures*

Sustainability & Environment

Students who have a deeper understanding of how an organization operates in the ecological, social and
economic environment, can create huge long-term value-add for the company.

ARCH 231CS- Issues in Sustainability
BIOB 170IN- Principles of Biological Diversity
BIOE 103CS- Environmental Science & Society
ECHM 205CS- Energy and Sustainability
SFBS 146- Intro to Sustainable Food & Bioenergy Systems    
ENSC 110- Land Resources & Environmental Sciences
ENSC 272CS- Water Resources
NRSM 101- Natural Resource Conservation
NRSM 101- Natural Resource Conservation
NRSM 240- Natural Resource Ecology*

Wellness & Health

Work and life balance is important. Be sure to take advantage of these classes that can help you improve
upon your own individual physical and mental health.

ACT 104- Beginning Bowling
ACT 120- Beginning Alpine Skiing
ACT 150- Beginning Yoga
AHMS 158- Legal & Regulatory Aspects of Healthcare       
HDFS 101IS- Indiv and Fam Def: Lifespan
CHTH 205- Drugs and Society
CHTH 245- Physical Activity, Nutrition & Health in Aging
CHTH 210- Foundations in Community Health
NUTR 221CS- Basic Human Nutrition


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Non-Business Areas by Focus

If you are not interested in pursuing a minor, you can put together your own area of study spanning a number of disciplines. Look at the ideas below to see how you can assemble a fun set of courses that will help you explore your interests.

If you are interested in an area not listed here, talk to your academic advisor  – we can work together to put a list of courses that meet your unique interests.

Note that this list does not include Jabs required or elective courses that may also be highly relevant to your areas of interest.

These courses might be right for you if you are interested in the arts as a business or want to develop skills that will help you in business.

In addition, the College of Arts & Architecture offers a wide range of courses in “doing art,” including in architecture (ARCH), art history (ARTH), visual arts (ARTZ), film and photography (FILM), graphic design (GDSN), interior design (IDSN), media arts (MART), media and theater arts (MTA), music education (MUSE), music (MUSI), music technology (MUST), photography (PHOT) and theater (THTR).

Few Prerequisites

GDSN 378. Guerrilla Advertising. (5 Lab) Su PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224 or consent of instructor. Marketing students encouraged to apply.

MART 145RA. Web Design. (2 Lec, 1 Lab) F,S

MOR 301. Museum Practices. (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: Junior standing or permission of instructor.

MUST 217. Entertainment Business. (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: W and US core.

These courses might be for you if you’re interested in sustainable food production, nutrition or the role of food in society.

You may also want to check out two other great MSU programs:
Sustainable Food & Bioenergy Systems Program

Hospitality Management program, with options in restaurant management, lodging & facilities management, and food enterprise, coming in fall 2017.

Few Prerequisites

AGBE 210IS. Economics of Ag Business. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: ECNS 101IS. [This course will not count toward your required non-business/non-economics credits.]

AGBE 315. Ag in a Global Context. 3 Credits. (2 Lec) S to be offered alternate years. PREREQUISITE: ECNS 204IS or BIOB 110 or ANSC 262 and consent of instructor. [This course will not count toward your required non-business/non-economics credits.]

AGBE 321. Economics of Ag Marketing.  (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: ECNS 204IS or ECNS 251IS. [This course will not count toward your required non-business/non-economics credits.]

CAA 491. Special Topics-Farm to Market: An Interdisciplinary Design Lab.  (3 Lab) F
[Cross-listed with BMKT 491 w/ Dr. Caroline Graham Austin]. PREREQUISITE: Junior standing.

HSTA 409. Food in America.  (3 Lec) S, alternate years, to be offered even years.

NASX 415. Native Food Systems. 3 Credits. (1 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: NASX 105D or NASX 232D and upper division standing.

NUTR 221CS. Basic Human Nutrition.  (3 Lec) F,S,Su

NUTR 226. Food Fundamentals. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: NUTR 221CS.

NUTR 227. Food Fundamentals Lab. (2 Lab) S. PREREQUISITE OR COREQUISITE: NUTR 226 or equivalent course.

NUTR 351. Nutrition and Society. (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: NUTR 221CS.

PSCI 436. Politics of Food & Hunger. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: PSCI 230D and Junior standing.

SFBS 146. Introduction to Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systems. (3 Lec) S

SFBS 296. Practicum: Towne's Harvest. (1 Lec, 2 Lab) Su. PREREQUISITE: SFBS 146 or permission of instructor.

SFBS 429. Small Business and Entrepreneurship in Food and Health. (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: ECNS 101IS, or FCS 138 or FCS 239 and senior standing or permission of instructor.

More Prerequisites

SFBS 445R. Culinary Marketing: Farm/Table.  (1 Lec, 2 Lab) Su PREREQUISITE: FCS 371, NUTR 221CS, NUTR 226, NUTR 227, and NUTR 322 or permission of instructor.

SFBS 451R. Sustainable Food Systems. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: FCS 371, NUTR 221CS and senior standing or consent of instructor.

SFBS 466. Food System Resilience, Vulnerability and Transformation. (3 lec) S. PREREQUISITE: SFBS 146, SFBS 298, NUTR 221CS, NUTR 226

These courses could be for you if you are interested in health care policy, the delivery of health care, or the role of health care in our society. These courses could provide a great background if you want to go into a career in health care management.

Few Prerequisites

AHMS 158. Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Healthcare.  (2 Lec) S

CHTH 210. Foundations in Community Health. (3 Lec) F

CHTH 325. Economic & Public Policies in Aging. (3 Lec) S

CHTH 430. Mental Health & Social Issues in Aging. (3 Lec)

FCS 359. Theories and Skills for the Human Services. (3 Lec) F,S. PREREQUISITE: Junior standing in Health and Human Development major or consent of instructor.

HTH 455. The Ethic of Care.  (3 Lec) F,S,Su On Demand. PREREQUISITE: FCS 101, PSYX 100 or SOCI 101IS and junior standing.

NRSG 387R. Research in Health Care.(2 Lec, 1 Lab) F,S. PREREQUISITE: STAT 216Q or Consent of Instructor.

NRSG 418. Hlth Policy/Hlth Care Econ Cln. (1 Lec, 1 Rct) S

NRSG 479. Population Health & Leadership. 6 Cr. (4 Lec, 2 Lab) S

SOCI 380. Sociology of Health & Medicine. (3 Lec). PREREQUISITE: SOCI 101IS.

More Prerequisites

CHTH 428. Health Disparities. (3 Lec) S

CHTH 443. Program Evaluation for Community Health.  (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITES: CHTH 210, CHTH 317, and FCS 371.

CHTH 445. Program Planning for CH. 3 Cr. (2 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: CHTH 210, CHTH 317, FCS 371 and senior standing in community health major or consent of instructor.

FCS 465R. Family Law & Public Policy. (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: FCS 263, FCS 371 or equivalent, senior standing or permission of instructor.

HADM 445. Managing Healthcare Organizations. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: CHTH 210 or KIN 105 and junior standing.

NRSG 435. Spirituality in Healthcare. 2 Cr. (2 Ind) F,S. PREREQUISITES: PSYX 100 and NRSG 115 or consent of instructor.

These courses are offered either jointly by several departments or by instructors who eagerly seek students from multiple disciplines. All of the courses listed here are actively seeking business students. Stay tuned for additions to this list as more such courses are offered at MSU in the future. 

Please note that CAA 491 and CAA 490 are both cross-listed as business courses (BMKT 491, Farm-to Market, and BMKT 490, Innovative Ideation) and so will NOT count as non-business credits.

CAA 491. Special Topics-Farm to Market: An Interdisciplinary Design Lab. 3 Credits. (3 Lab) F [Cross listed with BMKT 491 w/ Dr. Caroline Graham Austin]
PREREQUISITE: Junior standing.

CAA 490, Cross-listed with BMKT 491, Innovative Ideation.

EGEN 310R. Multidisciplinary Engineering Design. 3 Credits. (3 Lec) F,S
PREREQUISITE: Junior standing in an Engineering curriculum or consent of instructor.

GDSN 378. Guerrilla Advertising (5 Lab) Su PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224 or consent of instructor. Marketing students encouraged to apply.

This category is for you if you are interested in international affairs, policy and/or other cultures.

Our College offers an International Business Minor, The minor requires several electives from a long list of non-business courses which is a great resource if you are interested in international business even if you don’t want to complete the minor. Please email or drop by the Office of Student Services in Jabs 124 to pick up a copy of our most recent International Business minor worksheet which lists approve electives.

You may also want to check out the list of minors at MSU because several of them have international content including languages and global studies.

These are good courses to take if you’re interested in law school or just want to explore the roles of law and policy in our society. If you are interested in law school, we recommend you also go to Pre-Law Advising at MSU.

Few Prerequisites

AGBE 337. Agricultural Law. (3 Lec) F,S
PREREQUISITE: Junior standing. [This course will not count toward your required non-business/non-economics credits.]

HSTA 102IH. American History II. 4 Cr. (3 Lec) F,S. An examination of the United States after the Civil War through the 20th Century.

HSTA 320. Birth of Modern US: 1865-1945 (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: HSTR 101IH or HSTR 102IH.

HSTA 322. Am History: WWII to Present (3 Lec). PREREQUISITE: HSTA 102IH.

NRSM 430. Natural Resource Law (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: Junior standing, WRIT 201 or WRIT 221, or consent of instructor.

PSCI 210IS. Introduction to American Government (3 Lec) F,S,Su

PSCI 214IS. Principles of Political Science  (3 Lec) F

PSCI 471. American Constitutional Law (3 Lec) S alternate years. PREREQUISITE: Junior standing and PSCI 210IS.

SOCI 221IS. Criminal Justice System (3 Lec) On Demand

SOCI 313. Princ of Crim Law & Procedure (3 Lec). PREREQUISITE: SOCI 101IS.

SOCI 335. Juvenile Justice System (3 Lec). PREREQUISITE: SOCI 101IS or SOCI 221.

SOCI 357. Occupational/Corporate Crime (3 Lec). PREREQUISITE: SOCI 101IS.

SOCI 435. Law and Society (3 Lec) PREREQUISITE: SOCI 101IS.

SOCI 436. Law and Inequality (3 Lec) PREREQUISITE: SOCI 101IS.

More Prerequisites

FCS 465R. Family Law & Public Policy.  (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: FCS 263, FCS 371 or equivalent, senior standing or permission of instructor.

PSCI 306. Legislative Process. (3 Lec) S alternate years. PREREQUISITE: PSCI 200, 210IS, 214IS, 260.

PSCI 346. American Presidency. (3 Lec) F alternate years. PREREQUISITE: PSCI 200, 210IS, 214IS, 240.

This area includes courses in a wide range of subjects from science to economics, history and policy. These courses might be for you if you’re interested in the natural world and conservation.

Few Prerequisites

AGSC 465R. Health, Agriculture, Poverty. 4 Cr. (1 Lab) F. PREREQUISITE: Junior standing in student's major.

BIOB 170IN. Principles of Biological Diversity. (3 Lec, 1 Lab) F,S

BIOE 103CS. Environmental Science and Society. (3 Lec) F,S

BIOE 416. Alpine Ecology. (1 Lec, 2 Lab) Su. PREREQUISITE: Junior standing, BIOB 170IN.

BIOE 421. Yellowstone Wildlife Ecology. (2 Lec, 1 Lab) Su. PREREQUISITE: Junior standing, and either BIOB 100IN or BIOB 170IN.

ECNS 132. Econ & the Environment. (3 Lec) On demand PREREQUISITE: ECNS 101IS. [This course will not count toward your required non-business/non-economics credits.]

ECNS 332. Econ of Natural Resources. (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: ECNS 204IS or ECNS 251IS. [This course will not count toward your required non-business/non-economics credits.]

ENSC 110. Lnd Res Environ Sciences. (3 Lec) F

ENSC 272CS. Water Resources. (3 Lec) F

GPHY 329. Environment and Society (3 Lec) F

GPHY 402. Water and Society. (3 Lec) F, odd years. PREREQUISITE: Junior, senior, or graduate student standing.

HSTA 470. American Environmental History. (3 Lec). PREREQUISITE: HSTA 101IH or HSTA 102IH.

HSTR 467. History of Mountaineering. (3 Sem) S. PREREQUISITES: Any HSTA 1XX or HSTR 1XX

HSTR 484. World Environmental History. (3 Lec) F,S alternate years. PREREQUISITE: Any lower division HSTR (non-American) course.

NRSM 101. Natural Resource Conservation. (3 Lec) F

NRSM 240. Natural Resource Ecology. (2 Lec, 1 Lab) F. PREREQUISITE: NRSM 101.

NRSM 421. Holistic Thought/Mgmt. (4 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: Junior standing.

NRSM 430. Natural Resource Law. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: Junior standing, WRIT 201 or WRIT 221, or consent of instructor.

PHL 322. Philosophy & Environmental Ethics (3 Lec). PREREQUISITE: Previous course in Philosophy or consent of instructor.

More Prerequisites

BIOE 370. General Ecology (equiv to 270). (3 Lec) F,S. PREREQUISITE: BIOB 170IN; M 121Q or M 161Q or M 171Q; Recommended: STAT 216Q or BIOB 318.

BIOE 375. Ecological Responses to Climate Change. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: BIOB 160, and BIOB 170IN, and BIOE 370 or NRSM 240.

BIOE 405. Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology.. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: BIOE 370.

BIOE 428. Freshwater Ecology. (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: BIOE 370 or consent of instructor.

BIOE 439. Stream Ecology (2 Lec, 1 Lab) F. PREREQUISITE: BIOB 170, CHMY 121 or CHMY 141, and PHSX 205.

BIOE 440R. Conservation Biology.. (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: BIOE 370, STAT 216Q and STAT 217.

BIOE 445. Macrosystems ecology: Linking plants, animals, and ecosystems across scales. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: BIOE 370

PSCI 362. Natural Resource Policy. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: PSCI 200, 210IS.

You might enjoy these courses if you’re interested in a career in outdoor recreation such as the fishing or skiing industries.  Consider also the courses listed in Natural Resources Management/Environmental Science (see above)

You may also want to check out MSU’s new Hospitality Management program, with options in restaurant management, lodging & facilities management, and food enterprise, coming in fall 2017.

Few Prerequisites

ERTH 212RN. Yellowstone: Scientific Lab. 4 Cr. (3 Lec) F .

ERTH 303. Weather and Climate. (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: ERTH 101IN.

GPHY 121D. Human Geography. (3 Lec) F

GPHY 141D. Geography of World Regions. (3 Lec) F,S,Su

GPHY 325. Cultural Geography. (3 Lec) F alternate years, to be offered odd years.

HSTR 467. History of Mountaineering. (3 Sem) S. PREREQUISITES: Any HSTA 1XX or HSTR 1XX

NRSM 101. Natural Resource Conservation. (3 Lec) F

PHL 322. Philosophy & Environmental Ethics. (3 Lec). PREREQUISITE: Previous course in Philosophy or consent of instructor.

More Prerequisites

ENSC 448. Stream Restoration Ecology. (2 Lec, 1 Lab) F. PREREQUISITE: BIOB 170, and either NRSM 240 or BIOE 370 or consent of instructor.

GPHY 461. Tourism Planning. (3 Lec) S alternate years, to be offered even years.

“Sustainability” means different things to different people, but the basic concept is how to live without doing harm to the natural and human environments. The courses listed here come from a wide range of disciplines, so if you’re interested in sustainability chances are good you’ll find some courses that appeal to you.

Visit for MSU sustainability efforts and activities.

Few Prerequisites

BMGT 410. Sustainable Business Practices. (3 Lec) S

PREREQUISITES: Junior standing; for business majors: BMGT 335, BMKT 325, and formal admission to the College of Business; for non-business majors: consent of instructor. [Note that this is a business course and therefore will not count toward your non-business/non-economics credits requirements.]

ECNS 132. Econ & the Environment. (3 Lec) On demand. PREREQUISITE: ECNS 101IS. [This course will not count toward your required non-business/non-economics credits.]

GPHY 326. Geography of Energy Resources. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITES: GPHY 121D OR GPHY 141D

GPHY 329. Environment and Society. (3 Lec) F

GPHY 402. Water and Society. (3 Lec) F, odd years. PREREQUISITE: Junior, senior, or graduate student standing.

HSTA 470. American Environmental History. (3 Lec). PREREQUISITE: HSTA 101IH or HSTA 102IH.

HSTR 467. History of Mountaineering. (3 Sem) S. PREREQUISITES: Any HSTA 1XX or HSTR 1XX

HSTR 484. World Environmental History. (3 Lec) F,S alternate years. PREREQUISITE: Any lower division HSTR (non-American) course.

LS 411. Sustainability & Human Values. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: Junior standing & "Q" core course

NRSM 101. Natural Resource Conservation. (3 Lec) F

PHL 322. Philosophy & Envirnmntl Ethics. (3 Lec) PREREQUISITE: Previous course in Philosophy or instructor consent.

PSCI 406. The Political Economy of Energy. (3 Lec) F alternate years. PREREQ: Junior standing or instructor consent.

RBPF 124. Res Green Design Build. (2 Lec) F. COREQUISITE COURSE: RBPF 100

RBPF 170. Renewable Energy Concepts. (2 Lec) PREREQUISITE: RBPF 100.

SFBS 146. Introduction to Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systems. (3 Lec) S

SFBS 429. Small Business and Entrepreneurship in Food and Health. (3 Lec) F. PREREQUISITE: ECNS 101IS, or FCS 138 or FCS 239 and senior standing or permission of instructor.

More Prerequisites

AGSC 428. Sustainable Cropping Systems. (3 Lec) S. PREREQUISITE: ENSC 245IN and either AGSC 341 or AGSC 342 or consent of instructor.

SFBS 445R. Culinary Marketing: Farm/Table (1 Lec, 2 Lab) Su. PREREQUISITE: FCS 371, NUTR 221CS, NUTR 226, NUTR 227, and NUTR 322 or permission of instructor.

SFBS 451R. Sustainable Food Systems. (3 Lec) S. PREREQ: FCS 371, NUTR 221CS & senior standing or instructor consent.

SFBS 466. Food System Resilience, Vulnerability and Transformation. (3 lec) S. PREREQUISITE: SFBS 146, SFBS 298, NUTR 221C, NUTR 226


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... or Consider adding a non-business Minor

Non-Business Minor Options

† Minors in Ag Bus, Econ & some Fin Eng classes WILL NOT count for non-bus/non-econ. Please consult with the Office of Student Services.

The following selected minors outside Jabs might be of interest to you as a business student:

Agricultural Business Global Studies Psychology
China Studies Hispanic Studies Sociology
Economics Japan Studies Statistics
Financial Engineering Latin American and Latino Studies Water Resources
French and Francophone Studies Mathematics Writing
German Studies Political Science (scroll to bottom of page)  


Student Tips:

  • Agricultural Business requires ECNS 101IS, ECNS 202 & ECNS 204IS (or ECNS 251IS), ACTG 201, & STAT 216Q which are also required for a business degree. You would only need to take AGBE 321, AGBE 345 and six upper-level AGBE/ECNS elective credits.
  • A writing minor requires any seven courses from a list that includes Intro to Creative Writing, Intermediate
    Tech Writing, News & Public Relations Writing, Magazine Editing, and Professional Writing. These skills are valuable for Communications, Blogging, Advertising, Publications, and Annual Reports.

Certificate Option:

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Advisor Approved Elective (AAE) Recommendations

(Management and Marketing students only)

+ course has no pre-requisites * course has pre-requisites

CHTH 325- Leadership and Public Policies in Aging+
CHTH 405- Caregiving & Aging Families+
CHTH 430- Mental Health & Social Issues in Aging+
CHTH 435- Human Response to Stress+
COA 405- Advanced Concepts in Coaching* (COA 205)
CRWR 340- Inter. Creative Writing Workshop* (WRIT 101W & CRWR 240RA)
CRWR 437- Topics in Craft and Genre* (CRWR 240RA or CRWR 340)
EIND 300-Engineering Management & Ethics* (WRIT 101W, COMX 111US, & JR standing)
EIND 313-Work Design & Analysis* (WRIT 101W, EIND 142 for IE majors)
EIND 434-Project Management for Engineers* ( JR standing)
ERTH 303-Weather and Climate* (ERTH 101IN)
GDSN 378-Guerrilla Advertising* (GDSN224 or instructor consent)
GPHY 325-Cultural Geography* (GPHY 121D)
GPHY 326-Geography of Energy Resources* (GPHY 121D or GPHY 141D)
GPHY 329-Environment and Society+
GPHY 402-Water and Society* (junior standing)
HSTA 320-Birth of Modern US: 1865-1945* (HSTR 101IH or HSTR 102IH)
HSTA 322-Am History: WWII to Present* (HSTA 101IH or HSTA 102IH)
HSTA 409-Food in America* (HSTA 101IH, HSTA 102IH, HSTA 160D or AMST 101D)
HSTA 470-American Environmental History* (HSTA 101IH or HSTA 102IH)
HSTR 467-History of Mountaineering* (any 100 or 200-level HSTA or HSTR course)
HTH 455-The Ethic of Care* (HDFS 101IS)
HTR 330- Event Management* (HTR 107)
HTR 335- Hospitality Facilities Mgmt* (HTR 107 & HTR 201)
LS 411-Sustainability & Human Values* (LS 103 or instructor consent)
NASX 415-Native Food Systems* (NASX 105D or NASX 232D)
NRSG 418. Hlth Policy/Hlth Care Econ Cln+
NRSM 421-Holistic Thought/Mgmt+
NRSM 430-Natural Resource Law* (WRIT 201, WRIT 221 or HONR 202IH)
NUTR 351-Nutrition and Society* (NUTR 221CS)
PHL 322-Philosophy & Environmental Ethics* (any PHL course)
PSCI 471-American Constitutional Law* (PSCI 210IS)
PSYX 335-Psychology of Gender* (PSYX 100IS)
PSYX 340-Abnormal Psychology* (PSYX 100IS)
PSYX 360- Social Psychology* (PSYX 100IS)
PSYX 370-Psychology of Learning* (PSYX 100IS)
PSXY 375- Behavior Modification* (PSYX 100IS)
PSXY 380- Memory & Cognition* (PSYX 100IS)
PSXY 385- Psychology of Personality* (PSYX 100IS)
PSXY 442- The self* (PSYX 100IS)
PSXY 461- Industrial & Organizational Psychology* (PSYX 100IS)
PSXY 462- Psychology of Prejudice* (PSYX 100IS)
PSXY 463- Social Cognition* (PSYX 100IS)
PSYX 477- Science of Psych Well-Being* (PSYX 100IS)
PSXY 481- Judgment & Decision Making* (PSYX 100IS & Psych Q Core)
SFBS 429-Small Business & Entrepreneurship in Food & Health* (ECNS 101IS)
SOCI 303-Society & the Individual* (SOCI 101IS)
SOCI 326-Sociology of Gender* (SOCI 101IS)
SOCI 345-Sociology of Organizations* (SOCI 101IS)
SOCI 370-Sociology of Globalization* (SOCI 101IS)
SOCI 374-Sociology of Culture* (SOCI 101IS)




Take CRWR 240RA early for these <---CRWR electives & consider a writing minor.







Take GPHY 121D early for these <---GPHY electives.





Take HSTA 101IH early for these <---HSTA electives.





Take HTR 107 early for these <---HTR electives.









Take PSYX 100IS early for these <---PSYX electives & consider a psychology minor.










Take SOCI 100IS early for these <---SOCI electives & consider a sociology minor.


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