Getting Started in American Studies

Faculty members serve as advisors to students majoring in American Studies, providing a unique opportunity for students to create a coherent body of knowledge shaped to their particular interests. Students work closely with faculty members to build an individualized plan of study that explores the richly diverse traditions of American culture, past and present. If you are interested in finding out more about the American Studies degree at MSU, please call (406) 994-4288 or send an email to

American Studies Undergraduate Advising

Completing the Major

The program of coursework required by American Studies is rigorous and cross-disciplinary. American Studies students meet periodically with their advisors to select courses and make sure they are on track to complete their plan of study. To complement their classroom studies, students are encouraged to participate in the following:

  • Undergraduate research
  • Internships
  • Volunteer programs
  • Lectures and public conferences
  • Cultural, musical and art performances
  • National Student Exchange program
  • Study abroad programs through the Office of International Programs