Technology Education is an integrated discipline designed to develop students' technological literacy. Through the study of past, present, and future technological systems, and their resources, processes, and impacts on society, students will better understand the role of technology in society.

The Technology Education Program at MSU offers two Technology Education options to allow for diversity in personal interests and career aspirations.


Technology Education - Broadfield Teaching Option

  • Individuals wishing to teach technology at the middle

or high school level

  • Designed for in-depth study of Technology Education

Industrial Technology Option

  • Does not lead to teaching licensure
  • Tailored for those individuals who are pursuing a career in an

industry which requires a broad background in technology


The Technology Education Program is sequenced into three phases to develop a progression of interrelated information. The foundation phase constitutes the introduction to technology. This introduction forms the base for future study and an understanding of basic technological concepts. The synthesis phase begins the in-depth study of the primary technology education components of communication, construction, manufacturing, and power/energy. During this phase students in the teaching option are involved in professional education coursework, while students in the industrial technology option begin selecting coursework which is tailored to meet specific career goals. The capstone phase of the program is structured to integrate the information and experiences of the preceding phases through applied learning activities. Students in the teaching option student teach at the middle/high school level. Students in the non-teaching option intern in business and industry areas related to their career interests.

According to university policy, a grade of C- or better is required to satisfy requirements for pre-requisite and required courses in majors, minors, and certificate programs, and for all core requirements.