STANDARD TWO (continued)
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Changes and enhancements made in graduate education in the College of Nursing (CON) over the past decade are shown in Table 2-74.
M. Nursing |
In 1994, options were designated in both administration and rural family nurse practitioner |
M. Health Administration |
Approved in 1998, this program is currently under development |
The Master of Nursing program was initiated in 1956. From 1978 to 1994, the CON provided master's level preparation for professionals whose careers required primarily a rural generalist focus. In 1993, a grant for the development of a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) was submitted and subsequently funded. The FNP program was approved and began accepting candidates in 1994. In keeping with the land-grant mission of MSU, this program responded to the health care and delivery needs of the citizens of the State of Montana, as well as to increased interest and needs from nursing professionals practicing in rural Montana.
The decision to create two (2) options under the M. Nursing was based on a thorough analysis needs assessment of both the faculty resources in the CON and the most critical options for future practitioners, especially in the State of Montana. The faculty reaffirmed the need for a rural emphasis with two (2) options: a FNP option and a Nursing Administration option which replaced the rural generalist option.
Currently, the administrative option has not attracted sufficient students to sustain it primarily because of the current professional climate in which many mid-range and top administrative positions have been eliminated and those remaining required responsibilities broader than the traditional scope of nurse administrators. Therefore, the CON resources are focused on delivery of the FNP option.
Enrollment data for the graduate program offered by the CON is shown in Table 2-75.
M. Nursing |
22 |
32 |
31 |
32 |
37 |
41 |
19 |
25 |
33 |
The master's degree in nursing prepares professionals for leadership positions. In keeping with the land-grant mission of MSU, graduate education in nursing is especially responsive to the evolving health needs of the people of Montana and other rural areas in the nation.
Students may pursue Plan A or Plan B. In addition to the standards set by the CGS, students admitted to the program must meet the following requirements: a bachelor. s degree in nursing from an NLN accredited upper division program which involved supervised clinical practice in a variety of nursing settings, including community health and management; a minimum composite (V+Q) GRE score of 1000; successful completion of an undergraduate research course; successful completion of an undergraduate statistics course which included inferential statistics; current Montana licensure as a registered nurse or eligibility for Montana licensure; and one (1) year of general clinical experience as a registered nurse. International students must earn a minimum TOEFL score of 580.
M. Nursing CON Current Program Assessment. The master's program has been accredited by the NLN since 1995. The new accrediting agency for baccalaureate and higher degrees in nursing, The Commission on Collegiate
Education, granted the program preliminary approval in 1998. MSU CON was the first program to host a site visit by this agency. The visit occurred in September 1998, and CON met all the required standards. The team's report was considered at the Accreditation Review Committee's meeting in February 1999 and final accreditation was awarded in mid-April.
In their review of the program, the report cited the following strengths:
· The FNP program is a very appropriate program for a land-grant institution. The program is specifically designed to address the health care needs of Montana residents.
· The FNP program is accessible to its rural stakeholders since it is offered by distance education to five (5) sites around the state.
In addition to the discipline-specific master's and doctoral programs, MSU has developed and sustained several interdisciplinary programs of study. In the land-grant tradition, these interdisciplinary programs form creative partnerships with business and government and enhance professional and educational opportunities through interdisciplinary, intercollegiate, and distance learning. The following three (3) programs of study have been offered during the last decade:
· M.S. in Science Education (MSSE). The MSSE is a new, interdisciplinary degree program designed by educators and scientists for middle and high school science teachers. The MSSE is sponsored by COA, CEHHD, and CLS. It is coordinated by Intercollege Programs for Science Education. In addition to the standards set by the CGS, admitted students must have an earned a bachelor's degree in an area of science or in science education; be certified to teach science in secondary grades; have at least two (2) years of science teaching at the middle or high school level; and earn a minimum composite (V+Q) GRE score of 1000. The program consists of a combination of resident (summer) course work, as well as distance delivered course work with approximately two-thirds of the course work taken off campus by on-line, asynchronous, computer-mediated communication. Faculty from biology, chemistry, earth sciences, and physics participate in the delivery of instruction which focuses on current developments in science teaching, learning, and curricula, as well as the integration of mathematics and sciences.
· M.S. in Land Rehabilitation. The M.S. program in Land Rehabilitation is an interdisciplinary degree sponsored by the departments of ARNR, Plant, Soil, and Environmental Science( PSES), ESCI, Bio-resource Engineering, and BIOL. The program is designed to prepare professionals in such fields as plant science, soil science, hydrology, geology, geography, biology, or animal and range science. In addition to the standards set by the CGS, students admitted to the program are expected to hold a bachelor. s degree in a science-related field with adequate background in general chemistry, organic chemistry, calculus, general soils, general ecology, plant science, introductory geology, college physics, statistics, and general biology. In many cases, research projects are supported in collaboration with private industry, state, and/or federal agencies.
· M. Health Administration. This degree is currently under development.
· M.S. Project Engineering Management. The MPEM was approved in 1996 and is administered by the CH E department. The MPEM is designed to give professionals in the field the opportunity to enhance technical and managerial skills with minimal disruption to their careers. MSU collaborates with Montana Tech of the UM in course delivery which is offered on-site and through distance learning technologies.
Enrollment data for graduate programs in interdisciplinary degrees is shown in Table 2-76.
M.S. Science Education |
29 |
3 |
M.S. Land Rehabilitation |
6 |
10 |
13 |
15 |
10 |
12 |
14 |
10 |
10 |
M. Health Administration |
M.S. Project Engineering Management |
In order to assess the quality of the graduate program at MSU, it is necessary to examine the strengths of the degree programs and the contributions these programs make to support the mission of MSU. Additional topics that must be examined include the quality of the graduate faculty, the supporting resources for the graduate programs, the effectiveness of the CGS in keeping student records and supplying the needs of the graduate students, and the leadership and direction provided throughout the MSU graduate program by the CGS.
The quality of the graduate program at MSU can be demonstrated in a number of ways: the scope and mission of the program in relation to the land-grant mission of the institution, responsiveness of the program to changes and demands in the professional world, the success of graduates, and enrollment trends in the past decade.
· Scope and mission. Graduate education at the master. s level provides broad, general support to the mission of MSU and the doctoral program provides specific support to those areas that are traditionally unique to the land-grant mission. Examples of the latter include Ph.D. programs in plant pathology, plant and soil science, veterinary molecular biology, engineering, mathematics, microbiology, and physics, and a doctoral program in education.
· Responsiveness to stakeholders. MSU has sustained and developed professional master's programs which are responsive to the demands of the professional world and which enhance the competitiveness of its graduates. In addition to the long-standing MPA which has prepared students for careers in public administration and policy, MSU developed professional master's programs in Architecture, Accounting, and Construction Engineering Management. A new program that is engendering a particularly high amount of interest is the M.S. in Science Education. This program of graduate study is designed to meet the special needs of place-bound, K-12 science teachers who are spread throughout Montana, the northwest, and the nation. Because the program, from its inception, was designed to be delivered using distance learning technologies, MSU is fulfilling a part of its outreach mission to the State of Montana.
· Success of graduates. Quality in any graduate program can be measured by the demand for and success of the graduates of the program, as well as by the reputation of the program beyond the borders of the campus. As indicated in the previous departmental discussions, MSU post-baccalaureate graduates are in high demand in industry, as well as academia (K-12 through university), and many graduates of the doctoral programs have developed or are developing distinguished careers.
· Enrollment data. Data indicates that the number of both master's and doctoral graduates at MSU has remained stable over the past seven (7) years. This suggests that the graduate program has a good reputation which has helped to sustain enrollments. Strategies for improving enrollment and for . growing programs. while maintaining quality are discussed under areas of improvement.
The graduate program at MSU has, in a resource-constrained environment, sustained quality graduate education over the last decade. In its commitment to the continuous improvement of its programs, the institution has identified several areas of concern and strategies for improvement of graduate education. The following areas are briefly discussed and strategies are identified for improvement:
· Concern. With the retirement of the Graduate Dean in 1992, the leadership of the program has fallen to several administrators who served the program in acting/interim capacities. For approximately seven (7) years, the program has been without a permanent dean which has resulted in some fragmentation of standards and criteria for both admissions and graduation.
· Strategies for improvement. In the fall of 1998, the administration of MSU responded to the efforts of the Graduate Council to improve the CGS by initiating an internal search for a permanent dean. The search was successful and a permanent dean of the CGS was named on January 1, 1999. The Administration made the commitment to not only support the full-time position of the dean, but also committed significant new resources to the CGS. While these funds are sufficient to address only a small portion of the problems that face the College, they do give the new dean and the CGS staff the flexibility to begin to address two (2) of the most pressing problems: recruitment and internal program improvement.
Student recruitment and program support
· Concern. Over the past decade, the burden of student recruitment has fallen almost completely to individual departments who may or may not have the necessary resources to recruit quality graduate students.
· Strategies for improvement. An effort is currently underway to further enhance the link between the G&C activity and funding for the CGS. As noted above, the data indicates that even though the amount of G&C dollars expended on campus has increased by more than a factor of four (4) in the past eleven (11) years, the numbers of students graduated from the program has remained nearly constant. It would appear reasonable to ask that a fixed percentage of the G&C funding be diverted into the CGS to support graduate fellowships and recruiting activities as a means of expanding the graduate program. For this effort to be successful, close cooperation between the CGS and the office of the Vice President for Research and Creative Activities will have to develop. The CGS is also initiating an effort to make the growth of the graduate program a "top priority item" on the list used by the MSU Foundation to raise funding for the MSU campus. Finally, government sources of funding for the CGS are being identified and it is expected that proposals will be generated on a steady basis during the next several years to try and secure reasonable CGS funds for supporting and expanding the graduate program on the MSU campus.
Recruiting and retention of graduate faculty
· Concern. A truly outstanding graduate program is built largely by the students that are in the program. High quality students alone, however, cannot be expected to develop the program. It takes committed, high quality teaching and research faculty working with the students and the CGS to transform a graduate program from a status of maintenance to a status of growth. The recruitment and retention of outstanding graduate faculty has become increasingly difficult in the current fiscal environment.
· Strategies for improvement. Recruiting new faculty to MSU is facilitated considerably by MSU's location, although location alone cannot offset the fact that the pay scale at MSU is not competitive. The strategy for effective recruitment is to build up several areas of outstanding research and creative activities that are both world class and unique to this campus. This effort is currently under way, and it is supported, in a large part, by the increased G&C efforts of the graduate faculty. The centers mentioned in the Graduate Assessment section are beginning to attract outstanding faculty (both junior and senior) to MSU because of the research being done and the clustering of highly talented colleagues in each center. The success in attracting new faculty will enhance the successful recruiting of quality graduate students. The opportunity to participate in research and creative activity with a competitive faculty will also attract and retain quality graduate students.
Improvement of quality of graduate teaching assistants
· Concern. In order to ensure quality teaching by GTA's, the CGS has provided orientations for new graduate teaching assistants.
· Strategies for improvement. In response to concerns by a variety of stakeholders about the communication competencies of international teaching assistants, the CGS approved the following additional admission criteria for international students who would serve in the capacity of laboratory assistant or TA (effective 1997):
TOEFL = 565 for lab assistant or discussion leader
= 580 for classroom teacher
TSE = 45 for paper grader only
= 50 for classroom teacher or lab assistant
In addition, the CGS implemented language training for international graduate teaching assistants through the American Cultural Exchange (ACE) language institute.
Library and information resources
For discussion of the sufficiency of library and information resources for sustaining graduate education, see Standard Five.
The quality of the faculty and related resources may be demonstrated in the following areas: qualifications/currency of faculty, recruitment of new faculty, and increases in G&C activity which have supported graduate education.
· Faculty qualifications. The graduate faculty at MSU are defined as all faculty who are involved in teaching graduate courses or are otherwise actively involved in training graduate students. There is not a separate graduate faculty; however, graduate faculty are expected to hold terminal degrees in their disciplines and to maintain currency in their fields through substantive basic and applied research and/or creative activity. In very limited instances, faculty qualification and currency to teach specific course(s) has been determined by the person's extensive experience in the field of study. Details of faculty qualifications, currency, review, and P&T are included in Standard Four.
· Recruitment of new faculty. As discussed in previous departmental descriptions, programs have, even in a resource-constrained environment, recruited and retained faculty whose outstanding scholarship, teaching, and research abilities have greatly enhanced the graduate program. New faculty who have been hired in areas such as international accounting, optics, chemistry, physics, and computational biology have added a considerable amount of breadth and depth to graduate education at MSU. Interdisciplinary centers such as Optec (which involves faculty and students from engineering, chemistry, and physics), the Center for Computational Biology (with faculty and students from computational biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics), and the Spectral Information Technology Laboratory (engineering, chemistry, computer science, physics, and computational biology) are operational and growing at MSU. These centers are adding extensive new resources, as well as developing broad new possibilities for recruitment, retention, and graduate education across the entire campus.
· Increases in G&C. The G&C activity of the graduate faculty has increased substantively over the last eleven (11) years, going from about $12,000,000 in 1987 to over $51,000,000 in 1998. The outcome of this activity has provided resources and opportunities to support cutting-edge research by faculty and students. For example, the Center for Biofilm Engineering (a major NSF Center), Optec, the Center for Computational Biology, and the Spectral Information Technology Laboratory have provided faculty and students with the opportunity to conduct research which is not only critical to the State of Montana, but in many cases, to the world.
The quality of the functional responsibilities of the CGS are demonstrated in the following areas:
· Graduate Council. In the area of program review and development, the present Graduate Council structure has been both effective and efficient. The process provides for adequate input by the faculty, as well as maintenance of consistent university policies for delivery of graduate education. The Graduate Council provided the critical input to the MSU administration recently which eventually lead to the search for and appointment of a permanent Dean of the CGS. The process is entirely consistent with the model of faculty governance at MSU.
· Admission policies and procedures. The dual system model of decentralized, departmental review of applicants and final action by the CGS is also very effective. Faculty are directly involved in the admission criteria and recommendation of admission for prospective students while the CGS is responsible for taking final action. This, again, is consistent with university policies and procedures. The process allows the time-honored action of "checks and balances" to assure admissions meet departmental needs while maintaining the high standards that are set by the CGS.
· Compliance with graduate policies and procedures. Graduate policies and procedures are set by the CGS. The CGS takes responsibility for ensuring that these policies and procedures are supportive of the mission of graduate education, as well as for publishing and clarifying the policies and procedures. Regulations are well defined in the MSU Bulletin and the CGS Policies and Procedures Manual.
· Transfer credit. In the area of application of transfer work to graduate degrees, CGS policies clearly state that no more than nine (9) transfer credits may be applied to a student's program. This review of transfer work is conducted on a case-by-case basis by the student's graduate committee. The review includes, but is not limited to, a review of the recency of the credits, the institution from which the credits were earned, the appropriateness of the course work to the student's degree objectives, and the student's performance in that course work. The Office of the Registrar is subsequently notified, and appropriate transfer work is posted on the student's transcript. No credit is granted for prior experiential learning.
In addition to the regular undergraduate and graduate programs, MSU supports several special instructional programs which not only strengthen and enhance the quality of the educational experience, but also enable MSU to better discharge its mission as the land-grant institution in the state. The special instructional support programs serve to enhance one or more aspects of the educational experience at MSU. Each program is briefly described with special attention given to the program's contributions to MSU's instructional, research, and outreach mission. Details of the program's mission, activities, and projects are included in appropriate program notebooks as referenced.
The ACE Language Institute was created on the MSU campus in 1994. The Center is sponsored by the ACE of Seattle, Washington, and provides an intensive English language academic preparation program for undergraduate and graduate students for whom English is a second language. Courses are taught primarily by trained English as a Second Language (ESL) professionals. The ACE Language Institute works closely with OIP to identify students who need additional language training before pursuing their degree objectives.
[See Exhibit 2.123, ACE Language Institute Notebook.]
Established in 1996 by BOR approval, the BSI coordinates initiatives to improve Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology (SMET) education for all MSU students, the Montana K-12 system, and the citizens of Montana. The BSI directly supports the instructional mission of MSU through its projects which are dedicated to the assessment and improvement of SMET teaching and learning.
The BSI is currently engaged in a number of activities which support faculty development, curricular reform, and assessment. In AY 1997-98, the BSI awarded curriculum reform grants to faculty to enable them strengthen inquiry-based learning and assessment in the classroom, hosted several distinguished experts in the field of pedagogical reform, and in cooperation with the American Indian Research Office (AIRO) supported a pilot instructional program designed to improve the success of first-year Native American students. Recently, the BSI has received an NSF Institutional Reform grant which has enabled the expansion of their activities to include a senior faculty mentoring program for new SMET faculty, a campus-wide assessment profile which identifies the value added by new student-centered and inquiry-based reform efforts, and a pilot teaching portfolio project designed to enhance the current strategies for assessing teaching and faculty effectiveness.
[See Exhibit 2.124, Big Sky Institute Notebook.]
Responding to the rapid globalization of modern society, as well as MSU's mission to promote students. multicultural and global awareness, the OIP provides opportunities for MSU students to develop the international skills and experience they will need to succeed in virtually all professional fields. The OIP also provides needed support services for international students attending MSU. The OIP assists faculty members seeking to be internationally involved in their disciplines. In addition, the OIP is actively involved in an array of outreach activities to provide international education opportunities within Montana.
Over the last four (4) years, the OIP has taken an increasingly active role in enhancing the international dimension of MSU's academic program. These activities include:
· Expansion of semester and academic year study abroad opportunities for MSU students, mainly through international university partnership exchange agreements now numbering twenty-six (26) institutions in fourteen (14) countries
· Support for faculty-led short-term study abroad programs
· Integration of international distance education technologies into MSU academic programs
· Expansion of foreign language offerings through development of innovative instructional approaches
· Establishment of the International Opportunities Resource Center (IORC) to provide quality information and advising for students and faculty interested in international educational activities
In addition to these activities which focus directly on the academic experience, the presence of the more than 400 international students from sixty-two (62) countries on the MSU campus provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of other nations and cultures.
The OIP provides extensive services and support to the following groups: students going abroad to study, exchange students coming to MSU from a variety of international institutions, and international degree-seeking students. Trained staff assist students in a number of capacities which include, but are not limited to the following:
· MSU students going abroad. The OIP employs a resident coordinator of the exchange program who assists students in preparing to study abroad. Students wishing to study aboard must complete the following steps:
· Application. Students must complete an application for the program abroad. Criteria for selection vary with each program, but generally students must have obtained at least sophomore standing and earned a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA to be considered. In cases where a language proficiency is required, students must have completed at least two (2) years of language instruction at the college level and/or have their fluency certified by the appropriate faculty in the department of Modern Languages and Literatures (ML).
· Advising agreement. Students must process an advising agreement prior to their departure which is signed by their advisor and/or departmental certifying officer, a representative of the Office of the Registrar, and a representative from the Financial Aid Office. The advisor/certifying officer assists the student in selecting courses which are appropriate for the student's degree objectives. The Office of the Registrar determines which courses are appropriate for university core requirements. The Financial Aid Office certifies that the program of study is applicable to the student's degree objectives and authorizes the disbursement of aid when applicable. The exchange coordinator also works closely with the Office of the Registrar to determine appropriate conversion formulas for international credit which are consistent and in compliance with NASC standards. Because of the complexity of international grading practices, courses completed on exchange are posted on the MSU official transcript with grades of P/ F.
· Orientation. Students must attend an intensive orientation conducted by the OIP. In addition to orientation, students have access to an extensive resource library in the the OIP office in order to research the foreign institution and the country in which they will be studying.
· Contact exchange coordinator at foreign institution. While the OIP does not have resident directors at each of the exchange sites, it does maintain close relationships with exchange coordinators and faculty at each of the sites. Students contact these personnel when they arrive; coordinators assist students with course selection, housing, and advising when needed.
· Program evaluation. Students participating in international exchanges submit written evaluations of the experience. Data from these evaluations is utilized by OIP to make program improvements. Provision is also provided through standard university withdrawal procedures for fair reimbursement to participants if the program was not delivered as promised for reasons within the sponsor's control.
· Accessing electronic information. While students are studying aboard, they have, with authentic MSU e- mail addresses, the opportunity to access a variety of electronic sources of information. Students are encouraged to stay in contact with their academic advisor and to utilize the Web-based schedule of classes in order to register for appropriate courses for their return semester. Electronic access is also available to the MSU Libraries through the Web-based catalog (see Standard Five); such access can also supplement basic reference materials for students in the event there are any limitations or problems with access to the library at the foreign institution.
· International exchange students. The OIP provides incoming international exchange students with a number of services. Trained staff conduct an orientation for these students, assist them with identifying faculty advisors in their fields of study, ensure compliance with immigration and immunization laws, and encourage students to participate in community groups interested in including international students in their activities.
· International degree-seeking students. The OIP supports admission personnel who assist international degree seeking students with MSU application procedures, transcript evaluations, and compliance with immigration and immunization laws. OIP conducts an extensive orientation for these students as well, which often includes a shopping trip for winter coats and gear.
In the past decade, the OIP has greatly enhanced the opportunities for MSU students wishing to enrich their academic experience with a study abroad experience, as well as served as a support service for international exchange and degree-seeking students. Noteworthy accomplishments include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Increased participation. Participation in study abroad programs has dramatically increased, rising from nineteen (19) participants in AY 1994/95, to an expected total of 171 in AY 1998/99.
· Grants. OIP has received a major federal grant to create the Arabic Language and Middle East/North African Studies Program. Working in cooperation with ML and the Middle East Center of the University of Washington (UW), this innovative program utilizes interactive video instruction and Internet technologies to offer Arabic language and cultural studies at MSU and seven (7) other institutions in the Northern Rockies and Great Plains.
· Consortium. The OIP has worked with the COB to create a consortium of universities in the U.S. and Europe focusing on integrating distance education into undergraduate business education to enhance international skills of business students. This program has been funded by a major grant from the Fund for Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE).
· Facilities. In 1997, the OIP moved from its former office space in Hamilton Hall to a newly renovated space in Culbertson Hall. The new facilities provided much needed space for OIP personnel and operations including the development of an extensive library of materials on available study abroad programs.
[See Exhibit 2.125, International Programs Notebook.]
The mission of Montana Public Television is to acquire, produce, and deliver to significant Montana audiences high quality television programming, production, and community outreach services. These non-commercial services provide state residents with access to educational and informational entertainment programming which is produced nationally and locally. This service is provided with the cooperation of Montana Public Television's two (2) licensees: Montana State University (KUSM-TV) and the University of Montana (KUFM-TV). KUSM's station manager reports to the Dean of the College of Arts and Architecture.
KUSM is funded through a number of sources which include private donations, coordinated through the Friends of Montana Public Television, a federal grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and MSU.
In keeping with the land-grant mission of MSU, KUSM-TV serves as a telecommunications center providing a full range of technical and creative services to the university, as well as state and federal agencies in the region. KUSM-TV also partners with the MSU Media and Theatre Arts Department, and many of the technical facilities are shared by both the station and the academic program. Faculty and staff have shared appointments with the station and their respective academic departments. Students may supplement their educational experience by working as interns and/or student employees for the station. Currently, KUSM-TV reaches about 180,000 households in Montana with 24-hour-a-day scheduling.
[See Exhibit 2.126, KUSM-Montana Public Television Notebook.]
The Museum of the Rockies (MOR), fully accredited by the American Association of Museums (AAM), is one of four (4) such institutions in the state and the only university museum to be so recognized. The MOR serves its public role as the largest general museum encompassing art, history, and science in the five (5)-state region of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and the Dakotas. Its Taylor Planetarium is the only such facility in the region. The museum is widely recognized for its positive impact on the economy of the area and its service to the people of the region. The museum also serves an educational and research role as an academic division of MSU. The MOR director serves in a capacity as dean and director and participates fully on the Provost's and Dean's Councils. MOR curators and researchers hold professional and tenure-track faculty positions. Many MSU academic faculty also hold adjunct curator posts or research associate positions at the MOR.
From its inception in 1957, the MOR has evolved from the Montana State College Historical Museum, originally housed in surplus Quonset huts and later in an abandoned dairy barn, to a state-of-the-art facility. Currently, the MOR facilities include a DIGISTAR planetarium, an auditorium, classrooms, meeting rooms, galleries, exhibition halls, offices, laboratories, collections storage areas, and preparation space. The MOR has evolved into a place to visit, study, and learn. Approximately 125,000 people visit the museum each year. Of these, 16,000 are school children who come for museum tours and special classes with museum staff.
The academic mission of the MOR is twofold. First, it directly supports the instructional/research mission of MSU though a variety of activities. In 1998, more than 3,000 MSU students were assigned to do research at the MOR. In any given year, up to ten (10) graduate students are pursing degrees under the direction of museum curators. Museum curators and directors regularly teach in academic programs, and museum staff serve on university-wide committees. At the present time, any credit for museum courses is managed through extended studies and/or individual academic departments.
Second, in keeping with the land-grant mission of MSU, the MOR supports a variety of special instructional opportunities for the region and the state. In 1998, the MOR provided such activities by hosting over 50,000 school children in a three (3)-state region using museum teaching trunks and portable planetariums. The museum also sponsored museum lectures and classes which were attended by over 5,000 people, taught a summer paleontology field program for 300 participants, and provided special teacher training for 900 of Montana's primary and secondary teachers.
[See Exhibit 2.127, Museum of the Rockies Notebook.]
Housed in and administered by the GENS, the NSE program provides students with the opportunity to study at one of the 155 universities and colleges that are members of the NSE consortium. The NSE program was established in 1968 as an opportunity for students to broaden their undergraduate educational experience without incurring substantive financial costs. Students may exchange on either Plan A which allows them to study at another institution while paying that institution's in-state tuition rate, or Plan B which allows the student to pay Montana in-state tuition. In order to participate in the program, students must apply and be accepted. Students must have at least sophomore standing, have a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA, and have an advising agreement signed by their departmental certifying officer (or advisor), the Registrar, and the NSE coordinator. The advising agreement ensures that the courses the student plans to take are pre-approved as acceptable for degree and university requirements. The NSE program has been a very popular option for students. MSU has consistently sponsored approximately fifty (50) students a year, as well as hosted over sixty (60) students from other institutions.
[See Exhibit 2.128, National Student Exchange Notebook.]
The university's traveling summer Shakespeare program began in 1973 as a theatrical experiment with a voluntary company of actors. Currently, the program supports a company of professional actors who last year gave sixty-eight (68) performances in fifty-one (51) Montana Communities. It is estimated that their performances have reached audiences totaling over 20,000.
The mission of the company is to bring quality, live theatre to as many Montana communities as possible with particular emphasis on rural areas. The company is funded by the university, federal grants, private donations, and sponsorship fees raised by the host communities. The company is entirely mobile with ten (10) professional actors on tour throughout the summer.
In the 1993, Shakespeare in the Parks instituted a Shakespeare in the Schools tour as a pilot project designed to enhance the educational experience of Montana students of all ages. The program was so well received that within three (3) years, the number of schools benefitting from the program almost tripled. After the 1996 tour, Shakespeare in the Schools announced a one (1) year moratorium in order to develop a plan to make productions more engaging to young people and to more closely meet the needs of teachers and students. This resulted in a statewide tour of a seventy-minute version of Macbeth along with workshops and discussion sessions with the actors.
[See Exhibit 2.129, Shakespeare in the Parks Notebook.]
Consistent with MSU's instructional mission of linking research/creative activity with instruction, the USP coordinates a variety of joint projects between faculty and undergraduate students.
The primary responsibilities of the USP include, but are not limited to the following:
· Coordination of faculty/student projects. The USP serves a central clearinghouse for application forms, registering students for credit, and arranging for assistance grants. Students wishing to participate in an undergraduate research project must submit an application which outlines the basic area of research/creative activity and identifies a faculty mentor with whom the student will conduct the project. Students register for either USP 489 credit or an appropriate 489 credit in their respective discipline. Students are eligible for assistance grants which include: $300 for fee waivers; $350 maximum for travel, equipment time or supplies; or $700 for hourly employment in laboratory or field projects. The average grant per year per student for undergraduate research is $375.
· Coordination of the annual Undergraduate Scholars Conference. Each spring, the USP sponsors a day long conference which is modeled after professional meetings. Students present their findings at presentation and poster sessions. Faculty serve as session moderators and research mentors. The conference held in Spring 1999 was the 8th annual Undergraduate Scholars Conference.
· Promotion of connections with other MSU research projects. The USP director coordinates and facilitates connections between student projects and other MSU research projects and centers. For example, projects are often co-sponsored by such programs as the Museum of the Rockies, the Mountain Research Center, the Center for Computational Biology, the Montana Water Center, the Center for Biofilm Engineering, and the Geographic Information and Analysis Center.
The USP began in 1990 and involved a handful of faculty and students. The program has subsequently grown and been integrated into the undergraduate educational experience. The program currently employs a half-time director with part-time secretarial support. Funding for the USP comes from a combination of sources including the Office of the Vice President for Research, sponsoring centers, the Montanans on a New Track for Science/Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (MONTS/ EPSCoR) program, and individual academic colleges. Trends of student and faculty participation in the program are shown in Table 2-77.
1995-96 |
67 |
51 |
94 |
67 |
16 |
16 |
177 |
134 |
1996-97 |
72 |
58 |
121 |
69 |
54 |
32 |
247 |
159 |
1997-98 |
96 |
53 |
98 |
53 |
42 |
26 |
236 |
132 |
Assessing the strengths of the USP program and the value it adds to the undergraduate educational experience includes the following indicators:
· Increases in participation. As indicated in Table 2-77, student participation in the program has increased nearly 25% - approximately 20% of MSU's faculty mentor students in undergraduate research/creative activities.
· Institutionalization of the program. The selection of a permanent director in 1996 provided the program with stability and focus. Recognizing and funding the program as an integral part of instruction has provided the institution an opportunity to better document its mission of integrating research/creative activity into the instructional experience. In addition, establishing the Undergraduate Research/Creative Activity Instruction rubric, in both the USP and all academic departments, has provided a mechanism for recognizing student and faculty efforts.
· Enhanced student learning. The best measure of enhancements to student learning is demonstrated by the number of student projects which have been of a quality suitable for local, regional, and national presentation. Since 1996, students have presented papers and posters locally at the Undergraduate Scholars Conference, Mountain Research Center symposia, departmental seminars, Montana Academy of Sciences annual conference, and the Optical Technology Center annual conference. Several students have gone on to present their work at regional and national meetings of the Geological Society of America, American Society of Microbiologists, Entomological Society of American, National Conference on Education for Gifted and Talented Native People, and the National Council on Undergraduate Research session for Congress in Washington, DC. Two (2) students accompanied their faculty mentors to the Kennedy Space Center where their microbiology project was part of the Atlantis shuttle mission in 1997. Students have also been contributors and junior authors on refered publications by their faculty mentors in the fields of business, ecology, entomology, and plant pathology.
[See Exhibit 2.130, Undergraduate Scholars Program Notebook.]
The University Honors Program (UHP) provides academically motivated students with unique and challenging opportunities to supplement their degree objectives with interdisciplinary course work and undergraduate research and creative activity. While the UHP does not grant a degree as such, students who complete UHP requirements receive recognition on their MSU official transcript. In order to qualify, students must complete designated honors courses and maintain a minimum 3.50 cumulative MSU GPA. To graduate with distinction from UHP, students must maintain a minimum 3.70 cumulative MSU GPA and submit and defend an undergraduate thesis.
The quality of the program is demonstrated by several indicators. First, enrollment in the program has steadily increased. Over the past five (5) years, enrollment in UHP has nearly doubled. Currently over 400 students are active in the program. Of those students, nearly 70% are in-state students. Second, an extraordinary number of MSU honors students have received national recognition for their excellence. For example, MSU honors students have received twenty-eight (28) of the national premier math and science Goldwater Scholarships. In the past decade, honors students have been awarded one (1) of only fifty (50) Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowships awarded each year. Many of the students in the honors program have also been awarded MSU Presidential Scholarships. The university's most prestigious undergraduate scholarship, the Presidential Scholarship, is awarded to up to twenty (20) entering freshmen each year; the scholarship includes four (4)-year tuition and fee waivers, as well as a monetary merit grant.
The UHP also coordinates the Directed Interdisciplinary Studies (DIS) degree. Undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing an area of scholarly/creative inquiry outside the established departmental structure of MSU may pursue either a B.A. or B.S. in DIS. The DIS degree provides the student with the opportunity to integrate more than one (1) traditional discipline of study. Students pursuing the DIS degree are under the direction of an undergraduate faculty which is comprised of three (3) or more faculty members representing the different disciplines. The Committee approves the student's program of course work, as well as directs a final senior project or thesis. Since 1990, fourteen (14) students have complete DIS degrees. Currently, there are eight (8) students enrolled in the DIS program.
[See Exhibit 2.131, University Honors Program Notebook.]
WWAMI is a cooperative program of the University of Washington (UW) School of Medicine and the states of Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho. It is a program which makes medical education accessible to students in the northwestern United States by decentralizing the educational process and by sharing existing facilities and personnel in universities and communities in the WWAMI states. Support of WWAMI by the State of Montana allows twenty (20) qualified Montana residents to be admitted to the UW School of Medicine each year. WWAMI is a medical school program, not a pre-med program. Students who enter the program are enrolled in UW's School of Medicine, but their first year of medical school basic science courses are taken in their home states. First year programs exist at MSU, as well as Washington State University (WSU) in Pullman, the University of Wyoming (UW) in Laramie, the University of Alaska (UA) in Anchorage, and the University of Idaho (UI) in Moscow. At all these sites, first year medical students participate in a curriculum similar to and compatible with that of the UW School of Medicine's first year. After the first year, WWAMI students join their classmates on the Seattle campus.
[See Exhibit 2.132, WWAMI Notebook.]
Montana's governor is a member of the Western Governors. Association, and MSU has been designated as a pilot campus for the Western Governors. University (WGU). In that role, MSU staff participated in planning the pilot program, and MSU faculty participated in course curriculum design. While MSU has contributed courses to the WGU catalog to assist in evaluating that system, no students have enrolled in those courses through WGU.
The initial focus of WGU has been on two (2)-year, competency-based degree programs which is a better match with the mission of the MSU College of Technology (MSU-COT) in Great Falls, a two (2)-year institution with a substantial distance-delivery program. For the immediate future, MSU will continue to participate in the WGU through its faculty and staff, but the primary course offerings will be delivered through the MSU-COT.
[See Exhibit 2.133, Western Governor's University Notebook.]
MSU supports the Montana State Extension Service (MSES), Extended Studies (ES), and the Burns Telecommunications Center (BTC), all of which address MSU's outreach mission. Each is briefly described, giving special attention to its contributions to outreach. Details of each are included in appropriate notebooks as referenced.
In the past decade, the organizational structure of extension, continuing education and extended studies, and distance/distributed learning has undergone a number of significant changes as illustrated by Figure 2-04, Organization of Extension, Continuing Education and Extended Studies, and Distance/Distributed Learning 1990; and Figure 2-05, Organization of Extension, Continuing Education and Extended Studies, and Distance/Distributed Learning, 1998.
As illustrated, prior to 1990, MSES was housed in and administered by the COA. In 1990, MSU created the Dean of Outreach and Extension position. This position was responsible for a variety of outreach and extension activities including extended studies and summer school. The position reported to the Vice Provost for Outreach and Extension. With the retirement of the Vice Provost and the departure of the Dean of Outreach and Extension, a number of responsibilities were reassigned to other positions. The responsibilities for continuing education, ES, and distance/distributed learning were assigned to the Director of the BTC and ES who reports to the Vice Provost for Outreach and Executive Director of Information Services. The academic budgeting and course scheduling portions of summer school were assigned to the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, and the MSES was assigned to a newly hired Dean of Extension.
The mission of the MSES is to serve as an educational resource dedicated to improving the lives of Montana's citizens by providing research-based knowledge to strengthen the social, economic, and environmental well-being of families, communities, and agricultural enterprises in the State of Montana. The MSES accomplishes its mission by developing and delivering education and information through an established system of county and reservation agents and campus specialists. MSU Extension agents and specialists provide the link between new technologies developed by land-grant universities and the application of these developments to the state's farmers, ranchers, families, youth, and communities. Agents and specialists also serve as liaisons between their stakeholders and USDA programs and other federal and state agencies.
Currently, the MSES has fifty-four (54) local offices serving fifty-six (56) counties and four (4) reservations. Extension programs offer non-credit educational assistance and training for farmers, ranchers, small businesses, manufacturers, governmental agencies, human service providers, families, and communities. MSES educational efforts focus on four (4) major areas: agriculture, 4-H and other youth programs, family and consumer science, and community development. Statewide, MSU Extension agents and specialists focus their educational resources in the following ways:
· Agriculture: 50%. Projects focus on such areas as water quality, farm and ranch management, crop and pest management, range and livestock management, and sustainable agriculture.
· 4-H and other youth programs: 26%. Currently, approximately 30,000 of Montana's youth are involved in the "hands on" learning experiences of programs such as 4-H.
· Family and consumer science: 16%. This focus includes projects such as Education Families to Achieve Independence in Montana (EDUFAIM) which is designed to provide limited resource families with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed for self-sufficient living such as nutrition and health, individual and family development, and financial management.
· Community development: 8%. Projects focus on areas such as tourism, economic and business development, leadership and organizational development, and community planning.
In addition to these areas, the MSES also participates the Fire Services Training School (FSTS) and the Montana Pollution Prevention Program (MPPP). The goal of the FSTS is to assist local governments in building capacity for protecting the safety of citizens, property, the tax base, and infrastructure from harm caused by unwanted fires, accidents, injuries, hazardous materials, and other emergencies.
[See Exhibit 2.134, Montana State Extension Service Notebook.]
As previously discussed, the reorganization of outreach and extension resulted in including responsibility for ES with the director of the BTC. Currently, ES and the BTC are self-supporting outreach entities which are managed by a director who reports to the Vice Provost for Outreach and Executive Director of Information Services. The decision to include ES under the director of the BTC was based in part on the logical connections between the outreach functions of ES and the new, state-of-the-art communications center that provides development and support services for faculty participating in distance/distributed learning.
Extended Studies
In keeping with the land-grant mission of MSU, the mission of ES is to extend and expand the educational resources of MSU to the citizens of Montana. The ES on- and off-campus instruction is in the form of courses, institutes, and conferences for individuals not regularly enrolled at MSU. Credit and non-credit courses are offered at various locations across the state. Increasingly, instruction is provided through the use of telecommunications technologies for distance learning, such as interactive video and telecomputing. ES course fees vary and are established on a per-course basis. ES is divided into following three (3) major program areas:
· Credit courses. All credit courses funded outside of the University academic budget are offered through ES, and credit courses are the only centralized outreach effort on the MSU campus. These courses are offered on
campuses throughout the state, as well as nationally and internationally via distance learning technologies. Credit courses offered through ES are subject to the same curriculum review processes as regular resident courses (see Figure 2-02, Review Process for Courses, Curricular Changes, Options, and Degree Programs). Faculty must be approved by the academic department. Participants must meet the same prerequisites and criteria as if the course were offered as part of the campus academic program. Credit courses are offered at the request of instructors, departments, participants, and/or are based on needs assessment conducted by ES or other professional associations. All costs for ES credit courses must be covered by fees, grants, contracts, or other outside sponsorship. Grades are reported by ES to the MSU Registrar who maintains all transcripts. No courses offered are measured by outcomes alone or other non-traditional means.
· Non-credit life-long learning and professional development. ES offers a wide variety of professional development and life-long learning programs and non-credit short courses. Non-credit programs are held throughout the state and are funded by fees, grants, contracts, and outside sponsorship. Professional development opportunities are offered in business, nursing, education, allied health, engineering, health and human development, arts and architecture, and letters and science. Instructors are MSU faculty, staff, and other qualified individuals. ES collaborates closely with MSU campus departments on non-credit offerings. In some cases, Continuing Education Units (CEU) are awarded for many of the professional development programs and CEU records are managed by the MSU Registrar. Certificates of Attendance are awarded by ES who also keeps records of all programs and participants. This division of ES also manages the Elderhostel program which is offered on a variety of topics at numerous sites around Bozeman. In all cases, CEU and non-credit offerings are reviewed by the appropriate departments and/or faculty to ensure that the instructor and content meet the relevant academic standards and that the offering is appropriate as an ES offering.
· Institutes and conferences. ES Institutes and Conferences organizes non-credit institutes and conferences that are offered throughout Montana. Institutes and conferences are offered in conjunction with various MSU colleges, in collaboration with statewide professional associations or state agencies, or developed by ES staff. Institutes and conferences are funded by fees, G&C, or outside sponsorship. Topics include pre-college programs and summer camps, small business support, K-12 education and education administration conferences, and professional development for a wide variety of disciplines.
ES maintains records on all courses and programs, including budget, credit approval, registrations, logistics, and evaluation. This information is provided to appropriate individuals such as instructors, department heads, sponsoring agencies, and planning committees following completion of the course or program. All offerings are in compliance with the applicable BOR policies governing ES credit [Exhibit 2.01, BOR Policy 304.1] and non-credit courses and programs [Exhibit 2.01, BOR Policy 304.2]. Fees, tuition, salaries, and program/course requirements are mandated by these policies. A summary of the number of participants in credit and non-credit courses is shown in Table 2-78, ES Credit and Non-Credit Course Participants.
AY 90-91 |
2024 |
782 |
2806 |
AY 91-92 |
1447 |
984 |
2431 |
AY 92-93 |
1817 |
2055 |
3872 |
AY 93-94 |
1939 |
865 |
2804 |
AY 94-95 |
2151 |
1919 |
4070 |
AY 95-96 |
2265 |
4283 |
6548 |
AY 96-97 |
1984 |
1596 |
3580 |
AY 97-98 |
2811 |
2177 |
4988 |
[Exhibit 2.135, Extended Studies Notebook.]
Burns Telecommunications Center
In 1993, MSU secured funding for a state-of-the-art telecommunications facility to explore next generation technologies, supporting both the outreach and education missions of MSU. The BTC opened its doors in the E/PS building in February 1997 and functions as a self-sustaining, multi-purpose, instructional communications facility. The BTC was named after U.S. Senator Conrad Burns, a national advocate for enhancing rural vitality using affordable telecommunications resources. As a self-supporting unit of MSU, the BTC was created by education, business, and industry leaders as a catalyst for change and a support center for the outreach mission of MSU.
The BTC serves multiple educational functions for MSU and the community and state. Such functions include, but are not limited to the following:
· Supporting and initiating projects and programs that benefit the teaching, service, and research mission of MSU. This function includes technical support for on and off-campus efforts, distance learning course and program support, training and professional development for utilizing new technologies, multi-media design and support, and development and marketing.
· Creating the climate for improved quality of life through the use of technology.
· Generating a supplemental funding source to support telecommunications initiatives.
· Building local, state, and national collaborations and alliances.
· Assisting in the development of collaborative fund-raising efforts.
Funding for both ES and the BTC comes from state appropriated dollars, G&C, program fees, and fees for services. Both entities are expected to generate a significant portion of their operating and personnel costs. In addition, the BTC is actively involved in a capital campaign to generate funds for equipment purchases, maintenance, and depreciation, as well as ongoing research and program development. Budget allocation and G&C activity data is included in Table 2-79, BTC Budget Allocations and Grants and Contracts.
Academic Year |
Budget Allocations |
Grants and Contracts Activity |
AY 90-91 |
$100,302.00 |
$61,734.00 |
AY 91-92 |
$83,711.00 |
$82,805.00 |
AY 92-93 |
$166,999.00 |
$79,893.00 |
AY 93-94 |
$109,249.00 |
$28,893.00 |
AY 94-95 |
$185,332.00 |
$129,651.00 |
AY 95-96 |
$218,272.00 |
$210,448.00 |
AY 96-97 |
$229,428.00 |
$255,451.00 |
AY 97-98 |
$233,913.00 |
$676,291.00 |
[See Exhibit 2.136, Burns Telecommunications Center Notebook.]
In keeping with its land-grant mission, MSU is in the pilot stages of developing distance courses and programs which best serve specific constituencies in the state. Development and delivery of distance/distributed learning at MSU has been focused primarily on specific markets which are best suited to distance delivered programs and courses. Currently, efforts have been focused on the delivery of the MSSE [Exhibit 2.137, MSSE] to Montana teachers who wish to engage in professional development without taking a leave of absence from their positions; M. of Nursing, and more recently, the delivery of undergraduate nursing courses to the MSU-Billings campus; and graduate courses in CE which are delivered on an "as needed" basis to professionals primarily in the DOT. [See Exhibit 2.138, Distance/Distributed Learning Course Inventory, for a complete inventory of courses and programs which utilize distance/distributed learning.]
Delivery of distance/distributed learning at MSU is accomplished by offering courses through individual departments or programs or through ES. Courses delivered through the specific academic units are subject to compliance with BOR policy [Exhibit 2.01, BOR Policy 303.7]; courses delivered through ES are also subject to BOR policy [Exhibit 2.01, BOR Policy 304.1]. Each policy is consistent with the standards set by NASC regarding delivery of continuing and distance education. Each of these policies clearly defines not only what courses are offered, but by whom and at what cost. The key requirements of each policy are discussed with attention given to ways in which MSU is addressing those standards.
Delivery of courses/programs are in compliance with the following:
· Programs and courses are consistent with approved campus mission statements. As discussed, MSU has focused on delivering programs/courses which provide specific external stakeholders with the opportunity to enhance their professional development. In the case of undergraduate nursing, delivery of these courses allows students to complete their first two (2) years at MSU-Billings and transfer to MSU for their clinical assignment. In the past students had to transfer to Bozeman, complete those four (4) undergraduate nursing courses, and then apply for their clinical assignment. Offering the courses at a distance has been particularly responsive to students. needs of completing their degrees without significant delays.
· Instructors responsible for credit courses meet the standards used by the institution for faculty appointment, including review and approval at the department level. Faculty assigned to distance/distributed education are generally resident tenure-track faculty who are evaluated on a regular basis through P&T and annual review processes (see Standard Four).
· Provision is made to maintain quality of the courses in situations where enrollments are greater than would normally occur in classroom-based courses. At this time, no distance/distributed learning courses enrollment exceeds that which is delivered in resident courses.
· The campus provides support services for faculty who are, or wish to become, involved in distributed learning by assisting them in course development and/or updating skills. Faculty may avail themselves of these services through the BTC for help in developing and providing the courses. In many cases, departments offer courses using their own resources.
· Students who wish to enroll in programs offered through distributed learning satisfy the same requirements for admission to the institution, program, and courses as would students enrolling in traditional on-campus programs and courses. Students enrolled in the distance/distributed learning programs have been admitted to MSU and are subject to the same admission criteria as resident students.
· Students who are enrolled in distributed learning courses are provided with academic and student support services appropriate to the program and comparable to those provided other students in like programs, including academic advising, library and computer services, and financial aid services. Bookstore and library services are available to students at a distance. The Libraries has implemented electronic Web-based access to its catalog, as well as a variety of information resources. Other information is available via Internet, including information databases that are available from commercial vendors. The Libraries and the ITC have recently implemented a proxy server to make those commercial information bases available to distant learners. Advising services are provided by academic departments or ES, depending upon the program of study.
· Students are assessed regular "in-load" registration fees for courses; distance delivery fees may be assessed to defray the actual cost of delivery at a distance and may not exceed $100 per credit.
· Delivery of courses/programs through ES requires basically the same standards with the exception of the following: numbers of student enrolled in continuing education programs is not submitted with the institution's regular enrollment data, and fees collected for continuing education are determined on a separate cost of education formula to ensure the courses are self-supporting.
During the AY 1998-99, MSU distance/distributed learning programs provided the following:
· Courses/programs served 1,830 students with 5,326 student credit hours (SCH) in thirty-four (34) courses
· Courses/programs accounted for 4,136 SCH of in-load and 1,190 SCH of out-of-load course work
· Courses/programs accounted for 4,697 SCH of interactive video instruction and 439 SCH of Internet-based instruction
Development of distance/distributed learning opportunities has been conservative; however, careful consideration has been given to examining potential market needs consistent with the instructional mission of MSU and the long-range financial plan for the delivery of distance/distributed learning [Appendix 1-C, Long Range Plan, 1994].
[See Exhibit 2.139, Distance/Distributed Learning Notebook.]
Effectiveness of the instructional program of MSU is best illustrated by the identification of the ways in which undergraduate and graduate instructional activities contribute to the fulfillment of the institution's mission; the development of systematic, institutionalized policies and procedures for assessing the quality of the instructional program; and the development of institutionalized policies and procedures for continuously improving the delivery of instruction which enhances the institution's ability to meet its mission.
A detailed analysis of the ways in which each academic unit contributes to the instructional mission has been provided in the previous sections. In summary, for each of the goals of the instructional mission, the institution has delivered quality instruction and activities which fulfill the instructional mission. For each goal, the institution has identified areas of concern and has developed strategies for improvement.
Emphasis on the centrality of the liberal arts and sciences to undergraduate education
The institution has fulfilled this goal through its general education core requirement which is an element of every undergraduate degree program. Under the stewardship of the university Core Curriculum Committee (CCC), the general education requirement is periodically reviewed. In the past decade, substantive improvements have been made in the availability of core courses, and strategies have been identified for assessing both the quality of core courses, as well as the overall value added by general education. Assessment of the core has included data from graduating seniors and alumni, teachers of the core, and, more recently, a survey of MSU faculty and a survey of current MSU students. The data has consistently supported the fact that students generally perceive that their education at MSU has been effective in preparing them for the professional world relative to the nine (9) goals of general education. Data has also demonstrated the need for improvement in several areas in addition to appreciation of fine arts. Faculty reported that they would like to see the number of credits in mathematics (30%) and writing (47%) increased. Current students reported less satisfaction with "appreciation of other cultures" than graduating seniors or alumni. The CCC is charged with examining these issues and developing strategies for improvement. The broader assessment of general education and the development of strategies for capturing mid-program data on student outcomes is being addressed by the Hewlett Core project.
Integration of instruction with research and creative activity
In keeping with its tri-part mission, the institution supports the teaching, research, and outreach activities of the faculty. Details of the roles and responsibilities of the faculty can be found in Standard Four. In regard to the integration of research and creative activity into the instructional program, the institution has actively promoted integration in both the graduate and undergraduate instructional programs. The integration is best illustrated by the development and growth of the USP; the sustained growth of the number of undergraduate students involved in some form of undergraduate research/creative activities as evidenced by the PQO audit of students enrolled in USP and departmental 489/490 courses; the expansion of departmental capstone courses to include a co-requisite 489/490 requirement; and the piloting of the sophomore level research/creative activity experience in the Hewlett Core project.
Promotion of interdisciplinary educational opportunities
The institution has supported a number of undergraduate and graduate activities which promote interdisciplinary learning. At the undergraduate level, the commitment to interdisciplinary opportunities is illustrated by the following: DIS program, interdisciplinary undergraduate degrees in areas such as Biotechnology, and the Hewlett Core project which includes the pedagogical "pairing" of core courses to maximize student's understanding of global issues and ideas from multiple perspectives. At the graduate level, students have a number of opportunities to participate in interdisciplinary degree programs such as health administration, land rehabilitation, and science education.
Development of critical and creative thinking, effective communication, and multicultural and global awareness
These are essential goals of both the university core and each degree program. As discussed in the assessment of each academic unit, faculty have identified strategies for assessing students. discipline-specific, problem-solving and communication skills in each degree program. At a minimum, every undergraduate student demonstrates her/his mastery of these skills in the departmental senior capstone course. The integration of multicultural and global awareness into the instructional program is further enhanced by the expanded opportunities for students to participate in NSE and/or the ISEP. With the global access afforded by the BTC, faculty are also infusing international and global experiences into the classroom. For example, students in the COB senior capstone course participate in a competitive business simulation game in which they not only compete with other teams in the course, but with student teams from the University of Galway and University of Ulster.
Increase in the quality of undergraduate education through smaller classes and active learning
Data from a variety of sources support student and faculty preference for smaller classes and active learning. The CCC survey of core courses confirmed that those courses viewed as most effective are either small or are comprised of a large lecture with a small supporting recitation or laboratory component. In the recent student survey of core courses, over 70% of the 1,455 students indicated that they learn better in core courses where enrollment is small.
The institutional commitment to smaller classes and active learning is illustrated by the expansion and support of the university freshman seminars; the departmental support of career courses, the reconfiguration and reduction of class sizes in ENGL 121 - College Writing I, and the reintroduction of small recitation sections for university core courses in areas such as history. The integration of active learning has been enhanced by the activities of the BSI (pp. 122-123).
Enhancement of the quality and availability of the advising processes
The institution supports the delivery of quality advising. The faculty-based model is supported by departmental professional advisors, by the GENS program, and by a variety of student resource services housed in student affairs. Data on the effectiveness of advising is periodically gathered from graduating seniors and alumni. Improvement in the quality of advising is illustrated by the submission and implementation of a department/college advising plan, and the submission of a University Advising Plan to the Provost for consideration and implementation.
Increase in the quality of education through greater access to information technologies
The integration of information technologies both into teaching and learning has been an on-going institutional commitment. The fulfillment of this goal has been greatly enhanced by student computer and equipment fees, the development of the MSU Libraries Web catalog system, and the development of dedicated smart. classrooms and facilities. Approved in 1983 by the BOR [Exhibit 2.140, BOR Item 940.23, Approval of Student Computer Fees; and Exhibit 2.141, BOR Item 940.26, Approval of Student Equipment Fees], students are assessed a computer fee and an equipment fee on a per credit basis. These fees are dedicated to the purchase and maintenance of information technology for the instructional program which directly benefit the students (computer fee), as well as supporting equipment, both electronic and otherwise (equipment fee). The funds are administered by the Computer Fee Allocation Committee (CFAC) and the Equipment Fee Allocation Committee (EFAC) in accordance with specific BOR criteria. Currently, the computer fee and equipment fee is $4.00 per credit and generates approximately $600,000 per year. These funds support student global labs, student Internet and e-mail access, and other college/departmental requests which meet the BOR criteria. The development of the MSU Libraries Web catalog system has greatly enhanced student and faculty access both on and off campus. Dedicated smart. classrooms and laboratories are available in the new E/PS building, as well as in other classroom facilities such as teaching computer labs across campus.
Expansion of off-campus access to the institution
Access to classes and educational resources throughout Montana has been expanded by increasing the use of telecommunications, by assuring that the focus of Extension and Outreach educational programs is on the critical needs of Montana, and by expanding the opportunities for place-bound, life-long learners to gain access to the information resources and services of the university. The development of distance/distributed education opportunities have been focused on several programs which are delivered to students with very specific needs.
As evidenced by the examples and details supplied in the academic sections, the institution has demonstrated that it has delivered a quality instructional program which fulfills its instructional mission. In order to sustain and continuously improve the instructional program, the institution must also have in place policies and procedures for assessing programs and student outcomes. As discussed in detail in previous sections, the institution supports a decentralized model of assessment which is comprised of the following components:
Assessment and Outcomes Committee
Serving in an advisory capacity to the Provost, the A&O Committee functions as a steward of the assessment process and activities. The committee consults with departments on assessment issues, serves as a clearinghouse for assessment information, posts and maintains the department assessment plans and summaries, and supports assessment activities which have promise for university-wide application.
The A&O Committee is chaired by the Campus Assessment Coordinator who is also the Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Affairs. The Campus Assessment Coordinator serves as an advisor to each department assessment representative for coordination of assessment plans, assessment summaries, and capstone courses.
Departmental assessment plan and assessment summary cycle
In concert with the biennial catalog review cycle, departments engage in a review of their programs. Each department has an Assessment Plan which identifies:
· Degree objectives
· Expected competencies including
· Discipline-specific knowledge
· Communication skills
· Problem-solving skills
· Student learning assessment
· Discipline-specific knowledge
· Communication skills
· Problem-solving skills
· Program assessment
· Feedback from current students
· Feedback from outside constituencies
· Evaluation of teaching
· Curriculum review
· Application
Each department also has an Assessment Summary which identifies:
· Assessment Activities
· Discipline-specific knowledge
· Communications skills
· Problem-solving skills
· Assessment results
· Discipline-specific knowledge
· Communications skills
· Problem-solving skills
· Program improvements
· University-level suggestions
· Department-level suggestions
· One (1)-year departmental commitment
· Five (5)-year departmental commitment
Senior capstone courses
Each degree program has a senior capstone course, where students integrate principles, theories, and methods learned in courses required throughout their major. They creatively analyze, synthesize, and evaluate learned knowledge in a capstone project which has a professional focus. They are ultimately required to communicate the results of the project effectively at a professional entry level by a method appropriate to their discipline.
MSU is committed to high standards of teaching and learning as evidenced by its commitment to sufficient human, physical, and financial resources to support the delivery of high quality undergraduate and graduate instruction. Of particular relevance to the delivery of the instructional program is the currency and qualifications of faculty and their commitment to teaching and scholarship, evidence of adequate facilities for delivery of instruction, evidence of adequate library and information resources supporting instruction and scholarship, and evidence of student outcomes and accomplishments.
In general, commitment to the instructional program is evidenced by the dedicated involvement of faculty in the entire continuum of teaching and learning, from freshman seminars and university core courses to undergraduate and graduate research. In addition, over 70% of the faculty responding to the recent Faculty Survey indicated they were prepared for their advising responsibilities. Issues related to the balance between teaching and research, work load and support for professional development, as well as details relevant to the currency and qualifications of the faculty, are addressed in Standard Four.
Generally, the adequacy of teaching facilities appears to be relative to the discipline. Lack of studio space for the fine and performing arts has resulted in increased departmental academic gates in an attempt to control enrollment. Laboratories for natural sciences courses are in need of renovation and updating. In contrast, state-of-the-art facilities and "smart classrooms" are available in some departments and colleges. Strategies for improvement and for addressing these disparities, as well as specific data on the adequacy of classroom and research facilities, are provided in Standard Eight.
Libraries and information resources
Integral to the institution's instructional and research mission is the access to adequate library and information resources. Delivery of this resource has been chronically problematic. The graduating senior and alumni have consistently reported dissatisfaction with library holdings. Over 50% of the faculty reported that library resources are inadequate to support undergraduate and graduate education, as well as their own scholarly needs. However, students and faculty both reported satisfaction with library staff and services. Strategies for improvement and for addressing these concerns, as well as specific data on the adequacy of library resources and staff, are provided in Standard Five.
Student outcomes and accomplishments
One (1) measure of the success of the instructional program at MSU is its record of student accomplishments. Such achievements are reflected in the students. success on national and state licensure exams, in the honors and scholarships won by MSU students, and in the students. commitment to service both at the university and in the community. Recent student accomplishments are summarized as follows:
· National and state exams. Graduates of the School of Architecture have annually demonstrated high pass rates on the ARE. Accounting option students. performance on the CPA exam has ranked MSU in the top ten (10) in overall pass rate percentages during the last decade and first in the nation twice during those years. Ninety-four percent (94%) of the 1997 undergraduate teacher candidates equaled or exceeded the standards established by the State of Montana for passing scores on all portions of the Pre-professional Skills Test (PPST) required for Montana teacher certification. Since 1982, all MSU students taking the National Registration Examination for Dietetics (NRED) have passed the exam; MSU applicants for dietetic internships have a 92% placement rate compared to the national average of 48%-52%. Engineering students have a pass rate of 95% on the Fundamentals of Engineering exam (FE) compared to a national average of 70%. Over the past five (5) years, an average of more than 95% of CON graduates have passed NCLEX-RN.
· Honors and scholarships. MSU students have been recognized nationally for their scholarship and service. With thirty-one (31) recipients, MSU is among the top five (5) universities in the country in the number of recipients of Goldwater Scholarships, American's premier science award established by Congress in 1986 to encourage young science talent. Twelve (12) students have been selected to the USA Today's All-USA Academic team, placing MSU among the top schools in the nation; four (4) students received honorable mentions. MSU is a leader in the nation for Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowships with fourteen (14) awards in fifteen (15) years. MSU is also among the leaders in the nation for the number of students receiving Truman Fellowships.
· Service. In keeping with its land-grant mission, MSU supports students in their commitment to service to the university, community, and nation. Service learning is an integral part of the freshman seminar program in Business and General Studies. In addition, students participate in a number of service projects in the community and nation through the Office of Community Involvement (OCI), donating literally thousands of hours a semester in service. Recently, the MSU chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD) received a prestigious Order of the Torch award and was cited for having an extraordinary commitment to service.
Figure 2-01 |
Summary of Degrees Granted |
Figure 2-02 |
Review Process for Courses, Curricular Changes, Options, and Degree Programs |
Figure 2-03 |
Curriculum Assessment Cycle |
Figure 2-04 |
Organization of Extension, Continuing Education and Extended Studies, and Distance/Distributed Learning, 1990 |
Figure 2-05 |
Organization of Extension, Continuing Education and Extended Studies, and Distance/Distributed Learning, 1998 |
Table 2-01 |
Major Changes in General Undergraduate University Requirements |
Table 2-02 |
Modifications to University Core over Last Decade |
Table 2-03 |
Changes in Admissions Criteria over Last Decade |
Table 2-04 |
Student Academic Indicators |
Table 2-05 |
Graduating Senior Perceptions of Effectiveness of University Core |
Table 2-06 |
Alumni Perceptions of Effectiveness of University Core |
Table 2-07 |
Graduating Senior Satisfaction With Availability of Core Courses |
Table 2-08 |
MSU Core Curriculum: 1988-1998 Exemptions |
Table 2-09 |
Graduating Senior Satisfaction with Quality of Core Courses |
Table 2-10 |
Graduating Senior Satisfaction with Advising |
Table 2-11 |
Alumni Satisfaction with Advising |
Table 2-12 |
College of Agriculture Undergraduate Education Changes |
Table 2-13 |
AGEC/ECON Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-14 |
ARNR Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-15 |
PSES Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-16 |
VTMB BiotechnologyFall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-17 |
Pre-Veterinary Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-18 |
AGED Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-19 |
AOT Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-20 |
College of Arts and Architecture Undergraduate Education Changes |
Table 2-21 |
ARCH Fall enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-22 |
ART Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-23 |
MTA Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-24 |
MUS Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-25 |
COB Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-26 |
College of Education, Health and Human Development Undergraduate Education Changes |
Table 2-27 |
ED Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-28 |
HHD Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-29 |
College of Engineering Undergraduate Education Changes |
Table 2-30 |
Summary of College of Engineering Degrees and Respective Accrediting Boards |
Table 2-31 |
CS 150 Enrollments Since Fall 1995 |
Table 2-32 |
COE Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-33 |
COE Professional Degree Programs Performance Standards |
Table 2-34 |
COE Technical Degree Programs Performance Standards |
Table 2-35 |
COE Capstone Courses: Professional Degree Programs |
Table 2-36 |
COE Capstone Courses: Technical Degree Programs |
Table 2-37 |
BIOL Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-38 |
Spring 1998 MCAT Scoring |
Table 2-39 |
CHEM/BCHM Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-40 |
ESCI Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-41 |
ENGL Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-42 |
HIST/PHIL Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-43 |
MATH Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-44 |
MB Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-45 |
ML Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-46 |
PHYS Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-47 |
POLS Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-48 |
PSY Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-49 |
SOC/ANTH Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-50 |
CON Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-51 |
GENS Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-52 |
CGS Graduate Program Admission Criteria |
Table 2-53 |
Graduate Program Standard Requirements |
Table 2-54 |
Changes in COA Graduate Education over Last Decade |
Table 2-55 |
M.S. Applied Economics Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-56 |
M.S. Agricultural Education Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-57 |
M.S. Animal Science and M.S. Range Science Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 998-99 |
Table 2-58 |
M.S. Entomology Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-59 |
M.S. and Ph.D. Plant Sciences Department Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-60 |
M.S. and Ph.D. Veterinary Molecular Biology Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-61 |
Changes in CAA Graduate Education over Last Decade |
Table 2-62 |
M. ARCH Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-63 |
MFA Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-64 |
Changes in COB Graduate Education over Last Decade |
Table 2-65 |
M.S. BE Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-66 |
MPAc Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-67 |
Changes in CEHHD Graduate Education over Last Decade |
Table 2-68 |
ED M.Ed, M.S., Teacher Certification, and Ed.D. Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-69 |
HHHD M.S. Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-70 |
Changes in COE Graduate Education over Last Decade |
Table 2-71 |
COE M.S. and Ph.D. Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-72 |
Changes in CLS Graduate Education over Last Decade |
Table 2-73 |
CLS M.A., M.P.A., M.S., and Ph.D. Fall Enrollments AY 1990 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-74 |
Changes in CON Graduate Education over Last Decade |
Table 2-75 |
M. Nursing Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-76 |
Interdisciplinary Degree Fall Enrollments AY 1990-91 Through AY 1998-99 |
Table 2-77 |
USP Student and Faculty Participation |
Table 2-78 |
ES Credit and Non-Credit Course Participants |
Table 2-79 |
BTC Budget Allocations and Grants and Contracts |
Appendix 2-A |
Summary of Changes in Degree Offerings |
Appendix 2-B |
Degrees Granted by College |
Appendix 2-C |
Ongoing Assessment Projects |
Appendix 2-D |
Fall Headcount Enrollment by Majorand Option |
Appendix 2-E |
Student Outcomes Assessment Matrix |
Appendix 2-F |
Academic Gates Inventory |
Exhibit 2.01 |
BOR Policies |
Exhibit 2.02 |
Registrar's Bridge List |
Exhibit 2.03 |
University Advising Plan | an.html |
Exhibit 2.04 |
Graduation Guarantee Programs |
Exhibit 2.05 |
Inventory by College of Courses Available for Challenge |
Exhibit 2.06 |
New Undergraduate Course Request |
Exhibit 2.07 |
Request for Offering 280/480 Special Topics |
Exhibit 2.08 |
Semester Courses |
Exhibit 2.09 |
Recommendation for a Core Course |
Exhibit 2.10 |
New Graduate Course Request Form |
Exhibit 2.11 |
Request for Offering 580 Special Topics |
Exhibit 2.12 |
Core Curriculum Committee |
Exhibit 2.13 |
Core Equivalency Review Committee |
Exhibit 2.14 |
Undergraduate Studies Committee |
Exhibit 2.15 |
Graduate Council |
Exhibit 2.16 |
Articulation Agreements |
Exhibit 2.17 |
Assessment and Outcomes Committee | |
Exhibit 2.18 |
Assessment Plans |
Exhibit 2.19 |
Assessment Summaries |
Exhibit 2.20 |
Capstone Courses |
Exhibit 2.21 |
Assessment Project Reports |
Exhibit 2.22 |
Core General and Specific Criteria |
Exhibit 2.23 |
General Education Core Curriculum 'Orange Document' |
Exhibit 2.24 |
General Education Core Curriculum 'Blue Document' |
Exhibit 2.25 |
Quarter to Semester Conversion Core Course Approval Form (1990) |
Exhibit 2.26 |
Inventory of Current Core Courses |
Exhibit 2.27 |
Report on the Core Curriculum Survey |
Exhibit 2.28 |
Core Curriculum Section from the Faculty Survey | |
Exhibit 2.29 |
Core Curriculum Student Opinion Survey |
Exhibit 2.30 |
Senior Surveys | y.pdf |
Exhibit 2.31 |
Alumni Surveys | ey.pdf |
Exhibit 2.32 |
Core Course Availability Spring and Fall 1998 |
Exhibit 2.33 |
Structure of Departmental Course Requirements |
Exhibit 2.34 |
Core Bridge List |
Exhibit 2.35 |
MUS Core |
Exhibit 2.36 |
Math Learning Disability Policy |
Exhibit 2.37 |
CERC Meeting Agenda and Minutes |
Exhibit 2.38 |
Reinventing the Core Proposal |
Exhibit 2.39 |
Advising for Undergraduate Majors |
Exhibit 2.40 |
College of Agriculture Notebook |
Exhibit 2.41 |
Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics Notebook |
Exhibit 2.42 |
Department of Animal and Range Sciences Notebook |
Exhibit 2.43 |
Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences Notebook |
Exhibit 2.44 |
Department of Entomology Notebook |
Exhibit 2.45 |
Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Sciences Notebook |
Exhibit 2.46 |
Department of Veterinary Molecular Biology Notebook |
Exhibit 2.47 |
College of Arts and Architecture Strategic Plan |
Exhibit 2.48 |
College of Arts and Architecture Notebook |
Exhibit 2.49 |
School of Architecture Notebook |
Exhibit 2.50 |
NAAB 1996 Architecture Program Report |
Exhibit 2.51 |
NAAB 1996 Architecture Program Report Appendices |
Exhibit 2.52 |
School of Art Notebook |
Exhibit 2.53 |
NASAD 1992 Accreditation Report |
Exhibit 2.54 |
Department of Media and Theatre Arts Notebook |
Exhibit 2.55 |
Department of Music Notebook |
Exhibit 2.56 |
NASM 1992 Accreditation Report |
Exhibit 2.57 |
College of Business Notebook |
Exhibit 2.58 |
AACSB 1997 Volume I Self-Study |
Exhibit 2.59 |
AACSB 1997 Volume II Appendices |
Exhibit 2.60 |
COB Learning Environment Preferences |
Exhibit 2.61 |
COB Alumni Survey |
Exhibit 2.62 |
January 1999 AACSB Interim Report |
Exhibit 2.63 |
College of Education, Health and Human Development Notebook |
Exhibit 2.64 |
Department of Education Notebook |
Exhibit 2.65 |
NCATE I.A. Conceptual Framework and I.B. General Studies |
Exhibit 2.66 |
NCATE I.C. Content Studies and I.D. Professional and Pedagogical Studies |
Exhibit 2.67 |
NCATE I.E. Integrative Studies |
Exhibit 2.68 |
NCATE I.F. Advanced Professional Studies |
Exhibit 2.69 |
NCATE I.G. Quality of Instruction |
Exhibit 2.70 |
NCATE I.H. Quality of Field Experience |
Exhibit 2.71 |
NCATE I.I. Professional Community |
Exhibit 2.72 |
NCATE II.A. Qualifications and II.B. Composition |
Exhibit 2.73 |
NCATE II.C. Monitoring and Assessing Progress |
Exhibit 2.74 |
NCATE II.D. Ensuring Competence |
Exhibit 2.75 |
NCATE III.A. Qualifications |
Exhibit 2.76 |
NCATE III.B. Composition and III.C. Professional Assignments |
Exhibit 2.77 |
NCATE III.D. Professional Development |
Exhibit 2.78 |
NCATE IV.A. Governance and Accountability |
Exhibit 2.79 |
NCATE IV.B. Resources for Teaching and Scholarship and IV.C. Resources for Operations |
Exhibit 2.80 |
NCATE Diversity |
Exhibit 2.81 |
NCATE International Activities |
Exhibit 2.82 |
Department of Health and Human Development Notebook |
Exhibit 2.83 |
BOR Item 92-2001-R0796, Exemption to 120 Credit Limit for Education Majors |
Exhibit 2.84 |
College of Engineering Notebook |
Exhibit 2.85 |
ABET 1997 Self-Study Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Programs, Volume I |
Exhibit 2.86 |
Department of Chemical Engineering Notebook |
Exhibit 2.87 |
Department of Civil Engineering Notebook |
Exhibit 2.88 |
Department of Computer Science Notebook |
Exhibit 2.89 |
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Notebook |
Exhibit 2.90 |
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Notebook |
Exhibit 2.91 |
ABET 1997 Self-Study Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Programs, Volume II, Chemical Engineering |
Exhibit 2.92 |
ABET 1997 Self-Study Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Programs, Volume II, Civil Engineering and Bio-Resources Engineering Option |
Exhibit 2.93 |
CSAC/CSAB 1998 Accreditation Report |
Exhibit 2.94 |
ABET 1997 Self-Study Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Programs, Volume II, Electrical Engineering |
Exhibit 2.95 |
ABET 1997 Self-Study Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Programs, Volume II, Mechanical Engineering |
Exhibit 2.96 |
ABET 1997 Self-Study Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Programs, Volume II, Industrial and Management Engineering |
Exhibit 2.97 |
EMPower: The Engineering Minority Program |
Exhibit 2.98 |
BOR Item 92-2007-R0996, Exemption to 120 Credit Limit for Engineering Majors |
Exhibit 2.99 |
College of Letters and Science Notebook |
Exhibit 2.100 |
Department of Biology Notebook |
Exhibit 2.101 |
Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry Notebook |
Exhibit 2.102 |
Department of Earth Sciences Notebook |
Exhibit 2.103 |
Department of English Notebook |
Exhibit 2.104 |
Department of History and Philosophy Notebook |
Exhibit 2.105 |
Department of Mathematical Sciences Notebook |
Exhibit 2.106 |
Department of Microbiology Notebook |
Exhibit 2.107 |
Department of Modern Languages Notebook |
Exhibit 2.108 |
Center for Native American Studies Notebook |
Exhibit 2.109 |
Department of Physics Notebook |
Exhibit 2.110 |
Department of Political Science Notebook |
Exhibit 2.111 |
Department of Psychology Notebook |
Exhibit 2.112 |
Department of Sociology and Anthropology Notebook |
Exhibit 2.113 |
Instructional Expenditures Per Student | tml#LS |
Exhibit 2.114 |
College of Nursing Notebook |
Exhibit 2.115 |
College of Nursing Self-Study |
Exhibit 2.116 |
College of Nursing Self-Study Appendices |
Exhibit 2.117 |
CON Master Evaluation Plan |
Exhibit 2.118 |
CON NLN Comprehensive Nursing Achievement Test |
Exhibit 2.119 |
CON Strategic Plan |
Exhibit 2.120 |
General Studies Notebook |
Exhibit 2.121 |
College of Graduate Studies Policy and Procedures Manual |
Exhibit 2.122 |
College of Graduate Studies Notebook |
Exhibit 2.123 |
ACE Language Institute Notebook |
Exhibit 2.124 |
Big Sky Institute Notebook |
Exhibit 2.125 |
International Programs Notebook |
Exhibit 2.126 |
KUSM-Montana Public Television Notebook |
Exhibit 2.127 |
Museum of the Rockies Notebook |
Exhibit 2.128 |
National Student Exchange Notebook |
Exhibit 2.129 |
Shakespeare in the Parks Notebook |
Exhibit 2.130 |
Undergraduate Scholars Program Notebook |
Exhibit 2.131 |
University Honors Program Notebook |
Exhibit 2.132 |
WWAMI Notebook |
Exhibit 2.133 |
Western Governor's University Notebook |
Exhibit 2.134 |
Montana State Extension Service Notebook |
Exhibit 2.135 |
Extended Studies Notebook |
Exhibit 2.136 |
Burns Telecommunications Center Notebook |
Exhibit 2.137 |
MSSE | shtml |
Exhibit 2.138 |
Distance/Distributed Learning Course Inventory |
Exhibit 2.139 |
Distance/Distributed Learning Notebook |
Exhibit 2.140 |
BOR Item 940.23, Approval of Student Computer Fees | |
Exhibit 2.141 |
BOR Item 940.26, Approval of Student Equipment Fees |
Return to Self Study Table of Contents.