Introduction to the Standards and Their Use in Self-Study
Format of the Standards. The accreditation standards are divided into nine areas, so numbered. Each standard is divided into lettered sections--e.g., Standard 3.A, 3.B, 3.C. The boldfaced section represents the general intent of the standard. This is followed by numbered sections--e.g., Standard 3.A.1, 3.A.2, 3.A.3--which give further definition to the standard.
Related accreditation policies follow several of the standards. These policies are considered part of the standard and are intended to provide further definition to the standard.
Following each standard and the related policies is a section which identifies supporting documentation for the standard. The purpose of the supporting documentation is to provide evidence of the manner in which each standard and its elements are met. The evidence is to provide greater meaning to the narrative and analysis of the self-study. The Commission has identified three kinds of documentation for use in the self-study as follows:
Required: documents or information to be included in the body of the self-study, provided in the appendices, or mailed with the self-study to the members of the evaluation committee and to the office of the Commission on Colleges;
Required Exhibits: documents or information to be summarized in the self-study, provided in the appendices, or made available in the room on campus provided for the evaluation committee;
Suggested: documents or information recommended to the institution for consideration in preparing the self-study. They should be made available in the room on campus provided for the evaluation committee as available and appropriate.
Self-Study, Supporting Documentation, and Accreditation Policies. In preparing the self-study, the institution is expected to demonstrate that it meets each standard, each element of the standard, and any applicable policy. The self-study document should be succinct, thoughtful, and analytical including an appraisal of the institution's strengths, weaknesses, and achievements relative to each standard.